Anyway to answer the question, it depends brah 
I mean I have cousins and nieces and nephews that are culturally no different than any other AA kid except their last name. And the mothers are all AA.
Then I know some first and second gen african people that are basically just 'Mainstream Americans' that happen to have ancestry directly from the Africa. Ironically, These guys are the first to bring up their heritage even more for a few reasons
....until they get their negro wakeup call.
Sure You can participate in AA culture all you want, and yes certain aspects of the AA community still affect you since your are still black,
But, at then end of they day you still have a place hat's really your home
Hell Your parents probably just saw America as a lick, but decided to stay here due to political instability and coups like my folks did 
Maybe down the line if you marry an AA and your kids marry other AAs, then they will basically AA.... like how the Irish and Italians became just White after a few generations

I mean I have cousins and nieces and nephews that are culturally no different than any other AA kid except their last name. And the mothers are all AA.
Then I know some first and second gen african people that are basically just 'Mainstream Americans' that happen to have ancestry directly from the Africa. Ironically, These guys are the first to bring up their heritage even more for a few reasons

Sure You can participate in AA culture all you want, and yes certain aspects of the AA community still affect you since your are still black,
But, at then end of they day you still have a place hat's really your home

Maybe down the line if you marry an AA and your kids marry other AAs, then they will basically AA.... like how the Irish and Italians became just White after a few generations