I gotta defend guys for a second i see all types of bytches grab their arms and do that fake laugh then touch their chest.
I know nikkas be uncomfortable ass shyt even if she kinda attractive .
That has to be annoying ass fukk especially for dudes that work out .
"Well you look like you can pick things up."
Or in retail having my arm grabbed to show me where something is. Woman, I don't know you
ETC ETC. When I started working out and put on that weight, all that shyt started taking place. I typically spit witty shyt in order to entertain myself at a boring ass
job. Some women take that as a sign to touch/overshare/flirt. I got regular remarks and staring at my ass (wore dress pants, butt is on large

) to the point
it was corny rather than flattering, especially when I don't play tit for tat. Ultimately it is a very small annoyance, but fukk...I am never on that "yo baby yo" pesky shyt with
women, but being hounded sexually is draining, especially when you can do nothing about it. Also, declining the advances of a woman outright
fam, yall ladies can get real vindictive.