Some thoughts on the movie...
* The first act was a little slow, but it was interesting to see the team rebuild. Ant-man was highkey one of the MVP's of the movie and he absolutely killed the role. Paul Rudd knew exactly when to play things seriously and when to be funny. I liked his character a lot.
* I was shocked to see Thor so

in this movie. Dude was pure Larry Holmes, but he had jokes

I kind of get why they nerfed him though, because prime Thor would have ended the movie an hour too early.
* Nebula was tight. Seeing how far she's come as a character from when we first met her had me feeling a certain type of way
* Everyone in the the theater went crazy when Cap got the Mjiolnir at the end

Probably one of the hypest moments I've ever had in the cinema.
* I was shocked that Black Widow died, especially after hearing so many rumors about a solo movie. That took guts to kill her off.
* Hawkeye's haircut in this movie was

to me. I couldn't take him seriously half the time. I like Hawkeye though.
* That final battle was a thing of beauty. When the Scarlet Witch was giving Thanos that work
* Tony Stark

Truly the end of an era right there...
* I liked how Cap's character arc ended. He finally settled down and got to live his life in the end
* They didn't make Capain Marvel too much of a spotlight stealing squad, which I found surprising. When she went toe to toe with Thanos
Some of my nitpicks...
* I wish Adam Warlock could have been there. I get that they couldn't use Doom or Silver Surfer because of rights issues, but Warlock was a major player in the OG Infinity Gauntlet saga in the comics. Dr. Strange was also a little underused. That's my G right there
* Why is Peter Parker still in high school after things get restored? I thought five years had passed.
* (This one is pure nitpicking territory) I thought it would have made more sense for Rhodey to take over as Iron Man (like he did in the OG comics), and for Bucky to become the new Captain America (since that would have been a more fitting end to his redemption arc). I gotta respect Anthony Mackie for his comeup though.
* The girl power scene was super cheesy to me, to be honest

Wasn't the end of the world though.
Overall, it was a dope movie, and I really enjoyed it a lot. I'm just wondering where the MCU will go from here. Feige said no X-men for the next 5 years, but I don't think Brie Larson has that Chris Evans/RDJ-level charisma to carry the company for that long, to be honest. I like the F4, but they'd probably be better off as a Disney+ series or as supporting characters exclusively (like Hulk) since their film presence is pretty radioactive at this point.