All Star
I didn't notice it right away but it looks like CM absorbed energy from the stones right before Thanos punched her and hit a wall?
I definitely felt a lot of men's eyes rolling after that sceneit ain't about hating women its just a jarring wide action shot to force in. its only a 90 second thing so its nothing to kill a movie over though
Sam ain’t innocentI see alot of people complaining about Sam getting Cap's shield in the end. Listen, Bucky is not the same as Cap or even Sam. He's been corrupted. Not saying he will do it, but Sam seems like he's worthy of wielding Mjolner, I can't see Bucky doing it. He's used to the QB, life of the party, girls all want him life. That's why when Peggy rebuked him in Cap 1, he was thrown off. He was used to being the Alpha. Cap and Sam are selfless and would give everything for the mission and team without hesitation. Sam has the same innocence that Cap had, just in a modern world.
Nah, the ice is what halted his aging, not the serum.
So why hasn’t Bucky aged?
So why hasn’t Bucky aged?
and i thought captain america doesn't age like a normal person...why his ass so old?
e even gets grey hair after five years in this movieIt was never said that Captain America doesn't age. He just didn't age while he was frozen.