As a white man, what can I do to help stop black inequality?

CAC Dogg

Sep 14, 2013
Fam I assure you I'm not phased about any of that bullshyt you posted. I just find it funny when you made this thread several posters questioned your authenticity and boom you prove them right. You claim you want to be an agent for change for the plight of blacks yet you foster the mentality that you (white people) dealt us a solid by enslaving and bringing us here. Ignorant to the fact that there are plenty of cities in the continent of Africa puts many of ours to shame. On top of that you disregard the fact that the motherland was purposely underdeveloped by people with your skin tone then have the audacity to call me and others arrogant... gtfoh.

You do realize the africa being all mud huts viewpoint is one that many other white supremacist foster but you want to help, lol nah we're good bruh. The really funny part is you referenceed the moors and Spain and their treatmeant several times in here but don't see the hypocrisy because it was the moors that brought Spain and Europe out of the dark ages, you know like african Americans and electronicity

authenticity of what? im going to go on helping people of all skin colors whether you like it or not, I couldn't care less if you believe me or approve of me.

missed the post where I said that part in bold. stop trying to put words in my mouth. never said 'africa is all mudhuts' or 'thank us for enslaving you' or anything remotely along those lines. Implying I did is simply pathetic on your part and shows a complete lack of integrity. I simply pointed out that you use electricity that the white man gave you, the only reason I said that is because you said something like 'all white people should die, ALL they bring destruction everywhere'. I was simply pointing out you are ignoring the good things white people do for you. (and ignore the bad things black people do throughout history). It's kinda sad I even have to make this argument, the argument that 'not all white people are evil', but you brought it up, so dont get butthurt when I bring up facts.

No one who makes claims to know that 'one set of people with a certain skin tone are evil', isn't arrogant. Nobody who looks at history objectively comes away with that sentiment. All you are doing is cherry picking historical events.


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
I c. no organization name huh? always the loudest, always the one calling out c00n this c00n that. nikka sit your ass down, Im currently in LA, came here to get my congolese visa, and Im dipping back to africa, you dont, and will never know me, so keep to yourself, sit down and pretend youre doing some shyt when youre doing nothing at all. you're not a factor in the grand scheme of thing, a scheme which you dont even have. you're in the same boat, living your god damn life, quit fronting like you've got an organization or you're in a pack beyond your family, you are doing nothing. difference between you and me, is Im keeping it 100 and you're putting on a facade for god knows who.

as for your racist rhetoric, Ill ignore it because it shows your intelligence, god forbid another race goes on about some stereotype, watch how you'd turn into a female, but ill leave it at that, Im not asian, so your cosplay saget dig doesnt effect me none. :heh:

Ight first of all I want to apologize, if I ever gave the impression that I gave a shyt about where you are or going I'm sorry because I don't. U could be in Branson, MO and the same amount of fukks would be given.

And no I'm not posting the name of the organization, it would be different if you wanted to make a donation but we both know thats not the case.

Im not claiming to be a Huey or Malcom by any stretch fam but in the grand scheme of things if I can instill some pride and self worth in just one of the girls I teach then that's a success in my book. No facades here, I work for a nonprofit, not much money in what I do, ain't shyt glamorous about it but I do support my family and I do my best to enrich the minds of my students.

Lastly just because you grew disillusioned and turned your back on your people doesnt mean we are on the same boat and i have the same frail mentality because we post on the same forum. Yes there are people here who have a passion for the upliftment of our people. We are just cut from a different cloth, you obviously being of the terry variety. I mean bruh you said black people are useless, yet claim to be black. You are the very definition of a c00n, don't like being labelled one then change your mindset if not then c00n on.:manny: With that said you're right I don't know you, I wish no ill will towards you and I wish you traveling grace on your c00n travels.

c00n :jawalrus:


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
authenticity of what? im going to go on helping people of all skin colors whether you like it or not, I couldn't care less if you believe me or approve of me.

missed the post where I said that part in bold. stop trying to put words in my mouth. never said 'africa is all mudhuts' or 'thank us for enslaving you' or anything remotely along those lines. Implying I did is simply pathetic on your part and shows a complete lack of integrity. I simply pointed out that you use electricity that the white man gave you, the only reason I said that is because you said something like 'all white people should die, ALL they bring destruction everywhere'. I was simply pointing out you are ignoring the good things white people do for you. (and ignore the bad things black people do throughout history). It's kinda sad I even have to make this argument, the argument that 'not all white people are evil', but you brought it up, so dont get butthurt when I bring up facts.

No one who makes claims to know that 'one set of people with a certain skin tone are evil', isn't arrogant. Nobody who looks at history objectively comes away with that sentiment. All you are doing is cherry picking historical events.

:skip: bruh u keep harping on electricity but you obviously never heard of Lewis Latimer Lewis Latimer - Inventor of the Carbon Filament Light Bulb | The Black Inventor Online Museum

:pachaha:on top of that you smugly post that black people have all of these luxuries and creature comforts because us being in America. Yet I could argue America wouldnt be this super power on the world stage with all these creature comforts if it wasnt for the centuries of blood sweat and tears from the free labor forced upon the slaves. Even then a man whose parents were escaped slaves was instrumental in the "discovery" of electricity :gladbron: which was your trump card in this thread.

:patrice: don't know you but youre looking funny in the light, bad thing is I don't think you even know you're a racist. You may not have malice towards black people but you definitely hold some white supremacist ideologies.

I never said all white people are this or are that and I never wished death on anyone you are confusing me with another poster. But I did hit you with historical facts. Its not our fault if we hold up a mirror and you don't like what u see.
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Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
The only thing that non blacks can do is just be fair and polite (the same treatment any one human should give any other). The rest has to be from within. Education, jobs, crime all has to be the people wanting to do better and working hard at it.

So unless you are in charge of hiring and you toss black people's apps in the fireplace, then you're off the hook. Just don't try to hold people back is all I'm sayin.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Ight first of all I want to apologize, if I ever gave the impression that I gave a shyt about where you are or going I'm sorry because I don't. U could be in Branson, MO and the same amount of fukks would be given.

And no I'm not posting the name of the organization, it would be different if you wanted to make a donation but we both know thats not the case.

Im not claiming to be a Huey or Malcom by any stretch fam but in the grand scheme of things if I can instill some pride and self worth in just one of the girls I teach then that's a success in my book. No facades here, I work for a nonprofit, not much money in what I do, ain't shyt glamorous about it but I do support my family and I do my best to enrich the minds of my students.

Lastly just because you grew disillusioned and turned your back on your people doesnt mean we are on the same boat and i have the same frail mentality because we post on the same forum. Yes there are people here who have a passion for the upliftment of our people. We are just cut from a different cloth, you obviously being of the terry variety. I mean bruh you said black people are useless, yet claim to be black. You are the very definition of a c00n, don't like being labelled one then change your mindset if not then c00n on.:manny: With that said you're right I don't know you, I wish no ill will towards you and I wish you traveling grace on your c00n travels.

c00n :jawalrus:
but you dont do none of the above. you dont do shyt , you don't enrich shyt, you are not fooling anyone. stop the bullshyt. :mindblown:

CAC Dogg

Sep 14, 2013
:skip: bruh u keep harping on electricity but you obviously never heard of Lewis Latimer Lewis Latimer - Inventor of the Carbon Filament Light Bulb | The Black Inventor Online Museum

:pachaha:on top of that you smugly post that black people have all of these luxuries and creature comforts because us being in America. Yet I could argue America wouldnt be this super power on the world stage with all these creature comforts if it wasnt for the centuries of blood sweat and tears from the free labor forced upon the slaves. Even then a man whose parents were escaped slaves was instrumental in the "discovery" of electricity :gladbron: which was your trump card in this thread.

:patrice: don't know you but youre looking funny in the light, bad thing is I don't think you even know you're a racist. You may not have malice towards black people but you definitely hold some white supremacist ideologies.

I never said all white people are this or are that and I never wished death on anyone you are confusing me with another poster. But I did hit you with historical facts. Its not our fault if we hold up a mirror and you don't like what u see.

bruh inventing one type of longer-lasting more-efficient lightbulb is not the same thing as inventing/ harnessing electricity. and im not harping on anything, i dropped that dumb shyt a long time ago and you are still trying to talk about one comment I made, I was never making any argument about black people not inventing enough or any of that shyt. I simply said white people did good things. Everything else is just you assuming/insinuating things about what I believe.

i never said black people didn't contribute to America's economic miracle, I just said white people did too.

'you definitely hold some white supremacist ideologies' not really, you are just so far to the left that you think anyone who even slants to the right is a racist. honestly, anyone who doesn't ride black dikk, agree with them on everything, give them every single thing they ask for, and do everything they say, is a racist to the left.

im interested in helping innocent people, im not interested in riding dikk and not pointing out facts because they might make people upset. You might not even see it, but most white people are afraid to disagree with you. This probably gives you the idea that anyone who disagrees with you is a racist, because you are in agreement with so many people who seem to be friendly. The irony is i'm far more accepting and tolerant of other races than these phony dikkriders, they don't care about effecting positive change for black people, they just want to look 'down'. These are the type of people who ride dikk then say some dumb racist joke with the N word when you turn your back, or democrat-leftist people who think black people need welfare, cant make it in the free market without the white mans help, but cant come out and say as much.

The fact is that all of history is a fukked up bloodbath with rape, genocide, war, and torture, throughout all races and all times besides the last 50 years or so. To act like this dark side of history is unique to white people is nothing but a pathetic lie, whether you realize that or not. I have studied history professionally for over a decade, so I don't blame you for thinking otherwise, but you have been lied to.
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All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
@Snoop Dogg if you are serious in finding the best way to efficiently allocate your resources into lessening some of the disparities in results that are facing black Americans today like crime, family, education, and economic income than I need to explain to you the causalities of these problems, and why these issues aren't occurring to the same degree, or at all in with other groups.

First, if you value hard evidence than issues like crime and broken families is not a result of slavery, the legacy of it, or Jim Crow. It's a result of the liberal left-vision. Just check the cold, hard facts from history on the state of black Americans pre and after the 1960s welfare state. A quick example; black poverty was far worse and white racism was far worse, prior to the 1960s; However, Murder rates among black males were going down during the much of the 1950s, while it went up after 1960s, reaching levels more than double what they had been before. Yes, this was before crack even hit. You can also see the same trends occurring with the nuclear black family unit, and the labor force stats too.

The logic for why the welfare state/liberal polices is at the heart of the issues has to do with cultural values, and how that concept relates back to the success and failures of a group. The fact is in a democracy for a welfare type of system to function, you first need to make the welfare-state ideology accepted. And that ideology is non-judgmental, it excuses behavioral standards, and personal responsibility. In effect, it reinforces values and customs that are the opposite of the values needed for bootstrapping one to success. And this is not a anomaly for blacks, these results occurred among the white underclass in England over the same time period(src).

When you see the facts than you must conclude there is a culture that works, and a culture that doesn't. Cultural values of Asian Americans are drastically different from Blacks, thus the results of both groups state in America are drastically different. So the solution for you, in helping to try and fix these problems is showing others the facts(preferably white liberals) by pointing out the source of the problem and what's enabling it. This will be difficult in the current climate because rhetoric seems to hold more value than empirical evidence as i'm sure you can see by the responses of some users on the root and especially itt.
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I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
:mjlol: and there u have it, your true feelings comes to the light after a little pressure is applied. And IMO that's the best thing you and your ilk could do is be your true self and not some facetious benevolent great white savior that you really are not. That way we will know who exactly we are dealing with and we as a people can act accordingly.

He thought we were gonna fall for the good white savior bullshyt :camby:

Cacs hate to be reminded of their history


Supreme HD

Dec 7, 2014
the avg cac cant do nothing, the elites about to take y'all down next...were just their experiment....blacks dont need cacs they need figure it out themselves, but in reality that'll never happen

but in all honestly this society is finished bro, anybody that's a student of history know this version of america is unsustainable
sad but true


Land, water, wherever.
Dec 10, 2014
the avg cac cant do nothing, the elites about to take y'all down next...were just their experiment....blacks dont need cacs they need figure it out themselves, but in reality that'll never happen

but in all honestly this society is finished bro, anybody that's a student of history know this version of america is unsustainable

History is just a set of lies agreed upon by the elite. We don't really know what has been happening before the 1900's. Believe that.