There is no difference between Yoruba and Igbo people in study, and very, very little between peoples like the Akan and Yoruba, as noted by study comparing the groups. It may be that researchers are grouping the Akan into the Yoruba group for lack of Akan samples and because the Akan and like show up so similarly in study. Science does not find diversity between these peoples on Africa. Their dominant Y haplogroups, for example, are both the same. So you could be right and the study method is just amalgamating Negroes. Bit then that just proves baseblack gene pool in the dispora are not different at all, which is against what some users here have argued.
In general studies have found countries' neighbors in the old world are most related to each other. does not agree with you. They have been able to breakout 10 specific regions; 6 of which they unveiled in their updated testing in 2013. The updated regions were:
Ivory Coast/Ghana
"The AncestryDNA science team presented the results of their latest research today at the Smithsonian Institute’s symposium on The African Diaspora in Washington D.C. Using unique proprietary DNA samples and a variety of statistical approaches, our science team has been able to separate West Africa into six separate population groups based on genetic data. This advancement will provide a finer-resolution genetic ethnicity estimate for individuals with West African ancestry.
AncestryDNA’s six new ethnicity regions of West Africa include Senegal, Mali, Ivory Coast/Ghana, Benin/Togo, Nigeria, and Cameroon/Congo, each of which has a distinct set of tribal affiliations. The division of West Africa into these groups marks the first time that West African genetic ethnicity estimates can achieve this level of detail, bringing AncestryDNA’s total number of reported genetic ethnicity regions in Africa to ten... ."
AncestryDNA Makes Scientific Breakthrough in West African Ethnicity - Tech Roots
Edit: Notice how Nigeria is not lumped with Ivory Coast/Ghana. So there are clearly different genetic markers for the ethnic groups in those regions. At least 25% of Ivory Coast and Ghana are Mande and over 40% are Akan people.
Here are my genetic estimates from Ancestry.Com.
Africa 86%
- Cameroon/Congo 38%
- Ivory Coast/Ghana 32%
- Nigeria 7%
- Benin/Togo 3%
- Mali 2%
- Senegal 2%
- Africa North 1%
- Africa South-Central Hunter-Gatherers< 1%
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