I'm not understanding why you think that Cube was saying fukk tha police "just because".
I never said he said that in fact I went out of my way to say that WASN'T what he meant
I'll quote myself here :
His "fukk the police" stance was a little more nuanced than that.
I'd suggest you go back and listen to Cube's music as well as several
other artists from that era.
It wasn't necessarily "fukk the police just because" but more so "fukk police brutality","fukk Police Corruption" etc.
These were and still are very real things in lower income areas.
You seemed to be implying that he was saying "fukk the police" simply because he hated police officers
I refuted that by saying that there's more to "fukk the police" than that.
"fukk the police" is very similar to "Cop Killer", in that it's not just about "Killing cops" but about
meeting a violent oppressive force with violence.
I understand that Cube had valid reasons for saying fukk the police then just as we still have reasons to say fukk the police now. My point is that Cube has switched it up due to being accepted by whites.
Cube isn't worried about being accepted by "whites" as far as I know because he hasn't
gone out of his way to recant things he's said on record and when he writes his
movies they're largely about the "Black" experience.
Whether that's in a barbershop or on the streets of Los Angeles.
He isn't saying fukk the police now, he's playing cops in movies even though the situation regarding cops vs blacks hasn't changed and is only getting worse. Why isn't Cube sayin fukk the police now is the question.
What ?
Do you any proof that Ice Cube is complacent with police brutality ?
I find it hard to be believe that Ice Cube a man who fathered children with a black woman.
Openly associated with the Nation Of Islam and has as well as continues to write movies
with a largely black cast and has written many a song about being Black in
America would up and turn a blind eye to a very real situation which has yet
to dissipate.

da fuk this bytch tryna say about black men
The idiot is trying to imply that Black Men head for the hills whenever they
impregnate women.
I got a few black,hispanic and white women whose children have white fathers
that did the disappearing act that'd laugh in her face for implying that, that shyt
is a "Black thing".