Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
Not that bad a list, my brehs, not that bad at all. 

Not that bad a list, my brehs, not that bad at all.![]()
Watched all of them and Citizen Kane, Schindler's List, Godfather pt II, and maybe Matrix are what I like most on there.
Only one I don't care too much for is 2001 and prefer Clockwork Orange.
Probably wouldn't put any of those in my personal top 10, but then I definitely got shockingly odd tastes.
I am shocked at The Matrix and Schindler's List getting into the Top 10 over other movies in the same genres but other than that it's a pretty good list.
Also, interesting to see the directors repped in this top 10. The Wachowski's and Irvin Kershner are more or less in it because they made one incredibly huge movie that pretty much defined their careers. But if you look at the rest:
Francis Ford Coppola
Martin Scorsese
Quentin Tarantino
Orson Welles
Stanley Kubrick
Steven Spielberg
And add names repped in the Top 20 like Akira Kurosawa, Paul Thomas Anderson, Spike Lee, David Lean, Frank Darabont and Christopher Nolan (and the like four/five guys attributed to The Wizard Of Oz) and that's not a bad list either, brehs. It does make the lack of Hitchcock stand out even more, but I always felt Hitchcock has the problem that his filmography is a lot more expansive which makes it harder to give him one defining film. For me it would be Vertigo, but for someone else it would be Psycho, or Dial M For Murder, or Rear Window, or North By Northwest, or, well, you get the drift.
If you're gonna do it by categories next I think the best starting point would be supehero/comic book movies. Seems like those are always a hot topic here and you'd probably get a lot of feedback.
As for this list? Not bad considering the demos here. Probably around what you would expect I guess. Nothing too shameful.
If you're gonna do it by categories next I think the best starting point would be supehero/comic book movies.
I hadn't thought about which one next outside of horror movies in October. My problem with doing comic book flicks is we'd have to open it up in order to get a good pool of including a history of violence, any tmnt movie, sin city and 300 etc not just spider man, batman and superman
I'd rather do top 10 animated movies or kids movies. fukk them wack ass super hero movies.
Superhero movies are kids movies.![]()