I liked the movie overall a few points:
- for the first time ever in my opinion marvel movie took a really long time to establish the story as it was always something that i was bytching about with these. Saying that the movie was overall way too long and easily couldve cut out about 30 mins or so.
- I have an issue with the tone of the movie as at the beginning we have a lot of brooding faces all being serious(which i didnt mind as usually i like serious movies) THEN marvel does the usual bullshyt and starts stupid one liners for the popcorn crowd... alot of that sad stuff is clearly forced but all in all they done it right (for the most part).
-Infinity was better in my opinion and I hated that they nerfed Thanos and overall he wasnt as menacing as in the previous movie not counting his murder(oh btw since when the avengers are straight up goons that go and murder folks without warning ?thor im looking at you).
-I gotta say Thor being Dude from Big Lebowski killed me

probably the best character in this.
-Cap was cool and it was a good sendoff also they gave him the hammer and that boy wrecked thanos (again thanos getting bytched out in this movie)
-Hulk being the scientist was cool but he didnt show nothing other than the funny dialogue.(CGI on him was crazy tho)
-Stark had to go and it was predictable that hes gonna go with that plot with his family and all.he deserved to be finally done with these movies age is showing hes done more for marvel franchise than any other avenger.
-hawkeye and widow bland and that death is such a shytty attempt for people to care(other than that beautiful shot of that planet and hawkeye in that lake with the stone)
-Captain MArvel was useless
-rocket was cool but u can tell how much he missed the interactions with other guardians as they complement each other characters(hes good but hes alot better with guardians)
-last battle was EPIC but cmon why the black order was so underused again.by saying that the assemble moment was
-Antman getting a big push i see they gotta create new frontrunners hes alright but nothing more than that he doesnt stand out.
All in all i enjoyed it like i said its not topping Infinity War but it was a nice surprise with the story buildup maybe abit more action would be better.
NOT looking forward whats gonna happen next.(end of an era)