That's one thing I don't like about the coli. Y'all are quick to call any "brown" black dude "dark skin". Cam is probably of an "average" complexion for black dudes. Y'all act like if a dude isn't complexion he's darkskinned. THIS is darkskinned
And all these dudes got clowned for their complexion growing up, MAINLY by other blacks.
The fact that you think a person has to be 80% CaC to be lightskinned tells me y'all are the c00ns.
yeah I'm sure these dudes had it rough in the 80s. I know chesnut did, cheadle did, blount missed out on all that. Plus these dudes were clowned by black women until white women started checking for these brothers. That didnt started until the early 90s. Since chesnut needs black women or his acting career he probably wont speak on it. BUt ask TO