Atheists, Evolutionists, Darwinists are the worst!!

Johnny Kilroy

79 points in 1 quarter
May 3, 2012
the midrange
Well... no, actually. At that point it's not faith at all, because the subject has been proven. My appeal to someone who's an expert on the subject doesn't mean I'm relying on faith. It's a rational acceptance of a claim based on previous experience and reason. Faith is accepting a claim with no good evidence, or with contrary evidence.

I don't know, but I think Big Bang cosmology is probably the best explanation we have for the current state of the universe.

Um...well, I would say the people who claim a god exists hasn't met the burden of proof to convince me. I don't know if a god exists, but I haven't been convinced that one does. It doesn't take faith not to accept supernatural claims, as they haven't been proven. It's only faith when you believe things that have little supporting evidence that it's true.

No....You've already asked this.

It doesn't take faith to say "I don't know", because ... I don't know.

You don't have to disprove everything to not accept it as true and be consistent. You don't have to disprove the lockness monster exists to be justified in not accepting it as true. This is now we usually think about every extraordinary claim.


Proven? :heh:

Yeah, by today's standard. What about tomorrow when they change it? Will you still "know"? Or will you just "know" something else? Like I said MOST things you "know" you have faith in.

So you don't know how the universe came to be? So how can you tell someone else they're wrong when you just admitted you don't know? Why should we listen to you when you don't know?

Your claim is just as extraordinary as a religious person. In fact, your claim is extremely hypocritical because you claim it's based on science but it actually goes against everything science teaches. How does something appear from nothing? What scientific principle makes that believable to you?

An entire universe from nothing? How is that any less insane than saying "God did it"? :ld:


All Star
May 28, 2012
Proven? :heh:

Yeah, by today's standard. What about tomorrow when they change it? Will you still "know"? Or will you just "know" something else? Like I said MOST things you "know" you have faith in.

Let's be fair, things we "know" don't just change from day to day. Our knowledge grows as our means to discover grows. It depends of course on how we define knowledge. Do I know I'm not just a brain in a vat somewhere, and this conversation is just a matter of my imagination? I mean.... as much as I can know something I know that that's not true. But whatever, I don't care to argue semantics all night.

So you don't know how the universe came to be? So how can you tell someone else they're wrong when you just admitted you don't know? Why should we listen to you when you don't know?

Blah, this is all very simple and I'm almost positive we've had this conversation before. Here's an example though. I don't know, off the top of my head what 999 * 888 equals. But I do know SOMETHING about the solution. If you were trying to tell me the answer was like 5, I could easy dismiss that answer as nonsense. I don't have to know the exact answer to know that it's very unlikely to be 5.

With religious claims, I don't know if they're true, but I do know that throughout history every single thing that humanity didn't understand, and thought had some sort of supernatural explanation, turned out to have a completely naturalistic cause. Lightning bolts and tornadoes are extraordinary to the ignorant, so I could understand that train of thought. We're fortunate enough to be able to look back and see how people in the past were ignorant on some topics, as I'm sure future generations will view us. With all that said, to me, supernatural explanations for anything is like saying the answer to that math problem is 5. I don't know the answer, but almost nothing has had a supernatural explanation.

*edit* And another point. Suppose you said the answer was 78998455 (or even the actual correct answer). Okay, well that's a bit more likely, sure. But, I might ask how did you come up with that solution?. Has anyone that is also likely to determine the right answer confirmed yours? Are you claiming to receive the solution from divine revelation, or is there a real, tangible method to how you came up with that answer? You see, there are different ways to determine which answers are more reliable than others.... not every guess is equal. So even if I accept the proposition that the scientist and the creationist's answers are both equally possible, they aren't necessarily equal in their likelihood to be correct.

Your claim is just as extraordinary as a religious person. In fact, your claim is extremely hypocritical because you claim it's based on science but it actually goes against everything science teaches. How does something appear from nothing? What scientific principle makes that believable to you?

Appear from nothing? Where does the Big Bang say that? Again, another scientific topic you people are completely ignorant of. Why don't you do some fukking research before making a fool of yourself?

Johnny Kilroy

79 points in 1 quarter
May 3, 2012
the midrange
Let's be fair, things we "know" don't just change from day to day. Our knowledge grows as our means to discover grows. It depends of course on how we define knowledge. Do I know I'm not just a brain in a vat somewhere, and this conversation is just a matter of my imagination? I mean.... as much as I can know something I know that that's not true. But whatever, I don't care to argue semantics all night.

Blah, this is all very simple and I'm almost positive we've had this conversation before. Here's an example though. I don't know, off the top of my head what 999 * 888 equals. But I do know SOMETHING about the solution. If you were trying to tell me the answer was like 5, I could easy dismiss that answer as nonsense. I don't have to know the exact answer to know that it's very unlikely to be 5.

With religious claims, I don't know if they're true, but I do know that throughout history every single thing that humanity didn't understand, and thought had some sort of supernatural explanation, turned out to have a completely naturalistic cause. Lightning bolts and tornadoes are extraordinary to the ignorant, so I could understand that train of thought. We're fortunate enough to be able to look back and see how people in the past were ignorant on some topics, as I'm sure future generations will view us. With all that said, to me, supernatural explanations for anything is like saying the answer to that math problem is 5. I don't know the answer, but almost nothing has had a supernatural explanation.

*edit* And another point. Suppose you said the answer was 78998455. Okay, well that's a bit more likely, sure. But, I might ask how did you come up with that solution?. Has anyone that is also likely to determine the right answer confirmed yours? Are you claiming to receive the solution from divine revelation, or is there a real, tangible method to how you came up with that answer. You see, there are different ways to determine which answers are more reliable than others.... not every guess is equal. So even if I accept the proposition that the scientist and the creationist's answers are both equally possible, they aren't necessarily equal in their likelihood to be correct.

Appear from nothing? Where does the Big Bang say that? Again, another scientific topic you people are completely ignorant of. Why don't you do some fukking research before making a fool of yourself?

You're the expert. Explain how the big bang theory works. What happened? Tell me a story that doesn't sound just as absurd as "God did it."

I'll wait...


All Star
May 28, 2012
You're the expert. Explain how the big bang theory works. What happened? Tell me a story that doesn't sound just as absurd as "God did it."

I'll wait...


Shall I interpret this to mean you at least concede the other points?
Oct 14, 2012
"Something can't come from nothing so it must be God" is a bullshyt argument, juvenile to be more friendly.

"So what created God?" "God created himself." "Well, something doesn't pop up out of nowhere, so please tell me who or what created God?" "He just created himself!"

It goes on forever, and is irreducibly complex. We don't have a definite answer yet, so why fill scientific "gaps" with religious doctrine?

We know how well those religious teachings held up Enlightenment era on :mjpls:


All Star
May 28, 2012
You can take it as you type too much shyt and haven't earned a rep as worth reading all that. :yeshrug:

I'm keeping it simple. You gon answer the question?

Well.... I could, but since it seems like you make a habit of not reading my responses, I'm not sure why I should. We have these conversations over and over, not to mention there's an abundance of information at your fingertips with a Google search. Yet you people still claim the big bang says the universe popped out of nothing, and evolution says humans came from monkeys. These are incredibly complex topics, and if you're not even gonna take the time to read a paragraph or two, then you can rightly fukk off mate. If you don't know this shyt, then you only have yourself to blame.

Johnny Kilroy

79 points in 1 quarter
May 3, 2012
the midrange
Well.... I could, but since it seems like you make a habit of not reading my responses, I'm not sure why I should. We have these conversations over and over, not to mention there's an abundance of information at your fingertips with a Google search. Yet you people still claim the big bang says the universe popped out of nothing, and evolution says humans came from monkeys. These are incredibly complex topics, and if you're not even gonna take the time to read a paragraph or two, then you can rightly fukk off mate.

So I take that as a "no", you can't. :mjpls:

Thanks for clarifying.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Proven? :heh:

Yeah, by today's standard. What about tomorrow when they change it? Will you still "know"? Or will you just "know" something else? Like I said MOST things you "know" you have faith in.

So you don't know how the universe came to be? So how can you tell someone else they're wrong when you just admitted you don't know? Why should we listen to you when you don't know?

Because I don't CLAIM to know.

When you CLAIM to know, then you are responsible for asserting and substantiating your claim.

Saying "I don't know" is more respectable than saying "well god did it"

Oh yea? Well prove that god did it.

If I say: "Gravity works via XYZ"...then yeah I can prove that.

if you say: "light works when god claps his hands"...then the burden of proof is on you to say why thats true.

Your claim is just as extraordinary as a religious person. In fact, your claim is extremely hypocritical because you claim it's based on science but it actually goes against everything science teaches. How does something appear from nothing? What scientific principle makes that believable to you?

An entire universe from nothing? How is that any less insane than saying "God did it"? :ld:


Religious people don't rely on evidence. They make claims and assert them without any substantiation.

Oh...and "appearing from nothing" just shows how little you understand about modern physics. But please continue to argue what you don't under stand. :myman:

If the evidence changes, the current thinking changes.

Science isnt supposed to be concrete. Its supposed to adjust to reflect an accurate portrayal of reality.

But you seem to have no problem dealing with a book written by illiterate goat herders in the middle east 2K years ago. :stopitslime:

Johnny Kilroy

79 points in 1 quarter
May 3, 2012
the midrange

So if you "don't know" how do you "know" somebody else is wrong? You don't even have an answer yourself. That sounds like what the Hip Hop world calls "hatin".

You don't know how the big bang started yet accept it as a logical explanation for the existence of the universe? :what:

And of course none of that is faith based. :whoa:

Do you realize how hypocritical you sound right now? :heh: