Atheists, Evolutionists, Darwinists are the worst!!


Half Man Half Mammal
May 1, 2012

Atheists preach all over the internet. i dont know where you got this pocket shyt from.

Plus Atheists are coming out more into the real world these days and they are growing.

If they bytch this much online what's to stop them from being just as bad as the religious offline. :snoop:

Im sure the sites you visit represents majority of the internet....:comeon: like i said i understand it, the world is catered to the religious who shun non-believers...they are well within their rights to voice their opinions and complaints ...or in your words "bytch" on the net. We've been doing the same thing to them for centuries.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
:mjpls: is that why churches get tax exemptions? or how about


on all of our currency?

Or how about the significance of Obama being christian or muslim could have costed him presidency? or how we can deny rights to individuals based on their sex preference which has been successful up until now? Or how about pledging a oath under God in public schools?

Don't be those type of people who deny that this has deep religious influence for the sake of argument breh.

Do kids in public schools learn about Adam & eve or do they learn about evolution? Science & free thinking have just as much influence In American culture as religion. Some of you clowns don't even see how you are no diffrent then someome that is Religous


Half Man Half Mammal
May 1, 2012
Do kids in public schools learn about Adam & eve or do they learn about evolution? Science & free thinking have just as much influence In American culture as religion. Some of you clowns don't even see how you are no different then someone that is Religious

You seem to think science is some sort of ideology ...

let me simplify it for you...Science is the foundation of mathematics, history, social studies, geography, biology..ect. Evolution is a just product of scientific data... are you getting what i am saying here? The reason why Adam and Eve is not taught in school because it deals with the super natural, our public education is based off of things that can be tested and replicated.

Also, i am religious fyi but i know that science =/= religion. And what most of you fail to realize you can be an atheist and not give a damn about evolution or science.


Apr 30, 2012
unban me from higher learning u fukkin tuty fruity


I was about the last line of defense from your ass getting banned from damn near everything. Show some respect :obamaword:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
God is what is.

Science is whats trying to figure everything out.

Where does it stop? who made earth? who made the particles? how is core of earth 5430 °C? world is big computer physics equation. if humans take things and create. Who made eyes? who put the pupil together? who designs humans out of anything? then put it them to procreate? but didn't create them with immediate food? just animals, plants, etc.

One the true God code is figured life could be pause improved, etc but the scientist cannot/have not figured the human genome function completely, that's why there are so may side effect when prescription med is created/use, to stop headache, there are additional complications. Although science have had its improvement.

Science tries to help. but there isn't one science being making it all.

The universe is infinite. 300 billion stars and counting. The creator is everywhere. Grand scheme animals humans just pawns. Nothing was given to them, just a mind to think, create and survive.

How is earth sun and moon in balance of each other? Huge mass of earth "floating"/elevating in space. if science, explains, who made science. who made the function of brain

Universe was made, God was/is there and science tries to explain, improves, figure things.

religion, evolution, science, should all go hand in hand

Are you stupid?

What does religion answer?

Its one thing to think you have some interesting ideas...but at some point you need to start PROVING what you say.

Otherwise what you say isn't necessarily wrong, but you're not going forward to show that its true either.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
What does religion answer?

Its one thing to think you have some interesting ideas...but at some point you need to start PROVING what you say.

Otherwise what you say isn't necessarily wrong, but you're not going forward to show that its true either.

• For starters, atheists have shorter lifespans than those with religious values
For starters, atheists are more likely to commit suicide than those with religion values

• For starters, science does not prove anything, because technically, its all hearsay, God is not sitting around answering scientists questions. Lets say someone made a laptop, and put the laptop in no mans land, and then the locals are now trying to figure out what the laptop is, and going on in their own "intuition"...oh jesus does not exist because I cant see him LOL...the keyboard thats electromagneticphysics LOL

• For starters, atheists dont have core value to stand on, what is the morality...not to say all religious folks are perfect, but what are there are values?

• Atheists have a significantly higher rate of depression than non-atheist groups.

• Teenagers who identify themselves as atheist have a higher rate of suicide than those who don't.

• The WHO says venereal diseases spread faster among atheistic populations, particularly syphilis, hepatitis and HIV.

• On average, atheists have a 60% higher chance of dying from cancer and a 54% slower recovery rate.

• Married couples where one or both spouses is an atheist experience a higher rate of divorce than those who don't.

• Atheists account for an unusually high percentage of the total number of people who died of AIDS since the 1980s.

• Atheist world leaders are responsible for more total deaths as a result of politically motivated murders and genocides than the deaths of all religious wars combined since the beginning of recorded history.

• On average, atheists earn 35% less in household income per year than non-atheists.

• Atheists have a higher college drop-out rate than non-atheists and score an average 2.03 GPA compared to 3.13 for non-atheists.

• The rate of birth defects is 14% higher among couples who identify themselves as atheists.

• While Catholics top the charts for number of abortions per year, atheists top the charts for the number of miscarriages and infanticide cases, where the mother murdered her baby after it was born.

• Atheists account for a shocking 82% of the number of serial killers in the United States and an even more shocking 90% of those arrested for human cannibalism.

• Of all the cases of treason tried in the United States, 57.6% of those convicted were self-proclaimed atheists... more than Christians, Muslims, Jews, Agnostics and all other religions combined.

• The life expectancy for atheists is 12.03 years shorter than non-atheists.

• Atheists account for a larger percentage of military dishonorable discharges than non-atheists.

• A surprising documentary on PBS public television interviewed people after they saw an actor stage a collapse in the street to try and classify who was most likely to help and who was most likely to ignore the person. They repeated the scenario several hundred times over a period of three years to get a sampling based on age, gender, race, religious affiliation and economic status. In every instance, atheists ranked at the bottom of the list in terms of their willingness to help, unless the victim appeared to be an attractive white woman. They ranked lower than any other group when the victim appeared to be homeless or affiliated with a religion, such as a Hasidic Jew or a priest/nun. The documentary's producers were stunned to find that Christians, Jews and Muslims, in spite of their religious differences, were more inclined to help each other than atheists were inclined to help anybody.

religion, evolution, science, should all go hand in hand


Half Man Half Mammal
May 1, 2012
• For starters, atheists have shorter lifespans than those with religious values
For starters, atheists are more likely to commit suicide than those with religion values

• For starters, science does not prove anything, because technically, its all hearsay, God is not sitting around answering scientists questions. Lets say someone made a laptop, and put the laptop in no mans land, and then the locals are now trying to figure out what the laptop is, and going on in their own "intuition"...oh jesus does not exist because I cant see him LOL...the keyboard thats electromagneticphysics LOL

• For starters, atheists dont have core value to stand on, what is the morality...not to say all religious folks are perfect, but what are there are values?

• Atheists have a significantly higher rate of depression than non-atheist groups.

• Teenagers who identify themselves as atheist have a higher rate of suicide than those who don't.

• The WHO says venereal diseases spread faster among atheistic populations, particularly syphilis, hepatitis and HIV.

• On average, atheists have a 60% higher chance of dying from cancer and a 54% slower recovery rate.

• Married couples where one or both spouses is an atheist experience a higher rate of divorce than those who don't.

• Atheists account for an unusually high percentage of the total number of people who died of AIDS since the 1980s.

• Atheist world leaders are responsible for more total deaths as a result of politically motivated murders and genocides than the deaths of all religious wars combined since the beginning of recorded history.

• On average, atheists earn 35% less in household income per year than non-atheists.

• Atheists have a higher college drop-out rate than non-atheists and score an average 2.03 GPA compared to 3.13 for non-atheists.

• The rate of birth defects is 14% higher among couples who identify themselves as atheists.

• While Catholics top the charts for number of abortions per year, atheists top the charts for the number of miscarriages and infanticide cases, where the mother murdered her baby after it was born.

• Atheists account for a shocking 82% of the number of serial killers in the United States and an even more shocking 90% of those arrested for human cannibalism.

• Of all the cases of treason tried in the United States, 57.6% of those convicted were self-proclaimed atheists... more than Christians, Muslims, Jews, Agnostics and all other religions combined.

• The life expectancy for atheists is 12.03 years shorter than non-atheists.

• Atheists account for a larger percentage of military dishonorable discharges than non-atheists.

• A surprising documentary on PBS public television interviewed people after they saw an actor stage a collapse in the street to try and classify who was most likely to help and who was most likely to ignore the person. They repeated the scenario several hundred times over a period of three years to get a sampling based on age, gender, race, religious affiliation and economic status. In every instance, atheists ranked at the bottom of the list in terms of their willingness to help, unless the victim appeared to be an attractive white woman. They ranked lower than any other group when the victim appeared to be homeless or affiliated with a religion, such as a Hasidic Jew or a priest/nun. The documentary's producers were stunned to find that Christians, Jews and Muslims, in spite of their religious differences, were more inclined to help each other than atheists were inclined to help anybody.

religion, evolution, science, should all go hand in hand


This has to be absolutely the most idiotic shyt i have ever read. period. wow. This is why i say Christians are more annoying, we are willing to do anything to shame non-believers...anything. Just wow.

:ohmy: You cannot be serious. For one atheist is a relative small percent of the us/world population, and most "atheist" don't identify themselves, so how can any of these statistics hold weight? Please go sit down somewhere, you're making us all look stupid.


May 1, 2012
• For starters, atheists have shorter lifespans than those with religious values
For starters, atheists are more likely to commit suicide than those with religion values

• For starters, science does not prove anything, because technically, its all hearsay, God is not sitting around answering scientists questions. Lets say someone made a laptop, and put the laptop in no mans land, and then the locals are now trying to figure out what the laptop is, and going on in their own "intuition"...oh jesus does not exist because I cant see him LOL...the keyboard thats electromagneticphysics LOL

• For starters, atheists dont have core value to stand on, what is the morality...not to say all religious folks are perfect, but what are there are values?

• Atheists have a significantly higher rate of depression than non-atheist groups.

• Teenagers who identify themselves as atheist have a higher rate of suicide than those who don't.

• The WHO says venereal diseases spread faster among atheistic populations, particularly syphilis, hepatitis and HIV.

• On average, atheists have a 60% higher chance of dying from cancer and a 54% slower recovery rate.

• Married couples where one or both spouses is an atheist experience a higher rate of divorce than those who don't.

• Atheists account for an unusually high percentage of the total number of people who died of AIDS since the 1980s.

• Atheist world leaders are responsible for more total deaths as a result of politically motivated murders and genocides than the deaths of all religious wars combined since the beginning of recorded history.

• On average, atheists earn 35% less in household income per year than non-atheists.

• Atheists have a higher college drop-out rate than non-atheists and score an average 2.03 GPA compared to 3.13 for non-atheists.

• The rate of birth defects is 14% higher among couples who identify themselves as atheists.

• While Catholics top the charts for number of abortions per year, atheists top the charts for the number of miscarriages and infanticide cases, where the mother murdered her baby after it was born.

• Atheists account for a shocking 82% of the number of serial killers in the United States and an even more shocking 90% of those arrested for human cannibalism.

• Of all the cases of treason tried in the United States, 57.6% of those convicted were self-proclaimed atheists... more than Christians, Muslims, Jews, Agnostics and all other religions combined.

• The life expectancy for atheists is 12.03 years shorter than non-atheists.

• Atheists account for a larger percentage of military dishonorable discharges than non-atheists.

• A surprising documentary on PBS public television interviewed people after they saw an actor stage a collapse in the street to try and classify who was most likely to help and who was most likely to ignore the person. They repeated the scenario several hundred times over a period of three years to get a sampling based on age, gender, race, religious affiliation and economic status. In every instance, atheists ranked at the bottom of the list in terms of their willingness to help, unless the victim appeared to be an attractive white woman. They ranked lower than any other group when the victim appeared to be homeless or affiliated with a religion, such as a Hasidic Jew or a priest/nun. The documentary's producers were stunned to find that Christians, Jews and Muslims, in spite of their religious differences, were more inclined to help each other than atheists were inclined to help anybody.

religion, evolution, science, should all go hand in hand



Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
dont believe in God or higher power, like your life (or crew of non-believers) is going to be a-ok :mjpls:


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Im sure the sites you visit represents majority of the internet....:comeon: like i said i understand it, the world is catered to the religious who shun non-believers...they are well within their rights to voice their opinions and complaints ...or in your words "bytch" on the net. We've been doing the same thing to them for centuries.
Its one thing to complain and express opinions but at many times they act just as bad as the religious nuts. :snoop:

It's one thing to get rid of oppression but I'd be damned if we replaces one source of oppression with another.


Half Man Half Mammal
May 1, 2012

Its one thing to complain and express opinions but at many times they act just as bad as the religious nuts. :snoop:

It's one thing to get rid of oppression but I'd be damned if we replaces one source of oppression with another.

:unsure: So you are just admitting that we do in fact oppress them... If you are a Christian you should know there is no way for us to be oppressed, our salvation is already set in stone and there are way more religious nuts than atheist ones simply because we greatly outnumber them. Im sorry that you cannot see that.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
:unsure: So you are just admitting that we do in fact oppress them... If you are a Christian you should know there is no way for us to be oppressed, our salvation is already set in stone and there are way more religious nuts than atheist ones simply because we greatly outnumber them. Im sorry that you cannot see that.
I'm a nonreligious theist.

You guys may out number them but their numbers are rising nonetheless. Racism was once the majority and now its greatly reduced. Same shyt can happen to christianity and theism in general. Sorry you can't see that.

Racism needed to go down for obvious reasons but Christianity doesn't have to be in an oppressed state which concerns me as to how the atheists would treat Christians once their numbers become high enough and looking at their behavior online I don't see them being in some what good terms with Christians.
Dec 29, 2012
nikka you got that shyt from atheist newssite :skip:

[GBG] Atheist News: How Endogenous Retroviruses Prove Evolution

That's ya proof :pachaha: No wonder you ain't provide a source for that article :mjpls:

:snoop: Um, no, I typed it up. Believe it or not, there are people out here in the real world that know a thing or two about the subject they discuss online. If you want, I can try to find the short piece I wrote on shared ERVs - although, that seems like it'd waste both of our times.

Anyhoo, you clearly aren't very bright nor is the person you quoted from that blog. Did you read what I wrote? The argument that person presented is extremely stupid. It's pretty similar to me stating that altough you share the same genetic markers and 23 chromosomes apiece from your parents, it's still possible that you were specially created by Ahura Mazda in the Vega solar system, transported to Earth by Orunmila, genetic structure shaped to look like that of the humans that everyone thinks are your parents, then raised to act the fool on the internet. Sure correlation doesn't equal causation, so it's possible you have no parents. But I'll stick with evidence.

The facts are these: Humans share specific ERVs with several other species in specific sites in general agreement with common descent. The odds of having genetic markers that show shared ancestry and diversification amongst species much in agreement with what was known before genetic studies is more than astronomical. If you're still having trouble understanding what I've written, do ask.

I know you clowning but that's what ya fellow evolutionist is Arguing. No one not I made that claim.

No one that understands the theory of evolution has ever said that, to my knowledge.

All I said is I take everything in a vacuum both evolution and intelligent design that's the objective thing to do.


But you know the coli scientist atheist had to get angry! I've yet seen a nikka here said anything bout monkeys that wasn't an atheist. Ya nikkas saying that shyt

Yet, most of the scientists I know that accept the theory of evolution are either theists or deists.:manny:
Dec 29, 2012
Can someone please explain how evolution disproves intelligent design?

I suppose it depends on your definition of "intelligent design". If it's the Behe/Dembski (and others of that mould) school of intelligent design, whereby the designer pops in from time to time to place irreducibly complex systems in organisms, then scientists can show using the theory of evolution that ID is false and those species can evolve those systems naturally. If, on the other hand, you mean like some master planner that just set a blueprint in place and let the organisms and natural selection get on with it, then the theory of evolution doesn't "disprove" that supposed intelligent planner. Then again, science tries to err towards parsimony, so there'd be no need to discuss intelligent design in a science class if it's the latter.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
You seem to think science is some sort of ideology ...

let me simplify it for you...Science is the foundation of mathematics, history, social studies, geography, biology..ect. Evolution is a just product of scientific data... are you getting what i am saying here? The reason why Adam and Eve is not taught in school because it deals with the super natural, our public education is based off of things that can be tested and replicated.

Also, i am religious fyi but i know that science =/= religion. And what most of you fail to realize you can be an atheist and not give a damn about evolution or science.

What does this post have to do with my response to your claims that America cater to religion? Stop trying to make this about science vs religion Because you can't counter the bullshyt arugment that most Athists try to use. Many of you clowns still using the crusades as an arugment.