Religion/Spirituality Atheism and the black community...good read


Apr 30, 2012
This is true, but you can literally say that about peoples' viewpoints on anything here and on the internet in general. All these dudes don't do all that cussing out and disrespect of black women and half the other shyt said on this site offline. The issue there is trolling and being bombastic online, and keeping it real, that's generally what this site is about. The whole TLR is about that..

How is ciroq drobama throwing stones and hiding his hand? I don't get it. The initial discussion was about different hindrances nonreligious black folks in their real world experiences. I don't see how he was showing a victim mentality. He was talking about offline. I don't give a shyt what people say about atheists here, and I don't think he does either.

I suggest you go re-read that sequence of posts. Drobama came in responded to a guy talking about how was partially talking about how nasty atheists can be online by basically saying it's not happening and it's because people want you guys silenced everywhere. It is the definition of throwing stones and hiding your hands. I've watched him dap up posts that basically call all religious people stupid in absolute terms. He doesn't make those posts of threads, but he's tacitly endorsing them by pretending those posts don't happen. My point was simple. It's unfair to act like the guy he was responding to has no basis in what he's saying.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

I suggest you go re-read that sequence of posts. Drobama came in responded to a guy talking about how was partially talking about how nasty atheists can be online by basically saying it's not happening and it's because people want you guys silenced everywhere. It is the definition of throwing stones and hiding your hands. I've watched him dap up posts that basically call all religious people stupid in absolute terms. He doesn't make those posts of threads, but he's tacitly endorsing them by pretending those posts don't happen. My point was simple. It's unfair to act like the guy he was responding to has no basis in what he's saying.

I don't feel like re-reading the exchange. I thought you were referring to stuff he was saying about atheists catching flack offline.


Apr 30, 2012
It can indeed be a frustrating discussion. I am not misunderstanding what youre saying, I am asking you WHY we should be respectful of a god and book that has demanded the murder and rape of children among other things? Furthermore, why should I be respectful of someone who makes excuses for such demands? Nowhere else is it expected of us to respect such things, except in religion. Those who dont believe see no reason to treat religion with kid gloves.

I'm sure you saw the thread about the rabbi sucking baby penises. Why do you feel I should address that with respect? Why do you feel I should show respect to someone justifying that disgusting act, which by the way is giving these infants herpes?

Some ideas just need to be flat out rejected with no fukcs given as to how people feel about it... like the idea of the sun circling the earth. And again, that is unless the validity of the claim can be demonstrated. At that point, I have no qualms about A) Apologizing for being wrong, and B) Apologizing for being so brazen in my opposition. Our ridicule is hardly comparable to what Galileo and Darwin endured at the hands of the church.

I quit. :snoop: The extremes you go to in order to convince yourself.

*Bows out of thread*

intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook

I quit. :snoop: The extremes you go to in order to convince yourself.

*Bows out of thread*

And voila, the reason these things cant be discussed. Theists refuse to participate when the questions get real. I dont have to convince myself of anything, I have evidence on my side. I am asking for you to show me where I am wrong. I have shown I can be swayed by evidence when I went from theist to atheist.

Why will you not show me why I should treat the things I mentioned with respect?

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

I quit. :snoop: The extremes you go to in order to convince yourself.

*Bows out of thread*
Your perspective is different from his because you're detached for the most part. I can see why you're like :manny: because you went to a mixed church in liberal, secular ass New England.

He was forced to go to church coming up--probably in a more conservative, fundamentalist church and environment than you and probably had his head filled with a lot of crap that probably dictated his behavior and interactions in some respects. He's probably experienced the negative consequences of religion more than you so he has a dimmer view of it than you. Let dude :cook:


Apr 30, 2012
Your perspective is different from his because you're detached for the most part. I can see why you're like :manny: because you went to a mixed church in liberal, secular ass New England.

He was forced to go to church coming up--probably in a more conservative, fundamentalist church and environment than you and probably had his head filled with a lot of crap that probably dictated his behavior and interactions in some respects. He's probably experienced the negative consequences of religion more than you so he has a dimmer view of it than you. Let dude :cook:

Nah, I feel him. I just mean his whole "I'm right so why should I be civil at all stance." No one in history has ever been turned or convinced by that. But mostly I'm not trying to detract from a good thread.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

I just mean his whole "I'm right so why should I be civil at all stance." No one in history has ever been turned or convinced by that.

That is simply not true and I know it isn't for a fact because I am one of the people who was converted by hearing the arguments of strident, bombastic atheists/agnostics. I was outraged and offended at first, but eventually I had to give in after some thought because the facts and logic was on their side. That might be the reason I was the way I was on the old site. I have even seen message board posters go from being offended by nonreligious folks to becoming nonreligious themselves.

In fact I think the sledgehammer approach is more effective than the carefully-worded, diplomatic "we must respect beliefs" approach. Richard Dawkins' the God delusion made more people shed their religion than any tip-toeing "I'm not religious I'm spiritual" type ever could.

you're NOT "n!ggas"

FKA ciroq drobama
May 1, 2012
Astronomy (8th light)

I suggest you go re-read that sequence of posts. Drobama came in responded to a guy talking about how was partially talking about how nasty atheists can be online by basically saying it's not happening and it's because people want you guys silenced everywhere. It is the definition of throwing stones and hiding your hands. I've watched him dap up posts that basically call all religious people stupid in absolute terms. He doesn't make those posts of threads, but he's tacitly endorsing them by pretending those posts don't happen. My point was simple. It's unfair to act like the guy he was responding to has no basis in what he's saying.

are you talking about these posts?

THANK YOU. It's killing me how these cats are acting like there isn't repression and ostracizism against open non-believers. I don't care WHAT race you are, there's social consequences to it. As blacks the consequences are even worse, the only group comparable to us (actually, mush much worse) is arabs that defect from Islam.

How are WE are the ones petty and disrespectful? For posting some shyt on a hip hop forum... what implications does this have in personal life? There's people in here talking about how they've had family member and friends badger them for YEARS now about coming back to church and that's not disrespectful??? no because that's actually part of their duty as christians, that's just "christian love". I could hear this shyt if nonbelievers were trying to convert their family and friends, or outcast them because of their difference in belief (despite being the same person), or have their morals brought into question and so on but that's not whats happening.

and the wild thing about it is christians THEMSELVES will complain about the way other christians are passing judgement on them for their lifestyle choices and decisions and yet its still remains that WE are the petty, disrespectful, and unrelenting ones.... that shyt ain't cool man :smh:

as in nonbelievers being nasty about it, pushing their views on the family and friends is not happening, but it happens the other way around and its just fine. we were talking about personal life, REAL LIFE dilemmas and they're complaining about what jboogie23 had to say about their faith on a messageboard... i can't even try to sympathize :shaq2:

:comeon: here we go with this bullshyt again. its perfectly fine for believers to evangelize and profess their faith in the real world, but to speak your mind as a nonbeliever on an online messageboard-- mostly BECAUSE of the fact that there's so few like-minded people out there-- is unacceptable. we can't speak in the real world, we can't speak online... i feel like cats like you just want us to be quiet so we can remain invisible.

same thing once again. nonbelievers shouldn't say anything, even if it's online. i looked through my daps and i can't find any that "basically call all religious people stupid in absolute terms" :what: i don't know WHERE the hell you got that from. i grew up as religious as it gets, so i understand both sides. but even if i did, even if i was the main one actively spitting vitriol and shytting on religious people.... who gives fukk? no one has FORCED these guys the enter these threads and play bodyguard for jesus. there's been plenty of hateful threads on here (often by the same 2 or 3 people) that i don't agree with and i just keep it moving :manny:... this coli shyt is really that simple

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
I hate when people give me shyt for dapping a post btw. Just because I dap a post doesn't mean I co-sign every word of it exactly. Just a pet peeve.

intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook
I hate when people give me shyt for dapping a post btw. Just because I dap a post doesn't mean I co-sign every word of it exactly. Just a pet peeve.

Its a very taxing process for me sometimes... A lot of times someone will have a great post and make several great points then say something like "...classics like illmatic..." then I just cant dap it, I just cant. And I feel bad, but theres some lines I just cant cross. Other times there may be just one really powerful sentence that forces my hand.


intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook

Nah, I feel him. I just mean his whole "I'm right so why should I be civil at all stance." No one in history has ever been turned or convinced by that. But mostly I'm not trying to detract from a good thread.

Its not about being right. Its about what is respectable. I see you dont want to address the issues I keep bringing up, I also understand why, those verses in holy books which demand or condone massacres and rape of children are indefensible. My questions are: A) why do theists defend them, and B) why do you feel I should respect them (the verses), the god in the books, and the people that defend that god or the book? I understand you likely dont partake in massacres or rape, then my point is why follow a book that does? And my bigger point is that you arent even following the book if you arent out killing fakkets and stoning unruly children, and bringing disbelievers before Jesus and slaying them in front of him like the book, Jesus, and yahweh demand. You already dont believe in Christianity, why say you do when you ignore basically everything in Christianity's instruction manual?

You dont see us being this aggressive or even addressing Buddhists do you? You ever wonder why? You think we believe in Buddhism? OR could it be that Buddhism doesnt have scriptures demanding massacres, rape, slavery, etc...

Again, if I am wrong show me where. Why should I respect II Kings 2:23-24?