Article: White Men winning in India - "I almost feel like a god!"


May 17, 2013
Yes, black people have always believed cacs without any evidence. Black people stay getting finessed by cacs in this regard, but the truth is we don't actually enjoy being around white people or even respect white people who should be respected in most cases.

White people are always talking about "black culture" and 1 of the things they like to harp on is a lack of respect. We just don't respect the idea of white people being worthy of worship
who the fukk needs cac approval :what: do they need our approval? we are kings with far more history than them, why the fukk would we need too? :what:


May 17, 2013
Yes, it's true. White people get special treatment, deferential treatment.

I'll tell you all what the biggest problem with this is. It hasn't even got shyt to do with racial pride or any ego reason about how we used to slaughter cacs and now we're rolling out the carpet for them. It's about the special treatment that gets handed out to white people. This is exactly how we ended up losing the place to them last time. And these stupid ass motherfukkers don't learn from the history. If we let white people in like that again, especially if it's for 'business' or 'money', then we are opening ourselves up to being dominated by them in our own country once again.

It started with the Dutch and British East India trading companies, and Indian rulers giving them special permissions and privileges for no good reason. Probably they got paid and it was just "good business" to take care of your partner who broke you off some fat stacks. But whatever the reason, it's how it started. Once you let them get that foothold they're going to come back for more and more.

What happened last time was they used all those special perks cunningly to win all sorts of concessions other foreigners didn't have. Like low or no taxes, setting up private security firms, making whites immune from prosecution under local laws, allowing them to have a monopoly on certain trades, and finally the knockout blow was when we decided it was ok if they built a fukking army :snoop:
This is true, but your CEO jew/cac is not your regular Todd who goes to India and just mingles on the daily basis. I think they see him as a mark. They will use him, dance with him, make im feel special, make him feel some type of way, but thats why an agenda. To get his money. He's no CEO coming to the country and dealing with politicians. those guys are different, they have POWER, but your average dutch guy (dude in the article) is not controlling shyt other than he can ride the wave and act like it, but around other wealthy indians, they see him as a fraud.


Dec 20, 2015
This is true, but your CEO jew/cac is not your regular Todd who goes to India and just mingles on the daily basis. I think they see him as a mark. They will use him, dance with him, make im feel special, make him feel some type of way, but thats why an agenda. To get his money. He's no CEO coming to the country and dealing with politicians. those guys are different, they have POWER, but your average dutch guy (dude in the article) is not controlling shyt other than he can ride the wave and act like it, but around other wealthy indians, they see him as a fraud.

Taxi drivers in India are known to be notoriously immoral conmen. They'll rip you off if they suspect you're an Indian from a different town, forget about a foreigner from another country.


May 1, 2012
Yes, it's true. White people get special treatment, deferential treatment.

I'll tell you all what the biggest problem with this is. It hasn't even got shyt to do with racial pride or any ego reason about how we used to slaughter cacs and now we're rolling out the carpet for them. It's about the special treatment that gets handed out to white people. This is exactly how we ended up losing the place to them last time. And these stupid ass motherfukkers don't learn from the history. If we let white people in like that again, especially if it's for 'business' or 'money', then we are opening ourselves up to being dominated by them in our own country once again.

It started with the Dutch and British East India trading companies, and Indian rulers giving them special permissions and privileges for no good reason. Probably they got paid and it was just "good business" to take care of your partner who broke you off some fat stacks. But whatever the reason, it's how it started. Once you let them get that foothold they're going to come back for more and more.

What happened last time was they used all those special perks cunningly to win all sorts of concessions other foreigners didn't have. Like low or no taxes, setting up private security firms, making whites immune from prosecution under local laws, allowing them to have a monopoly on certain trades, and finally the knockout blow was when we decided it was ok if they built a fukking army :snoop:

White people are catered to in India because they have bread. The same reason "NRI's" aka "non resident Indians" are catered to in India...Because they have bread. It's not because they are white.

India has a lot of people there who are worshipped as gods...That's nothing new....And guess what not one of them is white.


May 17, 2013
Taxi drivers in India are known to be notoriously immoral conmen. They'll rip you off if they suspect you're an Indian from a different town, forget about a foreigner from another country.
but apparently if you're white they'll treat you like a god tho. :mjpls:


May 17, 2013
White people are catered to in India because they have bread. The same reason "NRI's" aka "non resident Indians" are catered to in India...Because they have bread. It's not because they are white.

India has a lot of people there who are worshipped as gods...That's nothing new....And guess what not one of them is white.
exactly. people with bread are catered in any country. those angolan diamond mine tyc00ns are fukking GODS in dubai. I'm talking trains of lambos, dancing all around a muslim city and no way says a damn thing.

americans supposedly hate arabs, but why can saudi princes be treated better than fellow americans in Manhattan. MONEY IS POWER.


Mar 6, 2014
Facts is a lot of articles collaborate what this cac is saying. India worship of white skin is legendary.
A Black American's first-hand experience of footpath India: no one even wants to change

In spite of friendship and love in private spaces, the Delhi public literally stops and stares. It is harrowing to constantly have children and adults tease, taunt, pick, poke and peer at you from the corner of their eyes, denying their own humanity as well as mine. Their aggressive, crude curiosity threatens to dominate unless disarmed by kindness, or met with equal aggression.

Once I stood gazing at the giraffes at the Lucknow Zoo only to turn and see 50-odd families gawking at me rather than the exhibit. Parents abruptly withdrew infants that inquisitively wandered towards me. I felt like an exotic African creature-cum-spectacle, stirring fear and awe. Even my attempts to beguile the public through simple greetings or smiles are often not reciprocated. Instead, the look of wonder swells as if this were all part of the act and we were all playing our parts.

Racism is never a personal experience. Racism in India is systematic and independent of the presence of foreigners of any hue. This climate permits and promotes this lawlessness and disdain for dark skin. Most Indian pop icons have light-damn-near-white skin. Several stars even promote skin-bleaching creams that promise to improve one’s popularity and career success. Matrimonial ads boast of fair, v. fair and v. very fair skin alongside foreign visas and advanced university degrees. Moreover, each time I visit one of Delhi’s clubhouses, I notice that I am the darkest person not wearing a work uniform. It’s unfair and ugly.

Discrimination in Delhi surpasses the denial of courtesy. I have been denied visas, apartments, entrance to discos, attentiveness, kindness and the benefit of doubt. Further, the lack of neighbourliness exceeds what locals describe as normal for a capital already known for its coldness.

My partner is white and I am black, facts of which the Indian public reminds us daily. Bank associates have denied me chai, while falling over to please my white friend. Mall shop attendants have denied me attentiveness, while mobbing my partner. Who knows what else is more quietly denied?

"An African has come," a guard announced over the intercom as I showed up. Whites are afforded the luxury of their own names, but this careful attention to my presence was not new. ATM guards stand and salute my white friend, while one guard actually asked me why I had come to the bank machine as if I might have said that I was taking over his shift.

It is shocking that people wear liberalism as a sign of modernity, yet revert to ultraconservatism when actually faced with difference. Cyberbullies have threatened my life on my YouTube videos that capture local gawking and eve-teasing. I was even fired from an international school for talking about homosociality in Africa on YouTube, and addressing a class about homophobia against kids after a student called me a ‘faq’.

Outside of specific anchors of discourse such as Reservations, there is no consensus that discrimination is a redeemable social ill. This is the real issue with discrimination in India: her own citizens suffer and we are only encouraged to ignore situations that make us all feel powerless. Be it the mute-witnesses seeing racial difference for the first time, kids learning racism from their folks, or the blacks and northeasterners who feel victimised by the public, few operate from a position that believes in change.

Living in India was a childhood dream that deepened with my growing understanding of India and America’s unique, shared history of non-violent revolution. Yet, in most nations, the path of ending gender, race and class discrimination is unpaved. In India, this path is still rural and rocky as if this nation has not decided the road even worthy. It is a footpath that we are left to tread individually.

You're also moron saying Jews aren't white.:dead:


Jul 21, 2015
@Roddy Right They treat Indians like shyt if they have dark skin, their men are lightening their skin:mjlol: . Not surprised at all that they're now a victim of their own bullshyt.


American Lumino Peptide :dahell::russ::russ::russ:


Dont Hate Participate
May 3, 2012
Byrd Gang
Is there any place they're not winning?
This is why I will never take any cac seriously when they start talking that MGTOW, TFL, incel shyt.

Get you a bedwench or a fresh off the boat Asian bytch and shut the fukk up.
They want hot white girls. Their sense of entitlement is through the roof.