Baby Driver (Official Thread)

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO

Get worked by a WORK believing its a SHOOT brehs.:stingumad:

Lettuce not forget Jon Hamm turning into a horror villain near the end :troll:

His turn happened too fast... it needed to be fleshed out:lavarlaugh:

This dude tries way too hard.

I wasnt trying too Hard... that was Quality level DC stan style posting:steel:


Poetical Poltergeist

Precise and cold hearted
May 7, 2012
Mile in the Sky

Get worked by a WORK believing its a SHOOT brehs.:stingumad:

His turn happened too fast... it needed to be fleshed out:lavarlaugh:

I wasnt trying too Hard... that was Quality level DC stan style posting:steel:

You still trying. Those terrible smilies deserve a ban.

@hex What u think homie? :sas1:dude been way too comfortable, maybe teach him a little somethin somethin.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
You still trying. Those terrible smilies deserve a ban.

@hex What u think homie? :sas1:dude been way too comfortable, maybe teach him a little somethin somethin.

I have absolutely no problem with this but I have a question for you friend.

Do you have more a problem with ME personally or just this style of posting that isnt exclusive to me but really a parody of a few other cats in here and really a lot of cats in that SPIDERMAN thread?:ohhh:

Cuz if its just me.... then so be it.

But if its just everything in general, have you voiced this same opinion toward them and been as less as tolerant or do you just give them a pass?


Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Heres my thing and I'm gonna drop the gimmick for a bit.

Is the shyt stupid and terrible? Of course it is?

But why call one side out but ignore and give another side a pass.

Either be completely 100 with the stance or just fall back. But dont half step.

If cats wanna come at me (for doing shyt that really is a mockery, response, or reflection) for doing some of the same shyt other cats do.

Make sure yall equally come at the real cats that do this shyt on the regular.

Poetical Poltergeist

Precise and cold hearted
May 7, 2012
Mile in the Sky
I have absolutely no problem with this but I have a question for you friend.

Do you have more a problem with ME personally or just this style of posting that isnt exclusive to me but really a parody of a few other cats in here and really a lot of cats in that SPIDERMAN thread?:ohhh:

Cuz if its just me.... then so be it.

But if its just everything in general, have you voiced this same opinion toward them and been as less as tolerant or do you just give them a pass?

I usually don't give a fukk bruh but u doing too much. All up in every thread, all up on your stannery. Getting old bruh. :francis:

I don't hate no one here personally. Unless u a Trump supporter. :usure:


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Heres my thing and I'm gonna drop the gimmick for a bit.

Is the shyt stupid and terrible? Of course it is?

But why call one side out but ignore and give another side a pass.

Either be completely 100 with the stance or just fall back. But dont half step.

If cats wanna come at me (for doing shyt that really is a mockery, response, or reflection) for doing some of the same shyt other cats do.

Make sure yall equally come at the real cats that do this shyt on the regular.

Here's the thing homie...the gimmick is just getting old. We get it. You're passionate about what you're passionate about and that's great. We all are. You want cats to be called out for shyt okay cool but by trying to make a point its just becoming annoying as hell and you're not actually adding anything to an overall discussion, just getting on your troll shyt to the point where, speaking for myself, its hard to tell where the gimmick ends and where the real shyt is. You're too old for this shyt:russ: you're one of the oldest dudes on this board so you gotta be better than that. If someone like yo yo ma, who's clearly on some shyt anyway, does it, cats ignore him because he's annoying and brings nothing to the table in terms of discussion or perspective. Why would you want to mimic that? :francis:

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Here's the thing homie...the gimmick is just getting old. We get it. You're passionate about what you're passionate about and that's great. We all are. You want cats to be called out for shyt okay cool but by trying to make a point its just becoming annoying as hell and you're not actually adding anything to an overall discussion, just getting on your troll shyt to the point where, speaking for myself, its hard to tell where the gimmick ends and where the real shyt is. You're too old for this shyt:russ: you're one of the oldest dudes on this board so you gotta be better than that. If someone like yo yo ma, who's clearly on some shyt anyway, does it, cats ignore him because he's annoying and brings nothing to the table in terms of discussion or perspective. Why would you want to mimic that? :francis:

Cool..... now not being "annoying" and adding to the discussion quote and tell everything you just told me, to the racist and "your friend that you respect"

Because if you think what I'm doing is "getting old," how is it old when they been doing the same shyt longer and much worse?

Like in recent to entertain myself and pretty much expose some shyt that me and a few others have been noticing. I have started basically taking other guys post (these same post that maybe you and some others either ignore, dap, and cosign) and just repost it swapping out a word or 2. And then shocked when cats be like "annoying, terrible, trying too hard" But wait, its only trying too hard when cats think its MY words but when someone else says or does it its cool? Thats not keeping it 100

And ignoring to me is weak, why do I need to run from someone elses words? We already behind a screen?

Its not about passion man, its more about how the game is being played and just playing it the same way. I shouldnt be criticized for shyt other cats get a pass for and if I get criticized for something that's fair game, then cool but take that same stance against the next man.

Keep it 100 across the board or just say fukk it and let EVERYTHING fly.

But this half stepping shyt needs to stop.

Truth be told, I dont even get mad at, dare I say, the opposite stans taking diggs at shyt I'm (as you said) passionate about or me. I get more annoyed with the so call "mutual, no horse in the race, nobias (fake nonbias) cats" coming out the woodwork to selectively decide when they want to say some shyt and when they wont to turn a blind eye.

How many WW bash threads have I made? How many marginal, bullshyt fake overcelebrating Marvel threads have I made? Did I even make a thread to bash SS? Have I ever mass outlandish bash shyt?

Nicca, I havent did a quarter of the shyt that others have done this entire year. I recently was even tagged by the brehs to come in and jump bash someone recently (might have been your friend you respect) and I fell back from that.

So if you and maybe a few others are sick and tired of the little shyt that I occasionally I do, how they fukk yall think MANY OTHERS feel with all the big shyt they constantly do?


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Cool..... now not being "annoying" and adding to the discussion quote and tell everything you just told me, to the racist and "your friend that you respect"

Because if you think what I'm doing is "getting old," how is it old when they been doing the same shyt longer and much worse?

Like in recent to entertain myself and pretty much expose some shyt that me and a few others have been noticing. I have started basically taking other guys post (these same post that maybe you and some others either ignore, dap, and cosign) and just repost it swapping out a word or 2. And then shocked when cats be like "annoying, terrible, trying too hard" But wait, its only trying too hard when cats think its MY words but when someone else says or does it its cool? Thats not keeping it 100

And ignoring to me is weak, why do I need to run from someone elses words? We already behind a screen?

Its not about passion man, its more about how the game is being played and just playing it the same way. I shouldnt be criticized for shyt other cats get a pass for and if I get criticized for something that's fair game, then cool but take that same stance against the next man.

Keep it 100 across the board or just say fukk it and let EVERYTHING fly.

But this half stepping shyt needs to stop.

Truth be told, I dont even get mad at, dare I say, the opposite stans taking diggs at shyt I'm (as you said) passionate about or me. I get more annoyed with the so call "mutual, no horse in the race, nobias (fake nonbias) cats" coming out the woodwork to selectively decide when they want to say some shyt and when they wont to turn a blind eye.

How many WW bash threads have I made? How many marginal, bullshyt fake overcelebrating Marvel threads have I made? Did I even make a thread to bash SS? Have I ever mass outlandish bash shyt?

Nicca, I havent did a quarter of the shyt that others have done this entire year. I recently was even tagged by the brehs to come in and jump bash someone recently (might have been your friend you respect) and I fell back from that.

So if you and maybe a few others are sick and tired of the little shyt that I occasionally I do, how they fukk yall think MANY OTHERS feel with all the big shyt they constantly do?

So now you're getting into the crying game of "but they do it too why me?" Are you serious? You're too old for this shyt man. There's a reason cats ignore yo yo ma and anyone else. That reason is because no one gives a shyt about them or the posts they make lol. And you know that! It's annoying when you do it just like its annoying when they do it but cats here actually respect you which is what makes it worse. You used to actually have discussions and be able to contribute etc etc but you're also the same dude who goes out of his way to type "Martha" at the end of every post to troll or make a point or God knows what.

And again, take yourself off the cross and stop acting like its some conspiracy. People don't take trolls seriously. At least I know I don't. So like I said if you want to compare yourself to them and put yourself on their level, thats on you brother. Stop worrying about what the next man is doing and focus on you

Poetical Poltergeist

Precise and cold hearted
May 7, 2012
Mile in the Sky
Here's the thing homie...the gimmick is just getting old. We get it. You're passionate about what you're passionate about and that's great. We all are. You want cats to be called out for shyt okay cool but by trying to make a point its just becoming annoying as hell and you're not actually adding anything to an overall discussion, just getting on your troll shyt to the point where, speaking for myself, its hard to tell where the gimmick ends and where the real shyt is. You're too old for this shyt:russ: you're one of the oldest dudes on this board so you gotta be better than that. If someone like yo yo ma, who's clearly on some shyt anyway, does it, cats ignore him because he's annoying and brings nothing to the table in terms of discussion or perspective. Why would you want to mimic that? :francis:
Yo Yo Ma is grandfathered in. Literally. :francis: