C L O N E*0690//////

THANK U +rep2:05 is when she talks on it, seeing as OP wont timestamp it
:highjada:Pregnancy trasnforms some women and gives them a swollen face,even a broader or longer nose. We won't even talk about their vaginas,so you better love a woman before you put a baby in her. Otherwise there will be much pressure to leave,other than the fact men genetically are less attracted to women after seeding them up based on nature.
I really wish folks would stop going on mainstream media and putting all our business out there. Her attention whoring is not a good look, and makes black people look bad. Then it progresses to, "See, black people are the most racist".
And?There are more black people in ghana and nigeria than the entire diaspora combined and the issues they face and we do are different. This leadership responsibility fantasy only exists in your head.
she starting to looking like Hillary Clinton.
(No I don’t have a pregnant gf but still)