Omar punked Marlo right in his face with the classic "These 4-5's beat a full house" line. Punked him out of his RING, in fact.
Out of all of those so-called stash steals he pulled from Avon, Omar made the biggest most successful pull from MARLO that was so big that Omar went into retirement and was chilling in the islands.
Marlo had to kill Butchie just for Omar to even return and still failed in achieving to get Omar. Omar, in Marlo's own words was on some "Spider-Man shyt".
You talk about kills, Omar killed Manny and Savino WHILE CRIPPLED. He even got Michael inspired to be just LIKE him by the end of the season
He poisoned Marlo's name so much in the streets that even Chris was ashamed to tell Marlo the truth.
In the end, Omar pretty much DESTROYED Marlo's legendary were still talking about the glory days when it was Avon vs. Omar thou.

[/QUOTE ] are you watching the same show as everyone else? I mean u made this whole story up about him getting punked at the card game when in reality , Omar didn't even know who he was at the time. Marlo was the only person who spoke up at the card game and told Omar he would see him. His legend was never touched since you not mentioning that Chris and Monk never told Him about Omar doing stuff in the streets. I mean since by this time Marlo ran the east and west side and controlled the connect. You said he pulled off the biggest robbery and he retired from it but don't mention that he robbed the entire shipment for the co-op not just Marlo but why let facts get in the way right? Omar died not mentioned at all in the papers just a dead body, while Marlo escaped a massive drug and murder charge with his money in the islands and the money he got from the rest of co-op intact. So who won? The living rich man or the dead street legend?