Atheists, Evolutionists, Darwinists are the worst!!


Half Man Half Mammal
May 1, 2012
What does this post have to do with my response to your claims that America cater to religion? Stop trying to make this about science vs religion Because you can't counter the bullshyt arugment that most Athists try to use. Many of you clowns still using the crusades as an arugment.


my dude... you the one who mentioned science gtfoh and then you on here talking about crusades lol. You cannot be this slow breh :laugh:

And speaking of clowns, how do you spell "argument" wrong twice in one sentence breh? Im sure :laugh: Athists :laugh: would have a field day :dead:


cruising at 30,000
May 1, 2012
the best coast
Can someone please explain how evolution disproves intelligent design?

intelligent design basically says that God is the reason for everything that happens in the scientific realm.

why do we have gravity? God
why is the speed of light c? God
why are humans the rulers of the Earth? God

it doesn't really disprove evolution, it's just a religious cop out. they believe in some science, but when it comes to the gritty stuff like theoretical physics, biological evolution and much of cosmology they're answer is ":whoa: the lord works in mysterious ways"

their main argument is that our universe and world is so perfectly designed for us it couldn't have been a coincidence. there must be some omnipresent being out there who designed everything for us. what they fail to understand is if the universe was different (different elements, atmosphere was composed of Neon instead of Nitrogen/Oxygen, etc) then we would be a different species or maybe life on Earth wouldn't exist. again it's just religion trying to be objective, but failing miserably.


reTIreMEnt: THE ALBUM (01/22) ALL DSPs
Oct 15, 2012
intelligent design basically says that God is the reason for everything that happens in the scientific realm.

why do we have gravity? God
why is the speed of light c? God
why are humans the rulers of the Earth? God

it doesn't really disprove evolution, it's just a religious cop out. they believe in some science, but when it comes to the gritty stuff like theoretical physics, biological evolution and much of cosmology they're answer is ":whoa: the lord works in mysterious ways"

But this is the answer to everything I don't understand or take the time out to, right? :why::usure::mindblown:

RIGHT????? :sadcam:

Johnny Kilroy

79 points in 1 quarter
May 3, 2012
the midrange
intelligent design basically says that God is the reason for everything that happens in the scientific realm.

why do we have gravity? God
why is the speed of light c? God
why are humans the rulers of the Earth? God

it doesn't really disprove evolution, it's just a religious cop out. they believe in some science, but when it comes to the gritty stuff like theoretical physics, biological evolution and much of cosmology they're answer is ":whoa: the lord works in mysterious ways"

their main argument is that our universe and world is so perfectly designed for us it couldn't have been a coincidence. there must be some omnipresent being out there who designed everything for us. what they fail to understand is if the universe was different (different elements, atmosphere was composed of Neon instead of Nitrogen/Oxygen, etc) then we would be a different species or maybe life on Earth wouldn't exist. again it's just religion trying to be objective, but failing miserably.

It seems the two are independent variables unable to prove or disprove the other.

My question was can anyone explain how evolution disproves intelligent design. The answer is "no" because evolution doesn't disprove intelligent design.

I also don't understand the problem with saying "God did it". Why do we have gravity? Obviously there's a scientific explanation but it still doesn't touch on the essence of the "why".

So we have this thing called science. Ok. But if God exists science would just fall under a huge umbrella called God. So we can learn as much about science and the world as we can but it will never disprove God. Saying "God did it" isn't a cop out at all IMO. We understand things through science regardless. Then at the end of all that studying and understanding and discovering why is it a cop out to say "God is responsible for this new scientific law we just discovered." We still discovered it, props to science. But just because man discovers the law of gravity doesn't mean God didn't "write" the law of gravity.

It all boils down to one thing: faith. You either believe God is behind science or not. But science can't prove or disprove that wither way.

Your whole "if the universe was different" is nonsense because the world is what it is, breh. :yeshrug:


cruising at 30,000
May 1, 2012
the best coast
It seems the two are independent variables unable to prove or disprove the other.

My question was can anyone explain how evolution disproves intelligent design. The answer is "no" because evolution doesn't disprove intelligent design.

I also don't understand the problem with saying "God did it". Why do we have gravity? Obviously there's a scientific explanation but it still doesn't touch on the essence of the "why".

So we have this thing called science. Ok. But if God exists science would just fall under a huge umbrella called God. So we can learn as much about science and the world as we can but it will never disprove God. Saying "God did it" isn't a cop out at all IMO. We understand things through science regardless. Then at the end of all that studying and understanding and discovering why is it a cop out to say "God is responsible for this new scientific law we just discovered." We still discovered it, props to science. But just because man discovers the law of gravity doesn't mean God didn't "write" the law of gravity.

It all boils down to one thing: faith. You either believe God is behind science or not. But science can't prove or disprove that wither way.

Your whole "if the universe was different" is nonsense because the world is what it is, breh. :yeshrug:

i understand what you're saying and props on an intelligent response. but that's a whole different topic. if you want to take it there intelligent design and evolution are completely unrelated. i was speaking strictly from a scientific point of view but you're right, intelligent design has a philosophical element to it.

science attempts to answer how and if possible why, but sometimes there is no answer to why. we know why the sky is blue but it's impossible to know why matter is made up of atoms, at least for now. intelligent design and religion in general believe they have the answer to why.

on a fundamental level, no one knows why anything happens how it does. religion says because God made it so. science says that's just how it is.

let's say i proved that that all matter is composed of strings, the most fundamental unit of matter science has theorized, science would hear that wonder what makes up strings or why they join to form the structures they do. religion would say, wow God is truly amazing.

religion and science just disagree with each other on a fundamental level.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012

my dude... you the one who mentioned science gtfoh and then you on here talking about crusades lol. You cannot be this slow breh :laugh:

And speaking of clowns, how do you spell "argument" wrong twice in one sentence breh? Im sure :laugh: Athists :laugh: would have a field day :dead:

I said that America does not cater to religious people. You tried to prove me wrong. But all you really did was show that religion has some Influence in American Culture. But the reality is religion plays a small role in our world today. while Science and freethinking have more of an influence over the world then religion does from a legal standpoint and social standpoint.

Many Atheist now want GOD/religion gone from our society period. It's more then just a disbelief of a god it's hate for God/religion.
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
:snoop: Um, no, I typed it up. Believe it or not, there are people out here in the real world that know a thing or two about the subject they discuss online. If you want, I can try to find the short piece I wrote on shared ERVs - although, that seems like it'd waste both of our times.

Anyhoo, you clearly aren't very bright nor is the person you quoted from that blog. Did you read what I wrote? The argument that person presented is extremely stupid. It's pretty similar to me stating that altough you share the same genetic markers and 23 chromosomes apiece from your parents, it's still possible that you were specially created by Ahura Mazda in the Vega solar system, transported to Earth by Orunmila, genetic structure shaped to look like that of the humans that everyone thinks are your parents, then raised to act the fool on the internet. Sure correlation doesn't equal causation, so it's possible you have no parents. But I'll stick with evidence.

The facts are these: Humans share specific ERVs with several other species in specific sites in general agreement with common descent. The odds of having genetic markers that show shared ancestry and diversification amongst species much in agreement with what was known before genetic studies is more than astronomical. If you're still having trouble understanding what I've written, do ask.

No one that understands the theory of evolution has ever said that, to my knowledge.


Yet, most of the scientists I know that accept the theory of evolution are either theists or deists.:manny:

Since you an active researcher on the field and I'm not do you care to share with me who or what is this common ancestor that monkeys and humans have besides the nikka from the vega system. Ya whole study is based on our similar genetic make up? Do you have a fossil that link our 2 species? :leostare: :ld:

Answer is you don't. Saying evidence suggest and evidence proves are 2 different things breh. Evidence can be manipulated to argue any agenda That you are trying to push. So Ad hominem attacks still won't prove your case for you.

Why is it that all of ya'll always resort to name calling every time your evolutionary theories aka :faith: is questioned :russ: I tell you no one angrier than an atheist.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Since you an active researcher on the field and I'm not do you care to share with me who or what is this common ancestor that monkeys and humans have beides the nikka from the vega system. Ya whole study is based on our similar genetic make up? Do you have a fossil that link our 2 species? :leostare: :ld:

Answer is you don't. Saying evidence suggest and evidence proves are 2 different things breh. Evidence can be manipulated to argue any agenda That you are trying to push. So Ad hominem attacks still won't prove your case for you.

Why is it that all of ya'll always resort to name calling every time your evolutionary theories aka :faith: is questioned :russ: I tell you no one angrier than an atheist.

This is why you're a fukking idiot.

You need to take some biology classes.

Aside from physiological differences we know that up to 2% of our DNA comes from Neaderthals, that Chimps have 48 chromosomes and we have 46 because chromosome 2 of humans is the result of a DIRECT fusion of two chimp chromosomes.

We also study the mitochondrial and ribosomal dna origins to determine lineage as well as geographic mapping through things like anthropological linguistics.

We have plenty of fossils. Whats more is that you seem to think making fossils is easy.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
It seems the two are independent variables unable to prove or disprove the other.

My question was can anyone explain how evolution disproves intelligent design. The answer is "no" because evolution doesn't disprove intelligent design.

I also don't understand the problem with saying "God did it". Why do we have gravity? Obviously there's a scientific explanation but it still doesn't touch on the essence of the "why".

So we have this thing called science. Ok. But if God exists science would just fall under a huge umbrella called God. So we can learn as much about science and the world as we can but it will never disprove God. Saying "God did it" isn't a cop out at all IMO. We understand things through science regardless. Then at the end of all that studying and understanding and discovering why is it a cop out to say "God is responsible for this new scientific law we just discovered." We still discovered it, props to science. But just because man discovers the law of gravity doesn't mean God didn't "write" the law of gravity.

It all boils down to one thing: faith. You either believe God is behind science or not. But science can't prove or disprove that wither way.

Your whole "if the universe was different" is nonsense because the world is what it is, breh. :yeshrug:

If I actually explain how gravity works, do you still get to claim god did it?

Science isn't a thing. Its a process of knowledge and attempts to describe phenomena to a reliable degree.

Evolution doesn't disprove intelligent design...because evolution has no stance on that question. Intelligent design is what happens when humans assert what they observe as "intelligent" ...thats the flaw. Unless you mean breathing and eating food down the same tube is intelligent. :what:

Then again, you talk about "faith" but you still look both ways when crossing the street. :whoo:
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
This is why you're a fukking idiot.

You need to take some biology classes.

Aside from physiological differences we know that up to 2% of our DNA comes from Neaderthals, that Chimps have 48 chromosomes and we have 46 because chromosome 2 of humans is the result of a DIRECT fusion of two chimp chromosomes.

We also study the mitochondrial and ribosomal dna origins to determine lineage as well as geographic mapping through things like anthropological linguistics.

We have plenty of fossils. Whats more is that you seem to think making fossils is easy.

Why so angry friend. Do you have the fukking missing link or not? :mjpls:

nikkas calling you all type of names when they can't back up their claims. :dead:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Why so angry friend. Do you have the fukking missing link or not? :mjpls:

How many gaps are there here:

| | | |

If your answer was three, you were right.

Now what happens when I insert another "|" into one of the gaps?

| | | | |

Now there are 4, gaps.

All you do is move the goal posts every time we learn something new.

Keep trying.

One day you'll catch up.

I find it funny that you think scientists just happen to be against your fukking fairy tales instead of actually caring to be right or wrong about an idea.

Don't you think there would be some evidence otherwise?

Oh...and I suggest you check out abiogenesis as well. The Miller-Urey experiments are a great start. :myman:
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
How many gaps are there here:

| | | |

If your answer was three, you were right.

Now what happens when I insert another "|" into one of the gaps?

| | | | |

Now there are 4, gaps.

All you do is move the goal posts every time we learn something new.

Keep trying.

One day you'll catch up.

I find it funny that you think scientists just happen to be against your fukking fairy tales instead of actually caring to be right or wrong about an idea.

Don't you think there would be some evidence otherwise?

Oh...and I suggest you check out abiogenesis as well. The Miller-Urey experiments are a great start. :myman:

And not a point was proven nor a shred of evidence given besides the rant of an angry atheist. :skip:
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
This is why you're a fukking idiot.

You need to take some biology classes.

Aside from physiological differences we know that up to 2% of our DNA comes from Neaderthals, that Chimps have 48 chromosomes and we have 46 because chromosome 2 of humans is the result of a DIRECT fusion of two chimp chromosomes.

We also study the mitochondrial and ribosomal dna origins to determine lineage as well as geographic mapping through things like anthropological linguistics.

We have plenty of fossils. Whats more is that you seem to think making fossils is easy.

Why so angry friend. Do you have the fukking missing link or not? :mjpls:

