Religion/Spirituality Atheism and the black community...good read

Jul 26, 2012
In the most generalized sense, religion does not preach accountability imo. It does preach responsibility but only to God and to the church.

There is a mandate to serve God's demands, but that is not always in-line with personal responsibility for one's actions on an ethical basis, and it restricts freedom by confining the totality of the human experience to the whims of what was written in a book in the Bronze Age.

I can't count how many times I've heard people talking about "putting it in God's hands" when they face obstacles, which is essentially waving a white flag and saying you can't solve a problem or handle things. All you can do is get your prayer and church fix like drug addict to give you temporary solace.

Devout religious folks always talk about God's plan and how God will work things out and everything happened because of God's will. This mentality takes away responsibility from people and inhibits their drive to change things in their life in many cases because they have already relinquished responsibility to God.

And there's always the ever-present blame Satan. Someone I knew years back got killed in a freak accident. She was in a drama-filled relationship with a dude and they actually pulled over on a highway in GA and were fighting outside the car and spilled on to the road. She got hit by a car and died. I went to her funeral and the preacher blamed her death on "the thief" a.k.a. Satan.

That's anecdotal, but it reflects the prominent mentality in most of the black church. Blame the bad on Satan, everything you don't understand is God moving in mysterious ways, what you have difficulty changing is God's plan.

And I didn't even mention the sin-forgiveness thing. People "sin" and have no qualms about it because they have the scapegoat of they will be forgiven if they repent.

At a time when black people are in desperate need of more personal responsibility, more thinking outside of the box, more new solutions to sociological ills, more questioning of authority and tradition, and more scientific knowledge to compete in the world, the church and Christianity is :flabbynsick: and has nothing to offer on a collective level.

Accountability is an action at the end of the day. How does a person who doesn't believe in God display accountability as opposed to a person who does?

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Accountability is an action at the end of the day. How does a person who doesn't believe in God display accountability as opposed to a person who does?

I said the church doesn't foster or promote accountability to anything other than it's interpretation of what God wants, and it chalks up situations that aren't easily explainable or tackleable (I just made up a word) to God's will. Accountability is not an action, it's a state of knowing and understanding the assumed responsibility of your actions.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
I don't like your treatment and blatant disrespect of the name and legacy of The Honorable Reverend Good Doctor Nasir Abin Olu Dara Jones.... :lawd::wow::whew::ahh::blessed:.....

but you got a good mind for this shyt. :salute:

Yeah but if he doesn't embrace the Honorable Nasir Bin Olu Dara Jones (PBUH), GOAT of God before he dies, his soul will burn in ether for eternity.
Jul 26, 2012
I said the church doesn't foster or promote accountability to anything other than it's interpretation of what God wants, and it chalks up situations that aren't easily explainable or tackleable (I just made up a word) to God's will. Accountability is not an action, it's a state of knowing and understanding the assumed responsibility of your actions.

But if you don't act on this state of knowing then what good is it?

What good if knowledge if its not applied?

What good is potential if its not realized?

However, I will say that most churches have strayed away from messages that deal with accountability, I will give you that.

However, the irony is that the bible deals heavy in accountability. The book of proverbs in the new testament comes to mind first...

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Always funny watching a group of people who self-admittedly don't believe in God or attend church try to tell religious people what their church and faith preaches :comeon:

Like most people here didn't grow up in church. I know more about church and the Bible than you.

intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook
You talking out of 2 sides of your mouth now. So lack of education, violence in the community, lack of resources, poor school systems, institutionalized racism, etc, no role model in the household, don't contribute to bad behavior from kids. That is all religion's fault?

And to say that the majority of the population does not hold itself accountable, yet, this is still the most powerful nation in the world and has been for the last 120 years easily, is the definition of accountability....

You can't sustain a highly functioning society for this long without the basic component, which is the people, holding themselves accountable to a degree....

Everyone would be on welfare, wic, food stamps, or any other social program if that was the case.....

And using this logic means that there would have been no slave rebellions or civil rights movement.......Because if negroes didn't feel accountable for the future of their kids and their own freedom, they would have never been motivated to act.

I am not sure you understand what accountability is because nothing you mentioned has to do with accountability. All the things I bolded in your quote likely contribute to a climate where bad behavior is more likely. No one is debating that. Accountability comes in when someone is or isnt willing to accept or acknowledge their fault, and or pay the consequence. If you think you can fold your hands and think really really hard towards some imaginary being that the same imaginary being's son will take the responsibility of your actions away from you, then you are not being accountable. Now society may still force you to be accountable by placing you in jail, but thats different from you accepting accountability for your actions.

Whats even more sick about the Church is that they are the one's condemning you (people) of an action you (people) never committed, the forbidden eating of mystical fruit. And apple-gate alone is the reason you are evil, but they have provided the scapegoat so that you dont have to pay the price for eating unauthorized fruit. If you are going to subscribe to the idea of being evil because some people a long time ago ate some fruit, then you should be willing to take the responsibility for eating the fruit, which is death.
Jul 26, 2012
I am not sure you understand what accountability is because nothing you mentioned has to do with accountability. All the things I bolded in your quote likely contribute to a climate where bad behavior is more likely. No one is debating that. Accountability comes in when someone is or isnt willing to accept or acknowledge their fault, and or pay the consequence. If you think you can fold your hands and think really really hard towards some imaginary being that the same imaginary being's son will take the responsibility of your actions away from you, then you are not being accountable. Now society may still force you to be accountable by placing you in jail, but thats different from you accepting accountability for your actions.

Whats even more sick about the Church is that they are the one's condemning you (people) of an action you (people) never committed, the forbidden eating of mystical fruit. And apple-gate alone is the reason you are evil, but they have provided the scapegoat so that you dont have to pay the price for eating unauthorized fruit. If you are going to subscribe to the idea of being evil because some people a long time ago ate some fruit, then you should be willing to take the responsibility for eating the fruit, which is death.

Nah. Trust. I know what accountability is whole heartedly. The church has a lot of problems, no doubt, but what you're talking about is an extreme that applies to a small minority of churches.

It almost sounds like you hate christians/churches as opposed to simply not believing in a God...

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field

Like most people here didn't grow up in church. I know more about church and the Bible than you.

I cant stand that shyt, right.

":ufdup: what you gone tell me about the bible? You Dont EEN GO TO CHUUCH!!!"

:demonic: ts a fukking book, you moron. If you actually read the shyt yourself instead of paying somebody to interpret it for you, you might learn something.

Snitchin Splatter

Working With The Feds
Dec 18, 2012
Confidential Informants
I cant stand that shyt, right.

":ufdup: what you gone tell me about the bible? You Dont EEN GO TO CHUUCH!!!"

:demonic: ts a fukking book, you moron. If you actually read the shyt yourself instead of paying somebody to interpret it for you, you might learn something.

right, because simply reading the whole bible (which I'm sure YOU haven't) qualifies you to start writing posts on what is preached in todays church? So reading a book on Quantum Physics makes you a professor? :skip:

It's hilarious because I go to a church and have attended many where accountability is preached constantly then I sit here and read some atheist tell me accountability is ignored and not focused on in todays church . I read these people do this all the time and it's just non stop :mindblown:

intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook
Nah. Trust. I know what accountability is whole heartedly. The church has a lot of problems, no doubt, but what you're talking about is an extreme that applies to a small minority of churches.

It almost sounds like you hate christians/churches as opposed to simply not believing in a God...

I hate just about everything in the bible because its nonsensical and anti intellectual. Believing in it is extremely silly. But I do understand its tough not to when you are indoctrinated into it at an early age before youre able to think critically... why do you think they teach you the pledge of allegiance at an early age, but dont make you say it later in life?

Do I hate Christians (or people of any religion)? Nope. Most of my friends are either Christian or Muslim, very few are atheists. But religion doesnt really come up because we link on other shyt. However, I do hate religion that makes unfounded assertions as if theyre supported by anything but wishful thinking. I hate religion that celebrates ignorance ("I will make foolish the wisdom of the wise"). And more than anything else I hate that the religious wish to impose this nonsense on the rest of us.

intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook
Yeah but if he doesn't embrace the Honorable Nasir Bin Olu Dara Jones (PBUH), GOAT of God before he dies, his soul will burn in ether for eternity.

I accept the accountability and consequences of my not embracing of naS. As a matter of fact when he unfolded the scroll he rapped about in "Verbal Intercourse" it had me listed as the anti-naS :mjpls:


All Star
May 28, 2012
then I sit here and read some atheist tell me accountability is ignored and not focused on in todays church . I read these people do this all the time and it's just non stop :mindblown:

Well, to be fair that is the opinion of just a few posters, but that is quite a loophole God made in his system. I don't know if believers feel they are less accountable for their actions as a whole, but mercy is a suspension of justice. If murderers, rapists, thieves, etc. can enter the kingdom, then they are never fully punished for their crimes.

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
right, because simply reading the whole bible (which I'm sure YOU haven't) qualifies you to start writing posts on what is preached in todays church? So reading a book on Quantum Physics makes you a professor? :skip:

So you're saying what's in your bible isn't what's being taught in your church?


It's hilarious because I go to a church and have attended many where accountability is preached constantly then I sit here and read some atheist tell me accountability is ignored and not focused on in todays church . I read these people do this all the time and it's just non stop :mindblown:

I didn't say anything about "accountability". I said it's funny how some people assume we should know nothing/they know more about the Bible simply because we don't go to church.