Aye Free the boy LOUDaffair

May 1, 2012
:snoop: and this is why folks end up in the situations that they're in. am i supposed to feel sorry for someone that knows that they can get locked up messing around with that shyt. worst off, dude didn't learn from the first time. apparently, he doesn't mind being in police custody. it's the police's job to basically get people that break the law. you get it how you live it.

if you have a problem with it, then stay away from that shyt. get involved with something else. don't cry foul about the police doing their job. it's NOT like it's racial profiling or being harassed for being black. that's a whole different story than running around dealing, selling to a dt, and getting busted. dude just needs to stop selling drugs. it's not for him.

of course these drug dealers doing time are political prisoners. look at the unemployment rate for black MEN. you think that's because it's a recession? no, it's because these companies -- all manned by cacs -- are NOT hiring us. what else is a nikka supposed to do? serve coke/crack/whatever. that's reality. fukk the police. their job is to make sure black men aren't eating. didn't you listen to krs-one? you're the one who has it twisted. i'm not with the robbing and killing, but drug dealing? i'm all for that. and you can't tell me that we (black MEN) aren't at war with these pigs.

show me where the jobs are for our people. tell me that, and maybe i'll listen to what you're saying. until then...:childplease:


Jun 11, 2012
of course these drug dealers doing time are political prisoners. look at the unemployment rate for black MEN. you think that's because it's a recession? no, it's because these companies -- all manned by cacs -- are NOT hiring us. what else is a nikka supposed to do? serve coke/crack/whatever. that's reality. fukk the police. their job is to make sure black men aren't eating. didn't you listen to krs-one? you're the one who has it twisted. i'm not with the robbing and killing, but drug dealing? i'm all for that. and you can't tell me that we (black MEN) aren't at war with these pigs.

show me where the jobs are for our people. tell me that, and maybe i'll listen to what you're saying. until then...:childplease:

:mindblown: are you an alias or one of these st0rmfr0nt members trying to be funny?

this can't be a real person.

so let me get this straight. it's white people's fault for the bad choices that black people make.

it's NOT white people's responsibility to take care of your ass. it's not black people's responsibility. it's nobodies responsibility except yourself. do whatever you do BUT if your ass does something that you know can get you locked up, you gotta take responsibility for that choice. quit talking out your ass. it's funny how you're dissing white people BUT yet you're literally saying that it's white people's responsibility to take care of black people as if black people are retarded and need assistance. :lolbron: are you serious?

i'm tired of hearing dumbfukks like you ruining it for us then you have ignorant people running around thinking that black men are stupid where they need to be civilized and all this ying yang shyt. you must be an alias. there's plenty of people that are NOT eating out here. there's plenty of people that are struggling to make ends meet where they're working jobs that they don't want to work. at the end of the day, they're not giving the police work to do. hell, even if you CHOSE to get involved with that risky business regardless of who you are and where you come from or your situation, at least, try to do something where you can eventually get yourself out of that shyt where that isn't your only way to make money. this jackass got busted 5 times for selling drugs. :laff: bad enough if you get caught once.
May 1, 2012
:mindblown: are you an alias or one of these st0rmfr0nt members trying to be funny?

this can't be a real person.

so let me get this straight. it's white people's fault for the bad choices that black people make.

it's NOT white people's responsibility to take care of your ass. it's nobodies responsibility except yourself. do whatever you do BUT if your ass does something that you know can get you locked up, you gotta take responsibility for that. quit talking out your ass. it's funny how you're dissing white people BUT yet you're literally saying that it's white people's responsibility to take care of black people. :lolbron: are you serious?

i'm tired of hearing dumbfukks like you ruining it for us then you have ignorant people running around thinking that black men are stupid where they need to be civilized and all this ying yang shyt. you must be an alias.

who said it's white people's responsibility to take care of us? it IS white people, who presently preside over this system in which we live, that need to give us a fair shake. if you're telling me that rampant hiring discrimination against black men isn't a problem, you're a fukking liar. what else are we supposed to do? flip burgers? fukkouttahere with that bullshyt. it is our responsibility to not get caught and serve those drugs with discretion. but you can't tell me that these black men serving time for drug dealing aren't prisoners of a system that's rigged against them.

you're the one who sounds like a white boy. not me.


Jun 11, 2012
who said it's white people's responsibility to take care of us? it IS white people, who presently preside over this system in which we live, that need to give us a fair shake. if you're telling me that rampant hiring discrimination against black men isn't a problem, you're a fukking liar. what else are we supposed to do? flip burgers? fukkouttahere with that bullshyt. it is our responsibility to not get caught and serve those drugs with discretion. but you can't tell me that these black men serving time for drug dealing aren't prisoners of a system that's rigged against them.

you're the one who sounds like a white boy. not me.

of course these drug dealers doing time are political prisoners. look at the unemployment rate for black MEN. you think that's because it's a recession? no, it's because these companies -- all manned by cacs -- are NOT hiring us. what else is a nikka supposed to do? serve coke/crack/whatever. that's reality. fukk the police. their job is to make sure black men aren't eating. didn't you listen to krs-one? you're the one who has it twisted. i'm not with the robbing and killing, but drug dealing? i'm all for that. and you can't tell me that we (black MEN) aren't at war with these pigs.

show me where the jobs are for our people. tell me that, and maybe i'll listen to what you're saying. until then...:childplease:

and i rest my case.

can we seriously do an ip check to see if this guy is NOT an alias? i seriously think we have some st0rmfr0nt and misc members trolling us.


May 2, 2012
of course these drug dealers doing time are political prisoners. look at the unemployment rate for black MEN. you think that's because it's a recession? no, it's because these companies -- all manned by cacs -- are NOT hiring us. what else is a nikka supposed to do? serve coke/crack/whatever. that's reality. fukk the police. their job is to make sure black men aren't eating. didn't you listen to krs-one? you're the one who has it twisted. i'm not with the robbing and killing, but drug dealing? i'm all for that. and you can't tell me that we (black MEN) aren't at war with these pigs.

show me where the jobs are for our people. tell me that, and maybe i'll listen to what you're saying. until then...:childplease:

:wow:we're doomed
May 1, 2012
and i rest my case.


what case? you're sitting there denying the fact that hiring discrimination against black men is pervasive, ignoring the high unemployment rate of blacks compared to even their latino counterparts. give me a fukking break, already. i'm not seeking to absolve anyone of any guilt upon incarceration. it's their responsibility to not get caught. but do i fault them for selling drugs in the first place? certainly not, when looking at how difficult it is for black men to get a decent education and gainful employment that enables them to provide for themselves and their families.

you live in a fukking fantasy.