Ayesha Curry blames the Black Community for not embracing her while on the View


Mar 11, 2015
I could make the argument that given the colorism in the black community and specifically the reverence and preference given to light skinned ethnically ambiguous women, she is an anomaly. This is one of a few times i have heard a lightskinned biracial woman get shunned by the Black community usually it's the dark skinned women non ethnically ambiguous who get demeaned hit with degrading comments about their skin tone or not being as beautiful as their lightskinned counterparts.

Being biracial and mixed with (insert anything other than Black) is viewed favorably in the Black community thats why so many people especially women do it because it carries weight. Sad but true.

She wasn't saying she got shunned for her skin,she got shunned because black people were telling her she needs to choose a side. Obviously folks were feeling like she was playing both sides and trying to play peacemaker. Those people are often times c00ns or will come off that way,matter of fact 90% of the time if not more. I give foreigners a little more leeway because maybe its not as much race friction where they are from. But it seems like she still thinks she is right,and doesn't have much empathy for where black americans were coming from in our "racism" against whites,especially in the south where she was at:snoop:. irrc we had this same thing with Drake at some point.


Dec 8, 2015
And who should be speaking up about those issues and helping to bring change?Who has the most power to do that?Of course its in my head because AA's have refused to take up our responsibility.
No one is reasonably thinking you should bring up issues in nigeria and ghana. Rarely if ever do I see genuine community building activities just online virtue signaling.


Oct 17, 2015
You answered your own question by pulling an old quote. And it shouldnt be your trump card for arguments.

I was born and raised in DC and married to an "ADOS" from Georgia. I have watched the dynamics of colorism within my in laws especially when it comes WOMEN/GIRLS. My sister in law cut off my in laws (her parents) because they were always inquiring about her new born daughter's skin color and "worried" whether it was going to get darker.

To say that there isnt a rampant preference for light skinned women or "exotic" looking woman (translates into not purely Black) is disingenuous. No one has to be ADOS to notice that. So wnen Ayesha Curry goes on about not being embraced its weird because women like that get put on a pedestal in many Black social circles no matter how average they look.

Comments like "having good hair" or " pretty for a dark skinned girl" come from a certain place. It doesnt happen in a vacuum. To be oblivious to that is being disingenuous. Are there a few cases of the reverse yes but in the macro analysis of things im right.
I dont care if its deemed good or bad argument technique to you or not, you not being ADOS just lets me know who you are.
Your not telling the whole story. And you clearly don't know all of it or willingly leaving parts out. Because you would know Lightskins go through shyt to, as I said their obstacles might not measure or equal to the hardships DS goes through but it happens. The only shade of black people who arguably dont suffer through these ordeals are those of us like me who are Brown.

@bolded, I would take this somewhere else, but nah. Anyways are there some blacks like this? yes but so are there Blacks who prefer DS. It is what it is the issue comes in regards to channeling that energy into colorism. Which ok yes, that does tend to go against DS Blacks, but it also sometimes happens against LS Blacks

"Pretty for a dark girl" y'all nikkas will just accept any ole Bullshyt huh? alot of women who say this make this shyt up. You can even ask alot of these women name or describe someone who said it and they wont give you shyt:mjlol:


Dec 27, 2017
I dont care if its deemed good or bad argument technique to you or not, you not being ADOS just lets me know who you are.
Your not telling the whole story. And you clearly don't know all of it or willingly leaving parts out. Because you would know Lightskins go through shyt to, as I said their obstacles might not measure or equal to the hardships DS goes through but it happens. The only shade of black people who arguably dont suffer through these ordeals are those of us like me who are Brown.

@bolded, I would take this somewhere else, but nah. Anyways are there some blacks like this? yes but so are there Blacks who prefer DS. It is what it is the issue comes in regards to channeling that energy into colorism. Which ok yes, that does tend to go against DS Blacks, but it also sometimes happens against LS Blacks

"Pretty for a dark girl" y'all nikkas will just accept any ole Bullshyt huh? alot of women who say this make this shyt up. You can even ask alot of these women name or describe someone who said it and they wont give you shyt:mjlol:
You are so disingenuous!:hhh:

I can see right through you, :mjgrin:


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Le Grand Congo (Kin)
I dont care if its deemed good or bad argument technique to you or not, you not being ADOS just lets me know who you are.
Your not telling the whole story. And you clearly don't know all of it or willingly leaving parts out. Because you would know Lightskins go through shyt to, as I said their obstacles might not measure or equal to the hardships DS goes through but it happens. The only shade of black people who arguably dont suffer through these ordeals are those of us like me who are Brown.

@bolded, I would take this somewhere else, but nah. Anyways are there some blacks like this? yes but so are there Blacks who prefer DS. It is what it is the issue comes in regards to channeling that energy into colorism. Which ok yes, that does tend to go against DS Blacks, but it also sometimes happens against LS Blacks

"Pretty for a dark girl" y'all nikkas will just accept any ole Bullshyt huh? alot of women who say this make this shyt up. You can even ask alot of these women name or describe someone who said it and they wont give you shyt:mjlol:

Yea your argument is weak and no smilies and me not being ADOS is going to change that.

When you look at history of the States when people were encouraged to marry light in order to be light enough to "pass" therefore be afforded some privileges that come with lighter skin. There are ads of skin straightening and lightening products in Black newspapers (i.e Amsterdam news, Chicago Defender) throughout the 19th and 20th century associated being light skinned with being "ladylike" that's why the movements of rocking the afro and growing out in the 1970s is so revolutionary because it was seen as an antithesis to what had been going on for centuries and why it was a big deal. Malcolm X cites in his autobiography on why his father chose his mother as his wife and her extremely light had contributed to it. There is a plethora of examples including acceptance into fraternities and sororities in Black higher ed institutions predicated on skin color specifically how light you were.

Your arguments are ahistorical and maybe your experience as a lightskinned man or woman is just an anecdocte on the larger scale of history and how this legacy of eventual white supremacy into preference of light skinned people especially women in the Black community. History is history. This "you are not ADOS" argument therefore you should refrain from making starements about a phenomenon that are clearly backed by historical facts is weak.


Oct 17, 2015

Lol your saying a whole lot of shyt, that had nothing do with wtf I said.

I dont need a lecturing on history you non-comphrending mf. I am talking modern time and in regards to black community and black people's reaction to the colors.(which is what this thread is about, not about whites and their reaction and preference) All I said was LS blacks are given some BS to. I did not say they go through it more than DS let alone that DS have no issues to deal with because of colorism. Hell the only shade that I said avoids that type of stuff in Black community (being called names, being told your to dark, your not black enough etc) is people like me who are brown. And as I said we can still be caught up in some stuff(if your dark brown you can prolly be treated as a DS black, if your light brown an LS black treatment might be given)

my stance is not "ahistorical" its just some shyt you and other faux militants or whatever do not want to acknowledge. When there are LS blacks(tbf I will say some like what I said about DS women who scream "your pretty for a..." are BS) have told their stories of what happens to them. I have cousins who are LS and a mother who can tell you their experience.

and you saying you not being an ADOS doesnt play a factor. shyt, your proving it actually does.

*incoming your ass rambling on shyt I did not say, and twist what I did say*:lolbron: this might be my last post
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All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Le Grand Congo (Kin)
Lol your saying a whole lot of shyt, that had nothing do with wtf I said.

I dont need a lecturing on history you non-comphrending mf. I am talking modern time and in regards to black community and black people's reaction to the colors.(which is what this thread is about, not about whites and their reaction and preference) All I said was LS blacks are given some BS to. I did not say they go through it more than DS let alone that DS have no issues to deal with because of colorism. Hell the only shade that I said avoids that type of stuff in Black community (being called names, being told your to dark, your not black enough etc) is people like me who are brown. And as I said we can still be caught up in some stuff(if your dark brown you can prolly be treated as a DS black, if your light brown an LS black treatment might be given)

my stance is not "ahistorical" its just some shyt you and other faux militants or whatever do not want to acknowledge. When there are LS blacks(tbf I will say some like what I said about DS women who scream "your pretty for a..." are BS) have told their stories of what happens to them. I have cousins who are LS and a mother who can tell you their experience.

and you saying you not being an ADOS doesnt play a factor. shyt, your proving it actually does.

*incoming your ass rambling on shyt I did not say, and twistes what I did say*:lolbron: this might be last post

Nice post you are incapable of making arguments without namecalling especially if someone dosagrees with you. You are still wrong but have a good Sunday.


Oct 17, 2015
Nice post you are incapable of making arguments without namecalling especially if someone dosagrees with you. You are still wrong but have a good Sunday.
And you seem incapable of having good reading comprehension.

@bold no, you did not prove me wrong on anything. You were arguing against points I did not make in my post.


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Le Grand Congo (Kin)
And you seem incapable of having good reading comprehension.

@bold no, you did not prove me wrong on anything. You were arguing against points I did not make in my post.

You first response was to ask whether I was ADOS inferring that my response somehow hinged on that. You pulled out an old post to make sure.

And in your second rambling you said it had no bearing or immaterial. Why even ask the question in the first place if you think it wasn't that important.

You keep going on about your anecdotes about "lightskinned oppression" and i gave you historical and structural context on why i have that conclusion. All you have given me is stories which can or cannot be verifiable while i gave facts about the past (which you are quick to dismiss as if the past doesnt have bearing on the present) and no the fact that light skinned people have had privileges throughout history is not being "faux militant".

All you do is namecall use crude language and incapable to make a sound argument. I told the story about my in laws which was an anecdote and gave facts about how light skinned preference have been a fact of American and Black American history in America all you provided is personal anecdotes that can or cannot be verified.

My last response on this topic have a good Sunday.