Dope article, haven't fully read through the thread yet. Sorry if my points come off rather repetitive.
Currently I'm agnostic, due to a few controversial issues, which made me entirely question organized religion. A little background information: My dad isn't really religious, but he'll go to church and what not, for special occasions, but I doubt he really cares about the message per se. My mom is kind of religious but not over the top. My brother isn't religious at all, but he believes in some type of higher entity, certainly not "organized" religion.
Growing up as a youngster, I was a rather troubled youth, always getting suspended from school, getting caught hooking up in the bathrooms / afterschool, and an overall overly aggressive adolescence. After nearly getting set away to juvenile hall, for ambushing and assaulting a follow peer of mine, my mom decided to have me home schooled me for the rest of middle school. Upon doing so, many times I thought about running away, then presumably joining a gang, it seemed like a viable lifestyle at the time. But I never fully mustered up the courage. Eventually my mom started taking me to church, where I was able to interact with a new set of peers. The pastor was awesome and always did a great job of trying to bring relevance from the bible into an everyday setting. But, prior to this, I had never fully attended church on a consistent basis.
After getting acquainted with going to youth group on Wednesdays, and church on Sunday's, my aggression gradually withered away. As I transitioned into a teenager, my awareness about certain church tendencies began to heighten. Church was a cornerstone of the black community. It had all types of Black and Hispanic people from a barrage of incomes congregating in one place. The social hierarchy clearly favored the more affluent members. This became more apparent certain external social gatherings deliberately excluded people from lower / fixed incomes.
Rumors began to spread about "several" prominent figures in the church committing acts of adultery. Soon I began to notice the hypocrisy in many of the members. Church reflected more of a gossip and fashion show rather then the actual message.
I'm no exception from this proclamation either. I've made it no secret, my sole reason constantly attending church during my teenage years revolved around the infamous hook ups between my female peers and I. From youth camps to regular Sundays, there were always hooking up going on. We sneak away before, after and during church

Fast forward to college, one of my first course was an AA studies class. I began to trivialize why AA are so deeply devout Christians, when Christianity was forced upon us. On one hand it led to our freedom, certain rights and privileges but on the other hand, it practically justified the enslavement, rape and torture of so many people. Shortly after taking this course I took a break attending church. Interestingly enough, Ive come to find many of my AA peers in college arent remotely religious either.
Currently I haven't attended church in about 3 years, but I'll stop by once and a while to help out with the food pantry, when I'm not too pressed for time. I used wonder why some of the peeps, in the food pantry didn't attend church, despite being respectful and courteous people. Maybe I'll go back in the future or stay a stray. Right now isn't the time...