Atlanta Police Shoot DUI Suspect at Wendys. Cop Charged, Others Walk Off the Job


Aug 30, 2013
He failed the breathalyzer test but the field sobriety test that he was given, he was passing them. If he failed them, show me where that was stated and I'll stand corrected

Nobody saying they should have let him drive, hell no one is sayinylg the cops are in the wrong for arresting him (at least I'm not), but shooting him.....can't justify it

Watch these videos and watch the video of breh.

He didn't follow directions in the first test and wasn't going in a straight line and was swaying in the one leg test.

starts at 15 minute mark.
All this shyt doesn't matter in the end because he failed the breathlyzer.

Also doesn't it look like the other cop was barely paying attention. Thinking about what he is going to eat for dinner. He is the one that probably fukked up and got his tazer taken from him.


Apr 30, 2012
Jacksonville, FL

Watch these videos and watch the video of breh.

He didn't follow directions in the first test and wasn't going in a straight line and was swaying in the one leg test.

starts at 15 minute mark.
All this shyt doesn't matter in the end because he failed the breathlyzer.

Also doesn't it look like the other cop was barely paying attention. Thinking about what he is going to eat for dinner. He is the one that probably fukked up and got his tazer taken from him.

And when he failed that, i mentioed he should of been booked. And i stand corrected on the other part. I was referring to them actually telling bruh he failed


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
What seems to not be computing for a few of y'all is that even if a someone is in the wrong, that doesn’t mean they deserve death.

Yes, it was a terrible look to fight a cop. But does that mean he deserved to die with a bullet in his back when the situation never escalated to the point where it warranted that response? Or that he should've been denied due process?
my goal is keeping black men alive.

Let me know if you're interested.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Since when are police handguns yellow? That's clearly a taser dumbass.

There's models that shoot more than once, a fact you could've found out within seconds of google.

Here's a better quality video than that bullshyt android footage you're latching onto:

Dirty Glove b*stard on Instagram: “The police officer who fired the fatal shots has been fired. #JusticeForRayshardBrooks”

Yet something else you could've easily found within seconds of google.

So once again, why are you spamming blatant misinformation?
my goal is keeping black men alive.

Let me know if you're interested.


Make your own luck.
Jun 16, 2012
Given the current climate it's understandable why emotions are high and this thread has gotten so many pages.

However, we know as black men (and women for that matter) the do's and don'ts of interacting with police. Fighting police physically will never end well; at best you will get arrested for assaulting a police officer and at worst they can kill you.

This is not to justify what happened in this situation. Police should only resort to deadly force as a last option, but the optics of this don't look good. He took a weapon from them and was turning around to attempt to use it. Police have killed black men FOR LESS and have gotten away with it.

There are reasons to fight the police, but getting lawfully arrested for a DUI is not one of them.

HOWEVER, this is not to excuse the actions of the pigs. They didn't have to detain him let alone kill him. Some more reasonable cops could have allowed him to park his car, leave it there overnight and take a taxi home as he was not endangering anyone by simply being parked there.

R.I.P to the breh.

Breh, all love, but I'ma keep it simple for you. All the shyt I bolded? It's 2020 and we're off this way of thinking. You have to reprogram the way you think.

Truth of the matter is...the only reason that copped pulled the trigger is because he thought he could get away with pulling the trigger. That's all that matters here. Talking about why he thought he could, and making it clear future cops can't think that way...that's the only shyt we should be on right now. Everything else is a diversion.


Top 113 Poster
Mar 29, 2013
I should as a black man be able to slap a police officer, spit on them, punch them, pepper spray them, taze them, ANYTHING short of pointing a weapon of LETHAL FORCE at them and walk away with my life in tact.
Yeah, you do that, breh. Be sure to report back to TheColi on how it went.

If you survive, that is. :mjpls:


Relax Baby
Nov 15, 2013
La Perla
This is for the young brothers and sisters in their teens and twenties who are reading this and are trying to make sense of it all.

If Wendy's called 911 because a stray dog was running around the lot scaring customers and trying to bite children, the two same police officers would have shown up.

When the police were to arrive and see the dog, if they tried to grab the dog... the dog probably would have snapped at them.

After that if the dog ran away, the police would not have shot the dog as it ran away.

Let me say it again to be clear: the police would not have shot the dog in the back if it was running away.

God forbid a cop did shoot a fleeing dog, the media and the racist cacs would rain down hell on the cop until his fired, charged with animal cruelty and his life is ruined.

Yet These same folks are defending Garrett Rolfe shooting Rayshard Brooks in the back 3 times for falling asleep in his own car.
A working man, with a fully black family, now has "fatherless" daughters and a stepson thanks to a murderous cops and there are people defending them shooting down an unarmed man in cold blood.

Chapelle was right... rat a tat tat is all these bytches understand :pacspit:


But also looking into it further, in Georgia they also have something called a "parked car DUI" and the precedent for this is Lewis v. State, 149 Ga. App. 181, 254 S.E.2d 142.

Apparently you can be arrested for a DUI under "circumstantial reasons". Even just having your key in the ignition can get your arrested if you are under the influence.

For the record: I do not agree with the police officer killing a young black man in cold blood.

Where do you live where this is the norm?


There was absolutely nothing illegal about the arrest

The police themselves have determined that the arrest and shooting were both illegal and unwarranted and fired the officers involved and forced the police chief Erika Shields to step down.

Rayshard died with no charges filed on him. The DA has indicated that they would have declined to pursue the case if a DUI against Rayshard brought before the court.

Rayshard died with no warrants, open cases or crimes committed. He worked 6 days a week and took care of his wife, 3 daughters and a step-son.

A working man, father of 3, was killed for falling asleep in his car. The man fell asleep in a drive thru, had good enough sense of self to realize he shouldn't drive home, parked up and tried to sleep it off.

He was under no obligation to take field sobriety test or a breathalyzer. It is optional. The cops pressured him for 20 minutes to get him to voluntarily take that piece of shyt test.
To shoot down your angle @sportscribe to get parked DUI you have to be in control of the vehicle. With him being asleep with the car parked on a private lot, they would have had a hard time establishing control of the vehicle. That's why it is heavily stressed that it is circumstantial charge.

Rayshard was parked and sleep and they realized he was not a belligerent drunk, so they proceed to antagonize him for a half hour to find a reason to arrest him. From the gate he saw them attempting to railroad him, and let the officer know that he wanted avoid any issues.

It is not a matter of opinion. The police officer's own department, the Atlanta Police Department, reviewed the body cam and surveillance videos and determined in 1 day that the officer acted unlawfully and terminated him.

They said we think you're under the influence put your hands behind your back at 29 minutes:

All this could have avoided if he just let them put the cuffs on at 29 minutes.

he failed the breathalyzer.

why did he resist arrest?


Ewumi v. State, 315 Ga. App. 656 (2012).
In 2012 The State of Georgia ruled that during an unlawful arrest, a man “was justified in resisting the attempted arrest with all force that was reasonably necessary to do so.”

you are not placed under arrest until you are read your miranda rights. Rayshard was never placed under arrest.

That officer is no longer employed by the Atlanta Police Department due to his behavior during this incident.

They have already determined that he was in the wrong. The same police department you guys are worshiping has determined that he was in the wrong for shooting an unarmed man in 1 business day.

The cops in Breonna Taylor's case have yet to be charged or fired, and this guy was fired in one day. And you really want to argue against us who are angry? when the fukking police agree with our assessment?

So yes this is the fukking hill for us to die on.

All Nap trolling aside @śïñe•qúå_nøn is spreading dangerous misinformation.

First claiming Rayshard was shot while fighting the police on the ground, hence spreading a false self-defense angle, already debunked by the police themselves, and now disproved with the release of more surveillance videos. He was shot in the back and the buttocks according to the EMS on the scene.

They waited over two minutes before they provided any life saving techniques to help him. The lack of humanity is enough of a reason to bush those pigs.

Now he is saying they told him that he was under arrest when he was never placed under arrest. The police have to notify you that you are being placed under arrest and read you your Miranda rights before you are arrested.

Neither of those things occurred in any of the videos that we have been provided.
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Nov 21, 2016
my goal is keeping black men alive.

Let me know if you're interested.

And bringing up respectability politics of "he shouldn't have fought/he had a weapon" in the face of legitimate criticisms on how the situation was handled by the officers involved does that how?

We both want the same thing, but with every post here you're seemingly doubling down on the idea that his death was justified and deserved when the sitting mayor in the city this happened in - who was a former judge before this mind you - even sees that the officers were in the wrong and calling for some form of punishment.

No matter what he did on film or off, no matter what either you or I believe may be legal or illegal in this situation, nothing warranted being gunned down like this.