Just treat them like we treat biracials.

Although you say Africans are raised with a "eurocentric framework"
That Eurocentricity is the exact reason why it's easier for West Indians to assimilate
b/c yall are still westernized with european names like African Americans.
As far as Africans, The reason why its a little harder to assimilated in to African American culture is simply because of cultural differences.
plus many African come here for Economic reasons.
And since WHITE people are on the top of the totem pole, many parents attempt to raise there children to mingle with whoever is closest to the resources, which is white people
no different than the chinese, indians, latinos
Although Im starting to see more and more Africans just sticking with their own,
yes the institutions are Eurocentric, then again, most republics on earth are somewhat eurocentric,Yes.
There's definitely weight in the idea that there is a shared ideological basis (Pan-Africanism is moreless a AA\WI colab, with seminal figures on each side) but we're not solely talking about assimilating culturally, Africans don't 'Become AA' because they a sizeable amount of them flatout do not like us. That's seen in the way they regard themselves seperately in social matters (police shyt, church shyt, school\college groups). That fundamental shift is what inhibits any type of relationship.. Not because their culture is different than ours.. American Black people love everybody lol.
As far as being westernized.. nikkas in Africa are DEFINITELY more with the program than we are lol..Eurocentric social structures and governments.. If anything, it's us in the diaspora who have fought off the westernization of our people more than the African has... And I hate to put it like that cuz it sounds like a knock but it is what iti is.
Latinos (I'm speaking from a NY standpoint (PR\DR) but there are parallels with the Mexicans out west) are more in line with Blacks than Africans are.
The last bit you said about Africans viewing whites as the idyllic social class speaks to the Eurocentric framework I mentioned.
yes the institutions are Eurocentric, then again, most republics on earth are somewhat eurocentric,
But the people aren't. Except a few c00ns in the government.
I don't see how thats hard to understand
But I will agree that a lot of Africans that come here, try the most to be accepted and eventually spew the same rhetoric as a fox news anchor. As if that suppose to give them an edge
But there are plenty of African Americans c00ns on fox news so![]()
I understand some AA arguments here but it's like the WASPs saying that Irish, Italians, Slavs, Jews, etc. could not be true White Americans based on the history WASPs trace back to the Pilgrims etc.
the general ignorance of how the govt views the term is beside the pointLol nikka for you but not for others around the country. Being black in america automatically puts you in that category even if you don't want to be.
AA'S don't have the scoop on who's what and can lay claim to what. White people and the government do.
This is confusing...why even use the term "African American" then? By most of the answers in this thread Obama, son of an African in America, is not African American...He's Kenyan-American, and Kenya is in Africa...but he's not African-American...ok.
this is the dumbest thing ive ever seen, so only African americans are black?They will never be ethnic Black until they reject their homeland culture language and religion. They didn't earn those stripes yet. They can though. Why would they want to anyway?
Being American is a nationality. Being African American is an ethnicity. Like Afro Brazilian, Afro Latino, Afro Cuban etc. nobody is trying to distance themselves from Africa by acknowledging their own unique culture/ethnicity.I understand the different history, but the term "Black American" seems more appropriate then for those who distance themselves from Africa, and not integrate African immigrants. Why keep the "African" in what you call yourself, when you separate yourself from other people who come from Africa too? Words should reflect your position.