Aye Free the boy LOUDaffair

May 1, 2012
show me these black men with phds that had to resort to sellin drugs :shaq2:

one minute you say fukk cacs, you dont need them. next minute you crying bout how they wont employ you. the money these nikkas scrap together from selling dimes, could be made the legal way.

i know plenty black men doing just fine off legal 9-5 jobs. but keep on thinking drugs is the only way out. that's why poor ass mexicans are crossing the border and taking over.

i'm sure you do. like always, nikkas on the coli live in duckberg, where nikkas have degrees and homes and just feast on the american pie in the sky. spare me. there are hundreds...thousands....of articles that substantiate everything i am saying. the game is rigged. but you know "plenty" of black men living fine off legal 9-5. i must be full of shyt. the black men filling our prisons are there because they broke the law, not because they're black. the fortune 500 companies with nary a single black manager wanted to hire black men for those positions, but they just couldn't find the right candidates. the drop out rate for blacks in high school must be because those kids didn't work hard enough, not because they're growing up in socially engineered environments meant to depress their will to learn and achieve success.



RIP Kobe, the best
Apr 30, 2012
Ayo free my nikka tho; yall nikkas crazy, this will be a good thread to look over in december, this long as a gotdamn novel !


Evil b*stard
Aug 12, 2012
Hell on Earth
someone is going to buy it. yall should listen to tm101. jeezy had it right. let's get it. yall are no different than that clown ass security guard that stepped to marlo, thinking it's one way.

You are a fukking retarded, excuse having fakkit.

I hope you don't have kids and are handing this nonsense down :merchant: That shyt is scary as fukk :merchant:


May 2, 2012
i'm sure you do. like always, nikkas on the coli live in duckberg, where nikkas have degrees and homes and just feast on the american pie in the sky. spare me. there are hundreds...thousands....of articles that substantiate everything i am saying. the game is rigged. but you know "plenty" of black men living fine off legal 9-5. i must be full of shyt. the black men filling our prisons are there because they broke the law, not because they're black. the fortune 500 companies with nary a single black manager wanted to hire black men for those positions, but they just couldn't find the right candidates. the drop out rate for blacks in high school must be because those kids didn't work hard enough, not because they're growing up in socially engineered environments meant to depress their will to learn and achieve success.


i live in south central, la :mjpls:

selling dimes aint supplementing any fortune 500 income, so why you keep bringing it up? and the drop out rate is so high because black males share your dumb ass mindset. "man, fukk school, white man wont hire me anyways. we need to sell drugs or rap to make it":bestcry:

nikkas like you are poison to the black community. type of nikka that'll be quick to rob from your own POOR black brethren, but wont set foot in a white neighborhood with that bullshyt


May 2, 2012
You are a fukking retarded, excuse having fakkit.

I hope you don't have kids and are handing this nonsense down :merchant: That shyt is scary as fukk :merchant:

if he had kids, he'd teach them to give up before they even started the race. nikkas like him were the ones sayin "man, these white folks never going to free us, so why even try" during slavery.


This my city
May 9, 2012
Lemongrass, cherries, alkaline water
see, my problem is those trying to pin the fault of that on US, black people. who is to blame for that? not the black man or woman. we're 2nd class citizens in this country. hell, i'd argue we're lower than that, because -- from birth -- we are designated undesirable and treated as such by the institutions upon which all americans -- black and white -- are supposed to depend. whites don't think about IF they're going to make it to college or get a job or be able to buy a home. that shyt is a given, unless you're borderline retarded. but as a black man? getting a decent job just to provide basic amenities like toilet paper and milk is a struggle simply because we are marginalized as a community.

All of what you said is fair. The question is what are we going to do about it. I'd love to hear what you think, and I dont mean that in a sarcastic manner, what are your aspirations for Black America and how can we get there, is it even possible to achieve in this country?

Also, I'm not naive to the conditions we face. But every problem facing our community is not someone else's fault. There has to be some personal accountability.


Sweet Thing.
Jul 24, 2012
This nikka has like 5 mug shots I've seen on here,
Bum ass nygga with no job selling drugs and robbing.

Nygga has two kids and is irresponsible as hell, and lol at his baby momma I hate him, once that nygga is released , he"ll be in that cooch same day impregnating her with anothe seed.


Then tell nikkas stop doing shyt to get them locked up.


She probably thought the nikka was faithful too.

I seen some chick on Instagram that I know constantly talking about her love for baby daddy, how her family means the world to her. The nikka got a neck tat :manny: and is locked up right now, this broad actually thinks this type of man is going to be in it for the long run :russ:
Damn, I don't even have to say a word.
May 1, 2012
i live in south central, la :mjpls:

selling dimes aint supplementing any fortune 500 income, so why you keep bringing it up? and the drop rate is so high because black males share your dumb ass mindset. "man, fukk school, white man wont hire me anyways. we need to sell drugs or rap to make it":bestcry:

nikkas like you are poison to the black community. type of nikka that'll be quick to rob from your own POOR black brethren, but wont set foot in a white neighborhood with that bullshyt

i already said in this thread that i don't condone robbing or killing, so miss me with that. i do not, however, cast stones against any black man that hustles drugs to rise up from under the heel of white supremacy. that's why i call loudaffair a political prisoner. that's why i say fukk the police. that's why i call a nikka like you a fukking c00n and imposter.


May 2, 2012
i already said in this thread that i don't condone robbing or killing, so miss me with that. i do not, however, cast stones against any black man that hustles drugs to rise up from under the heel of white supremacy. that's why i call loudaffair a political prisoner. that's why i say fukk the police. that's why i call a nikka like you a fukking c00n and imposter.

political prisoner? :heh: more like political pawn. he doin exactly what them white folks want. sellin poison to your own people, wasting money on jewelry, liquor, weed. ultimately ending up in the system, so they can make more money off him in there.

and the only c00n is nikkas like you who think that's our only route.
May 1, 2012
All of what you said is fair. The question is what are we going to do about it. I'd love to hear what you think, and I dont mean that in a sarcastic manner, what are your aspirations for Black America and how can we get there, is it even possible to achieve in this country?

Also, I'm not naive to the conditions we face. But every problem facing our community is not someone else's fault. There has to be some personal accountability.

i'm glad you asked me for my solutions rather than attacking me like some others have. i honestly don't know how to combat what we are up against. i'm 30 years old. i've seen the effects of white racism, and i know that this is an institution that is designed for the express purpose of limiting our advancement. yes, i was able to go to school and get a degree. yes, i'm presently working on my masters. but i'm under no delusion that my work will take me much further than i already am. i look in the eyes of white people, and i see how they despise me. i know these are the people who will decide if i work or if i starve. so, to respond to your question, what can we do about it?

- self education. i believe that reading is fundamental, to put it in a cliched framework. i read from both points of view. i educate myself on liberal, conservative, libertarian, anarchist, and other ideological points of view that drive the social and political engine of america. i think it's critical to know who we are dealing with, friend and foe.

- eating well. i try not to eat junk food/sweets/garbage. fruits, vegetables, and lots of water.

- surrounding myself with positive people who are similarly tuned into the horror of white supremacy and understand its ramifications in our community. i don't associate with c00ns.

- researching liberation movements of the past, from cuba to spain. understanding the births of those movements, and finding out how we can translate their success to our own burgeoning revolution.

- supporting obama. i know this may sound weird, but i believe obama's re-election (not his initial election) is the first shot of a revolutionary call to arms for black america. i support the man, and i think every black man and woman needs to come to his defense in the coming years as the attacks against him escalate.


May 2, 2012
:heh: all that and you didnt mention building more black businesses or supporting black business. it's really as simple as that. keeping money within the black population.

but we supposed to pretend like some drug dealing loser gives a shyt about that? he too busy poppin ciroc bottles. :mjpls:


This my city
May 9, 2012
Lemongrass, cherries, alkaline water
i'm glad you asked me for my solutions rather than attacking me like some others have. i honestly don't know how to combat what we are up against. i'm 30 years old. i've seen the effects of white racism, and i know that this is an institution that is designed for the express purpose of limiting our advancement. yes, i was able to go to school and get a degree. yes, i'm presently working on my masters. but i'm under no delusion that my work will take me much further than i already am. i look in the eyes of white people, and i see how they despise me. i know these are the people who will decide if i work or if i starve. so, to respond to your question, what can we do about it?

- self education. i believe that reading is fundamental, to put it in a cliched framework. i read from both points of view. i educate myself on liberal, conservative, libertarian, anarchist, and other ideological points of view that drive the social and political engine of america. i think it's critical to know who we are dealing with, friend and foe.

- eating well. i try not to eat junk food/sweets/garbage. fruits, vegetables, and lots of water.

- surrounding myself with positive people who are similarly tuned into the horror of white supremacy and understand its ramifications in our community. i don't associate with c00ns.

- researching liberation movements of the past, from cuba to spain. understanding the births of those movements, and finding out how we can translate their success to our own burgeoning revolution.

- supporting obama. i know this may sound weird, but i believe obama's re-election (not his initial election) is the first shot of a revolutionary call to arms for black america. i support the man, and i think every black man and woman needs to come to his defense in the coming years as the attacks against him escalate.

All good points, let me get your opinion on something you didnt address, The structure of the Black family. In a sense I was lucky, I grew up with both parents, pops taught me life lessons and I was better off than alot of people I know who didnt have their father around, or any male role model for that matter. I'm not saying everyone who grows up in broken homes is doomed because there always some that fall through the cracks, but alot of our young people are not even giving their babies a chance. And what my fear is that this is a cycle that is too far advanced to break. Already you and I, and any other poster on this site with a pulse on these issues is a minority, because everybody is not seeing thru this same lens. Some people dont even recognize the problem, thats why I said walking dead.