Are we partly responsible for black women's self-hate issues?

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
White people don't even value white skin. Gingers and pale people get clowned in white society get clowned for their skin. Difference is that it's easier to get your skin to be darker than it is to get it to be lighter. Darker skin has utility in terms of blocking the sun, but socially "fair" skin is the best. Again, Asians, before whites ever got there, prized lighter skin. Colorism is bigger than colonialism.


May 1, 2012
Think about like this. There is no place like home right? So no matter what people all over the world may say, as long as I can come come and feel safe and beautiful it shouldn't matter. But the more I read and post, the more I'm starting to see black people don't want love from other blacks they want love from whites and they hate the fact that whites value lighter skin than darker skin so they bring that hate and jealously home.

^What I said earlier. This could also be equated to why black women wear weaves and light colored contacts. If anyone seriously believe they are doing this for black men they are fooling themselves because a large number of non c00n black men put natural hair above all else.

And how is this no equivalence? Light skin and dark skin people both get made fun of in the black community, they have as many stereotypes as dark skin people. Someone saying a girl is only cute because she's light or only famous because she's light is just like saying a girl is cute to be dark skin, it invalidates the beauty or hard work someone has done out of jealously and spite.

My whole point I've been trying to make sense the beginning is that if blacks really cared what other blacks thought, we wouldn't have any of this light skin/dark skin debate. But the thing is blacks don't care about what other blacks think, they care about what the dominant society thinks which is what you keep proving over and over.
You whine about people putting words in your mouth but that's exactly what you're doing. I only mentioned while people in the context that colorism is a symptom of white supremacy. Nothing I said was about how white people see us.

As black people, we treat each other differently according to the complexion of our skin. In the black community, lighter skin is held in higher esteem than darker skin. Light skinned blacks enjoy preferential treatment to darker skinned blacks in our community and it's always been like that here in Amerikkka. I don't know what you get out of denying that truth but you're lying to yourself.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
The last part is all I have been saying! Once POC stop bringing white values and standards in their community and start using their own, they will be better off. I never said they'll reign supreme but they will be heading into the right direction. The only reason white supremacy is still here is because we adhere and allow it but what would happen if we stop? Then maybe realizing our own beauty and our own worth, we'll start making businesses and show our faces in our own community. Start putting money in our own community, start growing our own communities.

Like Tariq Nasheed always says we need to build an economic base but why would POC do that when we're too concerned with what white people think about us. Are you guys not concerned that every time a thread about black people are made, white society and beauty standards are used to measure our own worth. Like when we talk about dark skin and light skin people, you always have that person who says "They all nikkas to white people."

I also think you're trying to simplify my point as well. I don't think that throwing away white values will all of a sudden build empires of power POC but where do you suggest we start? I keep throwing out solutions but all hear is "but white society, but white supremacy, but white people" So someone please give me a solution to our problems if mine is wrong or dumb.

sister, I apologize if you think I'm calling your arguments dumb, that's counterproductive and not what I'm trying to achieve especially when communicating with a fellow person of color.

with that being said, I think the only real solution is completely segregating from White people.

as long as we subscribe to their media, their customs, values, ways of life, we will NEVER be able to recognize our own beauty in any meaningful way because their media is constantly reminding us that we're worthless, their businesses are reminding us that we are not wanted there.

you might say, lets build our own businesses and communities and I agree, but I also know that White supremacy can't afford for the Black community to be functional AND separate from White supremacy, they will DESTROY our businesses just as they destroyed the wonderful, fully functional community of Black Wall St in Tulsa Oklahoma.

Any external threats to White supremacy MUST be destroyed, this is how white supremacy works, and anyone who thinks otherwise is unfortunately, sadly mistaken.

It may seem like it's close to impossible but, I personally think that EVERY Black person should leave America and focus on building Africa.

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Aug 30, 2013
The 'Go
You whine about people putting words in your mouth but that's exactly what you're doing. I only mentioned while people in the context that colorism is a symptom of white supremacy. Nothing I said was about how white people see us.

As black people, we treat each other differently according to the complexion of our skin. In the black community, lighter skin is held in higher esteem than darker skin. Light skinned blacks enjoy preferential treatment to darker skinned blacks in our community and it's always been like that here in Amerikkka. I don't know what you get out of denying that truth but you're lying to yourself.
Where in that post did I say you mentioned white people outside of white supremacy? I honestly didn't see that in that post and if I did say that I apologize.

I'm not denying anything I've already said light skin is put on a pedestal, I've said that over and over again. I've also said that's because we as blacks don't care what other blacks think, we only think about what white people think and accept. So my solution to the colorism problem is to stop trying to seek white acceptance and stop using white standards and values in our community and we'll move into the right direction.

The ONLY thing I was trying to convey to you is that light skin people go through their own issues as well. I keep repeating the fact that not only did I live the typical dark skin woman lifestyle but I also have light skin people in my family who are made to feel less than black because they're so light, this is the only thing I've been saying. Trust me when I say that none of my light skin aunts nor my light skin cousins "enjoy preferential treatment." And I'm sure not many black people with two black parents enjoy hearing people from their own race call them white.
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Aug 30, 2013
The 'Go
sister, I apologize if you think I'm calling your arguments dumb, that's counterproductive and not what I'm trying to achieve especially when communicating with a fellow person of color.

with that being said, I think the only real solution is completely segregating from White people.

as long as we subscribe to their media, their customs, values, ways of life, we will NEVER be able to recognize our own beauty in any meaningful way because their media is constantly reminding us that we're worthless, their businesses are reminding us that we are not wanted there.

you might say, lets build our own businesses and communities and I agree, but I also know that White supremacy can't afford for the Black community to be functional AND separate from White supremacy, they will DESTROY our businesses just as they destroyed the wonderful, fully functional community of Black Wall St in Tulsa Oklahoma.

Any external threats to White supremacy MUST be destroyed, this is how white supremacy works, and anyone who thinks otherwise is unfortunately, sadly mistaken.

It may seem like it's close to impossible but, I personally think that EVERY Black person should leave America and focus on building Africa.

This is all I've been saying this entire thread.


Aug 30, 2013
White people don't even value white skin. Gingers and pale people get clowned in white society get clowned for their skin. Difference is that it's easier to get your skin to be darker than it is to get it to be lighter. Darker skin has utility in terms of blocking the sun, but socially "fair" skin is the best. Again, Asians, before whites ever got there, prized lighter skin. Colorism is bigger than colonialism.

:comeon::comeon::comeon:Based on your previous post, I thought you are a troll, but now you have officially confirmed it. Of course white people value their skin color. Wtf are you even talking about? A pale ass ginger would definitely get the job before the darkest nikka, and that ginger knows it. White people don't have little color hierarchies like black folk, talking about yellow bone, red bone, light skinned, dark skinned etc.


May 1, 2012
Where in that post did I say you mentioned white people outside of white supremacy? I honestly didn't see that in that post and if I did say that I apologize.

I'm not denying anything I've already said light skin is put on a pedestal, I've said that over and over again. I've also said that's because we as blacks don't care what other blacks think, we only think about what white people think and accept. So my solution to the colorism problem is to stop trying to seek white acceptance and stop using white standards and values in our community and we'll move into the right direction.

The ONLY thing I was trying to convey to you is that light skin people go through their own issues as well. I keep repeating the fact that not only did I live the typical dark skin woman lifestyle but I also have light skin people in my family who are made to feel less than black because they're so light, this is the only thing I've been saying. Trust me when I say that none of my light skin aunts nor my light skin cousins "enjoy preferential treatment." And I'm sure no black person with two black parents enjoy hearing people from their own race call them white.
The 2 statements in bold clearly contradict each other but I'm tired of beating a dead horse.


Aug 30, 2013
The 'Go
The 2 statements in bold clearly contradict each other but I'm tired of beating a dead horse.
Your skin tone being put on a pedestal and you actually enjoying the treatment are two very different things and you know it. There are white people who recognize white privilege and even speak out against.


May 1, 2012
Your skin tone being put on a pedestal and you actually enjoying the treatment are two very different things and you know it. There are white people who recognize white privilege and even speak out against.
A white person acknowledging and speaking out against white privilege doesn't discount them from enjoying white privilege. You're taking the word "enjoy" in the wrong context. I mean enjoy in the "benefit from" context.


Aug 30, 2013
The 'Go
A white person acknowledging and speaking out against white privilege doesn't discount them from enjoying white privilege. You're taking the word "enjoy" in the wrong context. I mean enjoy in the "benefit from" context.
Oh ok, if you meant benefit from then yes I did make a contradictory statement.


Nov 22, 2013
What big budget Hollywood jew funded flick has she been in where she was the main star?

I'll wait....

I'm guessing you haven't seen precious. A highly marketed delightful movie in which a morbidly obese black woman that looks in the mirror and sees a whitewoman. Also covers every negative stereotype about black people. ANother movie to make whites feel better about themselves. On a brighter note, paula patton is finer than a motherfukker

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
You should've allowed your emotions to calm down before replying. You edited this shyt over and over and still come across as throwing a hissy fit:pachaha: "I wasn't talking to you mind your fukking business......I post where I want":heh: You're all in your feelings to the point that you can't even think straight. If you can post where you want then I can too. This is a public discussion. If you want to have a 1on1 conversation where nobody is involved except the person you're talking to, then send that person a pm. Otherwise, intelligently contribute to the conversation, abandon your weakass trolling attempt, or get some thicker skin so that you won't throw a temper tantrum when called out for being a troll. Wack bytch.

The only wack bytch is you, and your weak ass dissertations. You respond over an hour later with a novel but you are talking about about editing and feeling. :stopitslime:FOH you clown. If you cared so much about the topic you'd stay on it. But instead you wanna bytch and cry about the shyt that has nothing to do with it. Weak ass fool, expressing his weak ass feeling on a weak ass topic. No one care.


Nov 22, 2013
You should've allowed your emotions to calm down before replying. You edited this shyt over and over and still come across as throwing a hissy fit:pachaha: "I wasn't talking to you mind your fukking business......I post where I want":heh: You're all in your feelings to the point that you can't even think straight. If you can post where you want then I can too. This is a public discussion. If you want to have a 1on1 conversation where nobody is involved except the person you're talking to, then send that person a pm. Otherwise, intelligently contribute to the conversation, abandon your weakass trolling attempt, or get some thicker skin so that you won't throw a temper tantrum when called out for being a troll. Wack bytch.:snoop:Are you really this ignorant? Do you not understand racism and how colorism is a symptom of white supremacy? You're trying to equate shyt when there is no equivalence. Sure light skinned blacks are made fun of, but colorism is defined as a society, community, or culture giving lighter skinned people preferential treatment over darker skinned people. Colorism is the discrimination of people based on skin complexion. Across the world, people of lighter skin have higher social statuses than people with darker skin. There is no comparison. Maybe you should stop posting, you're starting to make yourself look dumb.

:russ:It's more of a hard truth than a theory. Dark skinned black women just aren't as attractive. It's not that they are born less attractive though. It's that they are trying to compete in a race that they can't win. Black women are naturally the furthest away from the white man's standard of beauty and that's why they're the least successful at fitting that standard of beauty. This is the reason that lighter skinned black women are generally more attractive than darker skinned black women as well. It's just easier for lighter skinned black women to fit the white man's standard of beauty. As long as black women are going to try and conform to a standard of beauty that they're naturally the furthest away from, they'll be the least attractive. Seeing black women trying to look like other races is just unattractive on multiple levels.

Black men don't have this problem because we aren't trying to conform to some European standard of beauty for the most part. You don't see dark skin black men running around with colored contacts, blonde hair, or White man hair textures wigs trying to be black "Ken" dolls. Black men are a lot more comfortable in their own skin than black women are, and that's why they get more love and are seen as more attractive. If dark skinned black women started to reject the white man's standard of beauty while embracing their own natural beauty which would improve their self esteem, they'd be a lot more attractive.


careful breh. You are making too much sense. Black women dont listen to logic and reason. LOL