We’ve still got CableThanos has the best lines. It's almost a shame Brolin is only Thanos for two movies.

We’ve still got CableThanos has the best lines. It's almost a shame Brolin is only Thanos for two movies.
I can’t help but wish Cap went the way of Tony. I just can’t stand IM, and wish he wasnt given the most honorable of the deaths. It would have been crazy if there were like 4 or 5 different endings, you know they shot enough extra footage to do it. Market it as what really happens when you fukk with time travel, and never reveal which ending was the “real ending”. Like 5 different endings and just pick at random which copy to send. That would have insured that it was the most successful movie of all time.
i don't think some people paid attention.The Pym Particle problem was completing the mission and returning home.
Nebula used the time machine to let Thanos and his crew come to Earth. They had no intention of returning to their time line.
Thanos and his Army time traveled because Nebula from years ago switched places and used the time machine.If Hulks snap only brought back those killed by Thanos' snap, then how was Ebony Maw brought back if he was killed before the snap in Infinity War??
Thanos in this film, was closer to the actual comic Thanos than Infinity War.
There was no benevolence. No preservation. No tearful speeches to adoptees. This nikka literally watched his own death & went to war to ensure that his path was even more brutal and complete than before.
He wanted to save half of all life in Infinity War.
He wanted to tear the very atoms of the Universe apart and remake it in his image for his own good in Endgame.
THAT'S Thanos & he mopped the Avengers for 99% of his time without the Gauntlet. :MJ100_:
It’s even better the second time around brehs
I knew exactly how it was gonna end and I was shaking like Dr. Strange when he put that index finger up
Endgame is now my favorite MCU movie. If Infinity War was the little joker, Endgame was the big joker. Nothing will top Endgame’s third act to me. Nothing
What if Capt and Titty Carter had a childwould that child be born with the super soldier serum in his or her system?
Thanos and his Army time traveled because Nebula from years ago switched places and used the time machine.