Scottie Drippin
Should Never Mention Me
1) These movies were written, filmed, and almost entirely completed at the same time BP was being filmed.To be honest I feel like despite BP being such a huge hit, Marvel will still push Spider-Man, Strange and Cap Marvel as their leading heroes. They are trying to put BP on that Starlord tier. Even in this movie they gave BP 1 minute of screen time just to say they did so.
If you want to know how Disney feels about BP just remember he had his own run of Infinity War ads after BP came out.
That's the only thing they have done since BP dropped and it was putting him front and center.
2) Infinity War was all about the new characters. We knew for a year that this movie was all about the old ones. None of the new characters got a lot of shine in this film, because they all did in the first. Not even the dreaded Carol who was alive for this entire movie got a lot of screen time. Only Ant-Man who has been around for years and wasn't in IW at all got a lot of time in this one.
BP/Spidey/CM will be the Tony/Cap/Thor of the universe going forward, probably straight down to them occupying similar roles of provider of resources/heart of the team/cosmic heavy hitter.
The real work will be creating friction within the tean that kept the inter team dynamics interesting before. Only thing I can see shaking BP is some situation where he had to choose between Wakanda and the Avengers creating a rift between he and the rest.
If they really can figure out Namors rights the Atlantis v Wakanda fight to introduce him and then Namor as an Avenger after could create a real different dynamic there.
Couple that with CM's arrogance and Spidey growing as a man and there's some movement there