The story of The Winter Soldier has zero to do with what I'm talking about. It's about how it's shown on the film. You actually saw the kills in The Winter Soldier clear as day and it wasn't done cartoonishly. People were visibly getting killed, by guns, bullets and grenades. The Winter Soldier walks up to an area and starts firing off grenades with people clearly being killed
Ultron's kills weren't even on screen
They could have toned down and limited The Winters Soldier to just killing Nick Fury which was a fake death anyway and fighting Captain America only along with just saying that he was an assassin with no actual kills being seen in the movie. Thus protecting the character seeing how he'll eventually be a hero down the line. That would be "Family Friendly". Instead they actually showed you him gunning people down, ruthlessly killing and blowing things up. If they did that with that character why would they neuter Thanos who's a flat out villain and not going to be redeemed?
Ultron doesn't do anything close to this in the movie in regards to killing