@Medicate @MayQueen if you're going to try to expose hypocrisy at least do it right, geez. You all went for the low hanging fruit of the PAWG appreciation thread tagging folks willy nilly and some of them are non black or never post in TLR. Why didn't you go pull up the racist PAWG thread or the "Would You Smash the #Hollaback Girl" thread. These were in TLR and full of militant hypocrites.
And look at this little gem....
You're using the same "hate fukk" logic militant hypocrites use. The only reason you're doing this little crusade is because you were drinking the "A-Pac" Kool-Aid when I and a few others told you this was nothing more than a gimmick for buzz. "Bu bu bu bu but she's changed now." Get the fukk out of here. The shtick was so see through even Stevie Wonder would shake his head at it. Truly disgusting that the cac cum dumpster used tragedy for buzz.
I still think Azaelia is a sincere sister with her sentiments, she just is lost. Young and lost. @MayQueen and others pointed out the hypocrisy breh. Yall can''t back peddle from that. Its everywhere, and not just on this forum. IRL the hypocrisy shows greatly too. Pro Black folk still trying to have their cake and eat it too........
And you know damn well I'm always about sisters. The only other females you've seen me in threads about is latinas. IRL my girl is a Black woman, and thats all I've messed with in my life save a few latinas in my younger days. Don't try and play me breh like one of these hypocrites. Anybody with common sense and some damn eyes can see all the cac appreciation threads all on here, so when yall bang on black women, just be real about it and don't backpeddle when they show you a mirror. Its that simple, shyt ain't complicated....