Now if we want to talk "middle income countries," there should be plenty of them, though I am weary of these statistics com
The world’s Middle Income Countries (MICs), which are defined as having a per capita gross national income of US$1,026 to $12,475 (
2011) are a diverse group by size, population, and income level. Middle income countries are home to five of the world’s seven billion people and 73 percent of the world’s poor people. At the same time, middle income countries represent about one third of global GDP and are major engines of global growth.
The World Bank Group continues to evolve its partnership with middle income countries, working with them simultaneously as clients, shareholders, and global actors. The World Bank provides increasingly tailored services—financial products (loans, guarantees, risk management products) and knowledge and advisory services (including on a reimbursable basis)—to support middle income countries in their global roles, to address their second-generation reform challenges, and to facilitate knowledge exchange and South-South cooperation.