Are we partly responsible for black women's self-hate issues?


Aug 30, 2013
The 'Go

Your creditability is shot here. I don't think you know what black pride means. But then again neither does Jamie Foxx.
Why is everyone attacking me today geez. I was just told I have no black pride because I slept with a white guy and now I don't know the definition! So please enlighten me then.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
You must be a troll.

So now black women are rejecting black dudes that are smart and in good shape?

Either you're a mentally defeated black person or you're just trying to paint black men as victims.

Are you having problems with attracting black women? Because the arguments that you're coming up with for why they are not attracted to dark skin men are pathetic or maybe you're just looking to argue with any black female that's on the site.

Whatever the case maybe you come across as a victimized bytch with no understanding of the way black people are nationwide.
What I find amusing is these black feminists will be quick to reject a black dude that is getting educated, smart, good shape, or some other shyt JUST because he's black, while they'll prop up below average looking white dudes.

It makes sense though. Women are attracted to status, and white people have the most status in our society, and as we've seen in this thread, her kids will have a better/easier life if they're half-white.

What most black people don't realize is most AA have some amount of white in them. People that are 90-100% black are seen as unattractive/ugly to most people, black people mock them harshly not realizing that that is how people that were fortunate enough not to be born black see black people as. Again, these women


would get simped hard, fought for, and called amazingly beautiful, these women


not so much
Dec 30, 2013
You must be a troll.

So now black women are rejecting black dudes that are smart and in good shape?

Either you're a mentally defeated black person or you're just trying to paint black men as victims.

Are you having problems with attracting black women? Because the arguments that you're coming up with for why they are not attracted to dark skin men are pathetic or maybe you're just looking to argue with any black female that's on the site.

Whatever the case maybe you come across as a victimized bytch with no understanding of the way black people are nationwide.

Read my posts clearly you ignorant clown.

I said black women view a dude with lighter skin as more attractive than a dude with darker skin. In the same way guys prop up light skinned girls, girls prop up light skinned dudes. Yeah darkskin dudes can still get laid, it's just harder for them. Pretty much all those "dark skin celebs" said they got shyt growing up. Westley Snipes himself said black women wouldn't date him because he was too dark. You just don't want to admit that black people view blackness as a negative trait.


I đź’—My Tribal Chief
Jun 8, 2012
Asian women have long straight hair. Is that also euro beauty standard? take that simp shyt somewhere else

False equivalency.

Dogs & Men have long, fine hair, also. That has nothing to do with what my post was conveying.

You just reacted to a overused/misused term and responded to my comment out of context.
You may feel my outlook is dense but I'm ok with that because like I said people rather have others to blame than themselves.

Dense is a strong word--my bad. I was referring to you basing your position on what you see in your own daily life.

Which is too small a sample to take a position on the behavior of 40 milion+ black ppl in America.

Think about it like this how are you stopped from being great? That's why for the vast majority of people I can't let them not be responsible for how their lives turn out
We are speaking on psychological issues--that's what the OP asked.

There are buildings full of ppl who wish they could just "act right" and be able to walk out.

Self-hate (which is a super informal term), like depression, isn't something you just get over.

Little black girls are taught from birth that they're is something wrong with them and we expect them to face that conditioning for a couple more decades and just get over it when it's time to get married.

"No one is above the influence of others"

And I'm not just speakin' on a bad crowd, but; I pervasive culture they invades our mental every day.

As far as the women that black chick looks good and cats I know would talk to her only cats probably wouldn't are moreso hood mentality dudes. Outside of that this chick would get talked to by alot of black dudes. I'm not saying they don't exist but I think some of y'all see these types of dudes because y'all are around them most of the time. I'm not even though I have some as friends and have talked to them but just don't think they represent the majority. Same way I don't most black women are loud hood rats. Its the vocal minority that fukks everything up. I always can step outside my social circle but hood mentality people,that folks usually mention when talking about this stuff like this aren't taking up much time on my radar.

I'm not talkin' about out your neighborhood or your city.

They're are 300 million in this country. That's a lot of different things happening between folk. And to try to boil what's goin' on with all those ppl to "the way you see it" won't provide an actual picture of what's going on.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
Read my posts clearly you ignorant clown.

I said black women view a dude with lighter skin as more attractive than a dude with darker skin. In the same way guys prop up light skinned girls, girls prop up light skinned dudes. Yeah darkskin dudes can still get laid, it's just harder for them. Pretty much all those "dark skin celebs" said they got shyt growing up. Westley Snipes himself said black women wouldn't date him because he was too dark. You just don't want to admit that black people view blackness as a negative trait.

Since I'm not a black woman I'm not going to pretend to know what they think but I will speak from my personal experience.

Growing up I dominated in High school sports so black women,white,Spanish, Asian and even bad azz Arab chicks were coming at me left and right. it was the same for my teammates too. we were all getting any woman we wanted because we're perceived as more masculine and dominating whereas the mulattos were meterosexuals.

Why do you speak in generalities?

Your statement that all black people look at dark skin as a negative is beyond crazy. Have you actually had contact with the forty plus million black people in America? No,you're just spewing bull shyt you read on the internet. But let's follow your logic for second. If black Americans view dark skin as negative then why is it we've managed to preserve our identity for over three hundred years in America?

In other words, the majority of us still have dark skin due to reproducing with the opposite sex that shares our skin tone so your theory that black people look at dark skin as negative is wrong.

Is there a portion of the black population who hate themselves and look at dark skin as negative?of course but they are indeed a small fraction of the over all Black population.
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"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Lol @ dudes who simp white cootchie talking about someone elses fake black pride. You fakkits don't even know what a bedwench is. It's NOT just any chick that likes a white dude.

Lmao. You don't know what the fukk you're talking about. You should stick to cac issues and leave black ones alone.
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Jun 19, 2012
The 215
False equivalency.

Dogs & Men have long, fine hair, also. That has nothing to do with what my post was conveying.

You just reacted to a overused/misused term and responded to my comment out of context.

Dense is a strong word--my bad. I was referring to you basing your position on what you see in your own daily life.

Which is too small a sample to take a position on the behavior of 40 milion+ black ppl in America.

We are speaking on psychological issues--that's what the OP asked.

There are buildings full of ppl who wish they could just "act right" and be able to walk out.

Self-hate (which is a super informal term), like depression, isn't something you just get over.

Little black girls are taught from birth that they're is something wrong with them and we expect them to face that conditioning for a couple more decades and just get over it when it's time to get married.

"No one is above the influence of others"

And I'm not just speakin' on a bad crowd, but; I pervasive culture they invades our mental every day.

I'm not talkin' about out your neighborhood or your city.

They're are 300 million in this country. That's a lot of different things happening between folk. And to try to boil what's goin' on with all those ppl to "the way you see it" won't provide an actual picture of what's going on.
I don't mind you using dense it is what it is. Our opinions won't change just like I don't need a 300 million sample size to know too many people think like you that they have little control in what happens to them in life. I don't subscribe to that even though its people around me that do. They agree with you but I don't and for as many people as there are we have alot of similar beliefs about things so that's another reason I don't need to do studies to know what Im talking about is based in truth. I also hope you really don't think I just base my thoughts solely off 2/3 cats in my city though like we don't have the Internet and other ways to see people make it and what their thoughts are on it. We just won't agree because I am a believer for the most part it's easy to not let others dictate how you feel about yourself and make moves. That won't change and maybe I am crazy because of my parents, how I was raised, how I lived where some of the same people complaining lived at and still did good I'm the same situation, etc. Thats how I feel and I respect how you feel. I just don't Agree but its always nice to talk to somebody even with a different opinion without it being on some fukk shyt. Props.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
I didn't bother reading this post because it's full of red herring and emotionalism. I'll just summarize it for you. All else being equal, it is better to have some traits than others in society. It is better to be smart than dumb; beautiful than ugly; tall than short; athletic than non-athletic; the list goes on. In this sense the grass is greener on the other side. I know women often don't like absolutes and prefer to talk around every issue until everyone reaches an impasse and decides to quit, but this is the truth. Privilege, like many other things, is like an onion. There are many layers. If you accept that privilege exists fort one group beyond the one you're talking about, then it is not such a stretch to say that others have privilege too.

What privilege are you talking about?

To a certain extent white people feel more comfortable around diluted black people however,society views black men as a threat regardless of our skin shade.

For example:when cops pull over a group of black guys they don't automatically give the lighter dude the benefit of doubt. He is treated the same as everyone else who is in the car.

I can go further but can you explain what you mean by privilege?
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Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
it's institutionalized at this point, and quite honestly many Black people blame each other for the colorism in their communities in ignorance of the root cause.

this is an institutionalized part of our poisonous Black culture now, and simply being cognizant of it isn't enough to change it.

So you just accept defeat without doing your part to fix it? When you know your enemies tactics,why not work to counter them? If I accept your argument then I would also have to accept that black people don't have a brain of their own and cannot control what they think.

Is that what you're basically saying?


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
So you just accept defeat without doing your part to fix it? When you know your enemies tactics,why not work to counter them? If I accept your argument then I would also have to accept that black people don't have a brain of their own and cannot control what they think.

Is that what you're basically saying?

I'm saying that many Black people aren't even aware of the root of the problem to begin with, they are ignorant to where colorism stems from, simply making black people aware of the root cause won't fix the problem, we need to revolutionize our entire culture and cut the poison out, I'm not saying accept defeat, what I AM saying is that we need to do more than just acknowledge the root of the problem.

black people do have brains but white people have spent hundreds of years ingraining these poisonous ideologies into the black psyche, it will take a large effort to undo the damage.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
Okay, lemme get this straight:

According to @phillmonroe

  • Black men don't care, because
    • The internet isn't indicative of real life
    • You don't see it in your social circle
  • Black women do care, because
    • You see them on the internet
    • You see it in real life
Bruh, it's hard to respond when it reads like you just upset & want to shift the blame black women, solely
@philmonroe is right,outside of the internet trolls, black guys really don't give a fukk about who black women date so yes,you are insecure if it bothers you to see black women date interracially.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
I'm saying that many Black people aren't even aware of the root of the problem to begin with, they are ignorant to where colorism stems from, simply making black people aware of the root cause won't fix the problem, we need to revolutionize our entire culture and cut the poison out, I'm not saying accept defeat, what I AM saying is that we need to do more than just acknowledge the root of the problem.

black people do have brains but white people have spent hundreds of years ingraining these poisonous ideologies into the black psyche, it will take a large effort to undo the damage.

It doesn't take a genius to know how colorism or shadism became so prevalent in today's world.Your main objective should be to figure out ways to counter such a practice since you already know that it exists.

Start by condemning, verbally or physically attacking black men who continue to play into the shadism game when it comes to judging black women.

Their are ways we can fix the problem ourselves which is why I focus on solutions instead of accepting defeat like you have.

There needs to be a scorched earth campaign against black people who participate or feed into basing our value on skin shade.

Do your part by challenging any black person, in particular black men, who you see on the web that routinely has something negative to say about black women only because she has dark skin.

Are you willing to start there instead of playing a mentally defeated victim who can't think for himself or control what his brain processes?