As a woman, I'm tired of being nice to men


May 13, 2012
I know it's sounds simple to move on, but in a tight knit workplace it's difficult. It's just makes me regret like even engaging with him. I usually keep myself more guarded but he acted like every thing was cool
How dare someone misinterpret something,

Why do you feel offended, maybe he was trying to convince himself too? was he intentionally being disrespectful?


Dec 21, 2012
Be honest with your self though? Did you have a little bit of feelings for him?

At a work place it's best to keep cordial and keep people at arms length. Look at this as a good thing. Move on and befriend people outside of work.

I honestly do not like him. He is very nice and will make someone happy but not for me. He follows me around wanting to be around me all the time. I'm either dressed for work or when we hang out wearing no makeup with my hair up. Like if I liked you wouldn't I try a little harder? I work a weird job so it's not like a 9-5. We travel together often. It's hard to even keep relationships with what I do.

Banned Account12

May 24, 2012
I didn't initiate the contact. I knew he was attractive so I kinda just fell back but he always was around me and talks to me like I'm just one of his guy friends so I just kinda said fukk it and treated him like a friend. I don't want to be with him. He's cute but it ain't like that.
thats cool
but do you want to fukk him?
keep it real

Knuckles Red

Jun 22, 2015
I honestly do not like him. He is very nice and will make someone happy but not for me. He follows me around wanting to be around me all the time. I'm either dressed for work or when we hang out wearing no makeup with my hair up. Like if I liked you wouldn't I try a little harder? I work a weird job so it's not like a 9-5. We travel together often. It's hard to even keep relationships with what I do.
It sounds like you're just angry that he had this preconceived notion of you. Like he knew your intentions before even really knowing you. Like you're that simple of a human being that he just knew all your motives. Thats understandable. We live in a patriarchal society that tells women they're only here to please men, and thats whats at play here. He views you as a sex object rather than a coworker. That sucks, but like I said before: just keep it professional, look at the situation for what it is, and keep it moving. Thats really the best advice I can give.


May 4, 2012
Stationed in Antarctica, Coldest Niggga Alive
So today I'm hanging with my coworker. He's really attractive. We have been hanging out more at work and just talking to each other a lot. Tell me why today we were alone and he hits me with "you know I have a girl now I just think we should cool it "
DONT NOBODY WANT YOU. Why can't a woman be fukking nice to a man and want to hang out without wanting to be in a relationship or have sex with him? It actually pissed me off that he thinks I want that from him. We literally talk about the women he likes together jokingly. I've given him friend vibes from day one. Sometimes I just like to be around him and spend time with him.. I text him when I bored and we have little jokes together because everyone at work sucks and I can laugh and relate to him. He's not my type... and I'm pretty sure he only likes white women. Lol he really tried to play me like I'm lusting after him.
I guess I should just stop being nice and wanting to hang out with men... Now it feels awkward even speaking to him. I feel like the whole time he thought I was feeling him but I just thought he was a nice guy plus he always was making an effort to be around ME so I thought we were cool.

Anyways /rant

Just thought I share because now I realize I need to stop treating everyone so nicely because that means I wanna fukk. Ha. I don't have a lot of girlfriends. I just always gravitated towards guys (not in that way)... but i feel like it's always misconstrued. I actually get more quiet around guys I'm into and open up to most of my platonic guy friends. NOBODY gets it. They always think I have a motive.
I'm just sick of it... maybe I should have a stank attitude and not talk to the guys in my office and I won't have these issues.

How do you know he wasn't speaking from the standpoint of his girl potentially tripping.

What you so on the defense about?
May 3, 2012
All he did was clear the air with you, and honestly it's hard to differentiate flirting between just being friendly sometimes, so maybe you came off someway and didn't realize. I just think that when some women say they're putting out certain signs, I find that they're not being as obvious as they think they are:ld:.


This account was for entertainment purposes only.
Jun 16, 2013
So today I'm hanging with my coworker. He's really attractive. We have been hanging out more at work and just talking to each other a lot. Tell me why today we were alone and he hits me with "you know I have a girl now I just think we should cool it "
DONT NOBODY WANT YOU. Why can't a woman be fukking nice to a man and want to hang out without wanting to be in a relationship or have sex with him? It actually pissed me off that he thinks I want that from him. We literally talk about the women he likes together jokingly. I've given him friend vibes from day one. Sometimes I just like to be around him and spend time with him.. I text him when I bored and we have little jokes together because everyone at work sucks and I can laugh and relate to him. He's not my type... and I'm pretty sure he only likes white women. Lol he really tried to play me like I'm lusting after him.
I guess I should just stop being nice and wanting to hang out with men... Now it feels awkward even speaking to him. I feel like the whole time he thought I was feeling him but I just thought he was a nice guy plus he always was making an effort to be around ME so I thought we were cool.

Anyways /rant

Just thought I share because now I realize I need to stop treating everyone so nicely because that means I wanna fukk. Ha. I don't have a lot of girlfriends. I just always gravitated towards guys (not in that way)... but i feel like it's always misconstrued. I actually get more quiet around guys I'm into and open up to most of my platonic guy friends. NOBODY gets it. They always think I have a motive.
I'm just sick of it... maybe I should have a stank attitude and not talk to the guys in my office and I won't have these issues.

Stop being a tease. :upsetfavre: