I'm watching it this weekend for the second time.... but at first watch.. shyt was campy as fukk. just gonna invent a time machine in a night huh... damn near whole movie over before we get a real battle/fight with superheros... lame ass jokes... hey dad/ex girl/mom, lets rehash everything before we predictably do our send off... hey lets make two robots share memories from planets away cause we can't think of a way for thanos to find out.. lets act like anyone cares about black widow... or hawkeye for that matter... the fukk was the hulk doing all movie.. hey lets revisit old shyt and name drop back to the future before stealing their entire plot... hey remember all those characters you didn't give a shyt about, well here they are
jesus this was bad... maybe I was just tired. Definitely like the first one better.. definitely not a top 5 marvel movie... not looking optimistic for anything they got lined up for the future
I'm highly upset I wasted 3 hours up in there... And gotta spend another 3 taking my son.. Who is not gonna sit still watching this weak shyt... I mean the third act was about it... once they got back to present time, that's about all the movie I cared for