Atheists, Evolutionists, Darwinists are the worst!!


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
So if you "don't know" how do you "know" somebody else is wrong? You don't even have an answer yourself. That sounds like what the Hip Hop world calls "hatin".

You don't know how the big bang started yet accept it as a logical explanation for the existence of the universe? :what:

And of course none of that is faith based. :whoa:

Do you realize how hypocritical you sound right now? :heh:


If the religious claims are true, where is their evidence? Saying god did it doesn't answer anything because all you'll do is then ask HOW god did it. :why:

Even still...I didn't say religious claims were wrong. I'm saying that there is NOTHING to support them. There is more evidence to one claim than the other...and more evidence gets added daily.

The universe is expanding via something called what we call a red-shift and is explainable via the doppler shift and was observed by the edwin hubble in the 1920s.

Add in some details about what we know about sub-atomic particles and nucleosynthesis in stars then the current thinking is what resembles the Big Bang.

What the fukk are you asking at this point?


Johnny Kilroy

79 points in 1 quarter
May 3, 2012
the midrange

More big words that no is going to read? :heh:

Your big bang theory has one GIGANTIC hole in it. HOW?

Magic? God? How do you explain it? And where is your evidence since you keep typing that word over and over. Backup your position...
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

More big words that no is going to read? :heh:

Your big bang theory has one GIGANTIC hole in it. HOW?

Magic? God? How do you explain it? And where is your evidence since you keep typing that word over and over. Backup your position...

I just fukking explained the current thinking...

Then again, I'm trying to explain astrophysics in laymans terms to someone who doesn't understand newtonian physics or even worse the scientific method as evidenced by his repeated misrepresentation of the most basic scientific ideas.

You asked me how we measure the size of the earth. When I showed you TEN ways to do that right now you straight ignored that because "god doing it" wasn't good enough for you. :pachaha:

Oh...and the answer to something you don't understand is: "I don't know"

Its not, "well lets just make some shyt up because it makes us feel comfortable about dealing with the insignificant burden of the crushing nihilism we face amongst a violent and cruel universe."

This is the modern understanding of the Big Bang:

You're free to catch up to the rest of physics SUPPORTED BY EVIDENCE if you'd like to by enrolling in some classes at your local community college or online classes for free. Hell, even youtube is a great source of information.

But don't sit here in your little armchair thinking you're clever enough to poke holes in ideas you don't even understand.

And you LITERALLY don't understand them.

You're too stupid to know how FUNCTIONALLY stupid you are.
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Johnny Kilroy

79 points in 1 quarter
May 3, 2012
the midrange

nikka I'm not reading all that big bullshyt. Type like a regular human being you jackass.

Now, without all that unnecessary nonsense can you tell me how the big bang started?

You can't call religious people delusional when you BELIEVE an entire universe just appeared from nothing.

So again, what caused the big bang?
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Nov 29, 2012
I just fukking explained the current thinking...

Then again, I'm trying to explain astrophysics in laymans terms to someone who doesn't understand newtonian physics or even worse the scientific method as evidenced by his repeated misrepresentation of the most basic scientific ideas.

You asked me how we measure the size of the earth. When I showed you TEN ways to do that right now you straight ignored that because "god doing it" wasn't good enough for you. :pachaha:

Oh...and the answer to something you don't understand is: "I don't know"

Its not, "well lets just make some shyt up because it makes us feel comfortable about dealing with the insignificant burden of the crushing nihilism we face amongst a violent and cruel universe."

This is the modern understanding of the Big Bang:

Krauss '09: "A Universe From Nothing" - YouTube

You're free to catch up to the rest of physics SUPPORTED BY EVIDENCE if you'd like to by enrolling in some classes at your local community college or online classes for free. Hell, even youtube is a great source of information.

But don't sit here in your little armchair thinking you're clever enough to poke holes in ideas you don't even understand.

And you LITERALLY don't understand them.

You're too stupid to know how FUNCTIONALLY stupid you are.

lol come on breh :ufdup:

you're obviously being trolled here. i always find it amusing that people whose last venture into any kind of scientific thought happened in grade school when they were making baking soda + vinegar volcanos for their science project find the time to go online and try to poke holes into theories created by physicists and scientists. asking what "caused" the big bang, would lead to discussing topics such as string theory, multiverse theory, dark energy, planck scales.... which of COURSE these people are just qualified to speak on :comeon:

it's like trying to explain how COBOL programming works to a 2 year old. :manny:


May 1, 2012
lol come on breh :ufdup:

you're obviously being trolled here. i always find it amusing that people whose last venture into any kind of scientific thought happened in grade school when they were making baking soda + vinegar volcanos for their science project find the time to go online and try to poke holes into theories created by physicists and scientists. asking what "caused" the big bang, would lead to discussing topics such as string theory, multiverse theory, dark energy, planck scales.... which of COURSE these people are just qualified to speak on :comeon:

it's like trying to explain how COBOL programming works to a 2 year old. :manny:
we bout 30yrs off that :bryan:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

nikka I'm not reading all that big bullshyt. Type like a regular human being you jackass.

Now, without all that unnecessary nonsense can you tell me how the big bang started?

You can't call religious people delusional when you BELIEVE an entire universe just appeared from nothing.

So again, what caused the big bang?

I don't know.

But I don't CLAIM to know.

Religious people do claim to know. Thats the major difference.

Its their reluctance to be humble about what they know and what they don't know that causes problems.

If you claim to KNOW something, then you are required to support your claim.

Believing something is one thing, KNOWING it is another.

If you know it, prove it.

Otherwise, just say "I don't know."

And you misunderstand modern physics if you keep saying "from nothing"
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Jan 3, 2013
Southside Chicago
People who don't be believe in Allah will replace him with something else, and people who will not worship Allah will find something else to worship. There are no such thing as atheist because they just replace Allah with something else whether it's mother nature, father time, evolution, zodiac signs, etc. You take God out someone life he will literally invent something in his place. I met an atheist named Ross in one of my college classes, he swore he was atheist but his belief in science and philosophy consumed his life so totally that he practically was in an unorganized religion.

I remember there was one philosopher he was absolutely obsessed with named Friedrich Nietzsche. The way his eyes lit up everything he brought Nietzsche up was the same way a Jew would smile mentioning Moses, a Christian would smile mentioning Jesus, and a Muslim would smile mentioning God. Though he would never admit it with his tongue, his actions showed me that he literally worshipped this man. This is the same way with most atheists, they say they worship nothing but follow them around and get to know them and you'll find someone or thing in their life who is their God. And their mouth will not profess it, but their actions, blind love, and unwavering loyalty to certain people or theories reflects their worship of them. My interaction with Ross showed me that there are no atheists in this world. Everybody turns to an outside source for cosmic truth and direction, my god was Allah his god was Friedrich Nietzsche. To bad though that his god died and mine is ever living, and if Nietzsche had to rise himself from death he could never do so. Instead he rotted in the ground like every other human. But to some on earth, these men become Lords and then these people turn around and claim, "we do not believe and we do not worship nothing/no one."


cruising at 30,000
May 1, 2012
the best coast

nikka I'm not reading all that big bullshyt. Type like a regular human being you jackass.

Now, without all that unnecessary nonsense can you tell me how the big bang started?

You can't call religious people delusional when you BELIEVE an entire universe just appeared from nothing.

So again, what caused the big bang?

your mom spread her stank p*ssy and the singularity was like :huhldup: ok im out. that explains why the speed of light is so fast :ohhh:

prove me wrong fakkit :upsetfavre: oh wait u cant u weren't there :umad:
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Johnny Kilroy

79 points in 1 quarter
May 3, 2012
the midrange
I don't know.

But I don't CLAIM to know.

Religious people do claim to know. Thats the major difference.

Its their reluctance to be humble about what they know and what they don't know that causes problems.

If you claim to KNOW something, then you are required to support your claim.

Believing something is one thing, KNOWING it is another.

If you know it, prove it.

Otherwise, just say "I don't know."

And you misunderstand modern physics if you keep saying "from nothing"

Religious people have FAITH. And you want them to abandon this faith for "I don't know"?

And since we all know theism is faith based, and we now all know that you don't know, we shouldn't see you in any more of these discussions, right?


-Religious people have faith in something.

-You don't have no answer at all.

End of discussion. :yeshrug:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Religious people have FAITH. And you want them to abandon this faith for "I don't know"?

And since we all know theism is faith based, and we now all know that you don't know, we shouldn't see you in any more of these discussions, right?


-Religious people have faith in something.

-You don't have no answer at all.

End of discussion. :yeshrug:

I don't need to have an answer.

Admitting the gap in your knowledge allows you to pursue an answer.

Making shyt up doesn't get you any closer to reality.

Thats why religious people have a hard time abandoning religion. They don't care about reality. They only care about maintaining the farce they've built around themselves.

If they humbled themselves and admit how little they know, they could actually then gather more information about other ways of thinking to further enrich their view on reality.

But the OBVIOUS flaw in religious thinking is that IF THEY KNOW SOMETHING, WHY DO THEY NOT PROVE IT?

Johnny Kilroy

79 points in 1 quarter
May 3, 2012
the midrange
I don't need to have an answer.

Admitting the gap in your knowledge allows you to pursue an answer.

Making shyt up doesn't get you any closer to reality.

Thats why religious people have a hard time abandoning religion. They don't care about reality. They only care about maintaining the farce they've built around themselves.

If they humbled themselves and admit how little they know, they could actually then gather more information about other ways of thinking to further enrich their view on reality.

But the OBVIOUS flaw in religious thinking is that IF THEY KNOW SOMETHING, WHY DO THEY NOT PROVE IT?

Why do you keep saying "KNOW"? Any theist will tell you they BELIEVE in God.

And why do you think BELIEVING in God means one is incapable of learning?

You're rambling, generalizing and basically sounding like a scorned woman. Nothing you're saying is based on any kind of fact. That's why NO ONE takes you seriously on this site, not even your fellow atheists. You are completely and utterly ridiculous.