As a white man, what can I do to help stop black inequality?


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Snoop Dogg said:
it might be pointless to talk to me, but thats because you are absurdly ignorant, not I.


:sas2:......I bet you think you're 'Caucasian'.​

CAC Dogg

Sep 14, 2013
i guess i shoulda been clear, when i said i was up for helping stop black inequality, i didn't mean that i was going to go full Macklemore and become a white uncle tom.

its possible for black people to be at a disadvantage without me ever having anything to do with it, or having benefited from it. Afer studying history professionally for over a decade, I am not going to hush up and listen to your disgusting perversions of history, just because if I don't you will call me racist.

I don't feel I owe any of you anything and I never will, and I also don't expect thanks for anything I do. If you want to believe im a racist, go ahead, im not, and all you are doing is pushing away the only people who give a fukk, and you really wonder why things never seem to get better?

and the insinuation that the white race is evil is nothing short of schizophrenia. yall should be ashamed of yourselves. try living in the 21st century and not the 16th.

CAC Dogg

Sep 14, 2013
Where is the the racism? As I've said before, your post history says otherwise.
As i've said before, post a comment in my post history that says otherwise so I can respond to it, or stfu.

or should i just do what you are doing.

'you are a racist cuz your post history'

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
a few serious posts on page 1 then it devolves into everyone taking out their anger on the closest white person to them, this dude on a forum :russ:
Right? Imagine if a few politicians asked this question and the town hall erupted into something like this. fukking embarrassing. Folks just want to complain but when it comes time for actual dialogue they weren't even thinking of anything.

Black folks sit around waiting for cacs to be proactive because they're useless and lack the ability to organize. Then when a few folks like Tim Wise try to come in and help, they're skeptical, not knowing that without cac assistance, nothing in the country will change. White folks were very very smart to know that they couldnt take over america without the assistance of native americans. There were no instances where europeans went to native lands and didn't use the native for assistance. Meanwhile black folks magically refuse this age old method proven to work time and time again.

CAC Dogg

Sep 14, 2013


:sas2:......I bet you think you're 'Caucasian'.​

that wasn't peer reviewed you ignoramus, and its not even about MODERN discrimination... you failed both tests

take a history 101 class and stop doing this :sas2: every time you post some asinine bullshyt lol

you honestly think i cant find a book by the KKK that says much of the opposite? you really need a lesson on critical thinking.

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
Right? Imagine if a few politicians asked this question and the town hall erupted into something like this. fukking embarrassing. Folks just want to complain but when it comes time for actual dialogue they weren't even thinking of any.
I mean, I get it. People are angry and frustrated, and they don't get to take out those frustrations towards white people in real life, so this is the outlet to do it. And of course OP is being inflammatory right back and everything just devolves into a shouting match.

CAC Dogg

Sep 14, 2013
well when your criteria for being racist is that

every white person who didnt kill themselves because of guilt after seeing what happened to Trayvon, is a racist.

i can see why this site is so scared of white people. most of you have the worst grasp on logic i've ever seen. 'BLAH white people took over Europe obviously they are all evil. lets kill em"

dont any of you have a mother? do you talk like this around her? grow the fukk up.


Mar 4, 2015
@Snoop Dogg

I'm curious your thoughts on my answer :ehh:

The problem isn't that "white folk don't care about us" because that's some slave/child shyt. Nobody is looking for "whites to care" at all. What we want is to not turn on the TV, see a nikka getting shot in the back, and then having to go on Facebook and see a dead man's name and dignity dragged through the mud because most white Americans can't possibly side against a blue-eyed hero against a black skinned villain.

Racial inequality is not about who's team you are on (black white etc.) it's about acknowledging that there is a systematic difference between the way that the races are treated. The fact of the matter is, there really is nothing that one person can do to change a system that was created with us as property, took 100 years after we were considered property (1865-1960s) to give us "equal rights" on paper, and is still showing a huge disregard for those equal rights 50 years later.

Empathy and Sympathy are great, but in America, there will always be an underlying racial inequality. Just as a house is built upon a foundation, a country is guided by it's foundational principles, and when those were written, blacks were less than dogs. The absolute best thing you can do is educate people around you whenever you catch them saying slick shyt, vote locally to change your area, and be a decent human being.

I didn't mean any of that to sound like I'm attacking you...I'm not that guy. But honestly, what most white people don't realize is that we don't need a hero, a savior, or someone to look up to. We just want the same exact respect when you look in our eyes (as men) that you give another white man. The same respect despite our name (because honestly BLANCHE isn't any more or less acceptable than TENISHA) the same respect that you give to a surfer with a beard and long hair to a nikka with dreads, and we want the same wages, educational opportunities, and most importantly JUSTICE, that white people get.

CAC Dogg

Sep 14, 2013
@Snoop Dogg

I'm curious your thoughts on my answer :ehh:

"What we want is to not turn on the TV, see a nikka getting shot in the back, and then having to go on Facebook and see a dead man's name and dignity dragged through the mud because most white Americans can't possibly side against a blue-eyed hero against a black skinned villain."

Let's talk about specific cases, cuz this statement is way too vague. I don't see how you expect white people to side with Trayvon. I see how you expect white people to side with the black guy that was actually shot in the back on phone video (cant remember his name), and honestly they have. My problem is you lumping these two types of cases together, where there is definitely a question of whether self defense was warranted, to another case where its obvious it wasn't. So while white people are against police brutality, sometimes you try to say police brutality exists where it doesn't, and if they disagree with that you call them racist and insinuate they are for black people getting shot in the back...

It's hard for me to tell who is right, I think both sides have liars and truth tellers, cops and poor black people. I don't think its the case that the police force is a white superiority organization in disguise. I also don't think that they are perfect and not significantly racist in many cities (IE baltimore). MY problem is you make everything black and white. Any time someone black dies from a cop, he HAD to be innocent, it couldn't possibly have been self defense! Like all the people marching before any of the evidence comes out in the Mike Brown trial etc.

"acknowledging that there is a systematic difference between the way that the races are treated"

I acknowledge that. I just don't agree with your conclusion that this justifies treating white's as guilty of something that happened long before they were even breathing.

"e just want the same exact respect when you look in our eyes (as men) that you give another white man."

You only get respect where you give it. Thats all white people want to, the vis-versa, for black peope to stop treating them any differently than they would another black guy, but, to be honest, its black people who are far more hesitant to respect someone of a different race in this way than white people are.Do you ever hear white people saying 'stop taking our culture', when black people play video games? Have you ever heard black people say that about hip hop?

I do show this kind of respect, and most of the time I get it back from blacks, but definitely NOT on this site. Yall hate me cuz im white, solely because im white.

"the same wages, educational opportunities, and most importantly JUSTICE" the problem is this will never happen as long as people are just competing on different race teams. blacks will try to use the government to fukk over whites. whites will do the same to blacks.I think the only solution is to have a color blind government that helps people based on their poverty level, and has no way of knowing their skin color, IE Ron Paul's platform.

Anything else I didn't respond to I basically agree with.
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