Are North Sudanese considered black?


Jul 26, 2015
A on everything thats whaddup
why is Somalia apart of the Arab League:usure:
Strong centuries old ties to the Arab World + Arabic is an Official language in Somalia alongside Somali which is the National language

And no Somalia has never been ruled by an outside force, not even Arabs. Closest Somalia has been was under the Ottoman Empire when Eritrea, Djibouti and a small part of Northern Somalia was under the Ottoman for a short while.


Jan 26, 2015
Look up the battles of Dongola where the Arab Rashidun Caliphate the Christian Nubian state of Makuria and got their asses whooped badly. TWICE. And gave them the longest standing treaty in history... I also heard that ^King kalydosos of Makuria killed over 100,000 Arabs and beheaded most of them.

To be honest there really aren't any "true Arabs" in the Sudan. Islam and Arabization came through marriage. Arabs basically had to marry their way in. Ask any Sudanese person and they'll tel you. People give Arabs way too much credit when it comes to Africa. The only areas in Africa they conquered was Northwest Africa due to the Berbers being spread out and the area not being as densely populated.
Why do the north look radically different from the South ?

And why is it that the north Sudanese people I have spoken to look down on the south Sudanese?

That's not due to Arab admixture?


Jul 24, 2015
nikka you really believe in 19th European race theories? The same theories used to justify the enslavement, rape snd torture of your own ancestors as well as create the idea of White Supremacy?

So I guess when someone asks your race you say "other":mjpls:


Jul 24, 2015
Here where I live i fill out my Nationality, Somali

In America I'd fill out black if Somali is not available
That's why you can talk shyt like Black is not a race. We in the diaspora only know of Black not which tribes we come from ...

Black is all we got ...



All Star
Sep 16, 2015
fixed that for you but agree for the most part...Islam was the worst thing that ever happen to Sudan:scust:
Colonisation was probably the worst thing to happen to Sudan. Arbitrarely drawn borders :scusthov:. As a matter of fact, The first important anti colonialist revolutionary was a militant Muslim that made the Sudanese people rise up in holy war against the infidel oppressors( the British and Egyptians.) Look up the mahdist war. Cbf to type anymore on phone.


Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.
Why do the north look radically different from the South ?

I am not really going to address this question, because common sense should come to light here. Sudan is basically a overlap country since we border 8 countries, and it is obvious within those countries we border there is a overlap of people, and if you studied the history of the our country at one time the countries we border North, West, East were different countries in different parts of our history.

The nile valley Sudan during the Christian period including parts of Upper Egypt as far as Edfu or Luxor infact the cultural center was in Upper Egypt at one time. Here is a map.





Christian period painting

By the middle of the tenth century, hostilities had again broken out with Egypt. The Nubians invaded that country and, benefiting from the state of disorder there, reached, in the year A.D. 962, as far as the town of Akhmim, and for a time controlled Upper Egypt, at least to the north of Edfu. The discovery there of Nubian documents in the monastery of St. Mercurios suggests that it had become a centre of Nubian culture.


Other periods of what is now known as Sudan, this is how the map look like.


After the collapse of the three Christian kingdoms Nobatia, Makuria, Alodia, what is now know as North Sudan became partially under the rulership of the Ottoman empire in green, and a black group called the Funj in pink, who was said from South Sudan. Darfur was a separate kingdom, and groups such of the Shilluk in what is know as South Sudan was a growing influence in that region. Hence most of these areas was different countries prior to the British, and i reckoned how we got the name "Sudan" was due to the Funj rulership. Non of the Christian states along the nile was called "Sudan" according to arabic writing. Since my arabic reading is poor, my cousin who major in history in that period, educated me about that fact.

here are actually video what we look like.

This is how one fellow Sudani put it within our forum, and it should make sense to you.

Contrary to the argument that Ethiopian (Ethiopians and Eritreans) look like “us” .. the truth is neighbors tend to look the same and share bonds across borders .. this is true with our borders to the South, East, West, and/or north.

Other Sudanese opinions.

Genetic Diversity of a certain ethinic Group is done by DNA & Genetic studies. Sudanese & Etiopian has the highest Gene DIVERSITY =24.
people of greece has the lowest=2.

High Gene Diversity means that people are ancient & original.

This means that Sudanese & Ethiopian are the most ancient people in the world. It goes without saying that people of north Sudan & Ethiopian CARRY similar features.
You can not differntiate between Dangla, Shwiaga, Halfaween, & other north sudanese people & Ethiopian.
I believe that once upon a time we were one country or you can say one civilization. So north sudanese are here since the start of history.

من هم سكان شمال السودان ومن وين جو؟؟؟ - Sudan.Net Discussion Board - SDB - منتدى سودان.نت
Are Sudanese people racist against horners - Sudan.Net Discussion Board - SDB - منتدى سودان.نت

So we basically look like our neighbors, and since South Sudan is the our immediate neighbors, it makes sense why many(not all) do not look like our southern Sudanese.
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Solomon Caine

All Star
Jan 29, 2013
why is Somalia apart of the Arab League:usure:
Somalia has a long history of cultural, religious, and trade ties with the Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula, which lies across the Gulf of Aden. Although Somalis ethnically are not Arabs, they identify more with Arabs than with their fellow Africans. Thus it was not surprising when Somalia joined the League of Arab States (Arab League) in 1974, becoming the first non-Arab member of that organization. Initially, Somalia tended to support those Arab countries such as Algeria, Iraq, and Libya that opposed United States policies in the Middle East. After its defeat in the Ogaden War, the Siad Barre regime aligned its policies more closely with those of Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Subsequently, both of these countries began to provide military aid to Somalia. Other Arab states, in particular Libya, angered Siad Barre by supporting Ethiopia. In 1981 Somalia broke diplomatic relations with Libya, claiming that Libyan leader Muammar al Qadhafi was supporting the SSDF and the nascent SNM. Relations were not restored until 1985.

Throughout the 1980s, Somalia became increasingly dependent upon economic aid from the conservative, wealthy oil-exporting states of Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. This dependence was a crucial factor in the Siad Barre regime's decision to side with the United States-led coalition of Arab states that opposed Iraq following that country's invasion of Kuwait in 1990. Support for the coalition brought economic dividends: Qatar canceled further repayment of all principal and interest on outstanding loans, and Saudi Arabia offered Somalia a US$70 million grant and promised to sell it oil at below prevailing international market prices.
We took their money and weapons after falling out with the Soviets, we had a strong leader back then who couldn't be influenced by The Soviets so the Arabs couldn't really control him. We should have quit the Arab league as soon as stories of human rights abuses against Somali refugees in Arab countries (particularly in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf) during the civil war. Our current or U.N/US backed Gov are addicted to the Arab aid money and are highly corrupt. Disgusting relationship