Arcadium WOAT 2018 - Nomination Thread - Closes 12/23 @12pm EST


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Lmao, how does this make any sense? Do you understand what logical fallacies are? Do you not recognize the ad hominem in each of your posts?

Since the beginning I've done nothing but reject the racism, sexism, online harassment and doxxing from some pro-gamergaters. My only concern has been in regards to journalistic integrity. It's only you two that try to lump in my views with the alt-right elements within that movement. The ironic thing is they probably say I'm a SJW libtard cuck while yall call me an alt-right cac.
What you are doing is the equivalent to saying.

“Well the KKK was right when they said government is corrupt”

The government being corrupt is not some new exclusive concept that the KKK figured out. And the only reason they are saying the gov is corrupt is because they aren’t killing enough blacks/Jews/gays/etc.

Same for “journalistic integrity” we all know gaming journalism is trash. We don’t need gamergate to understand that reality.

So if you jump on the KKK/gamergate. bandwagon cause they said the government/games journalism is corrupt, it is not up to me and the rest of the world to decipher if you are a KKK/gamergate member or not. You willingly chose that crew.

Be a nasty cac brehs :scust:


All Star
May 28, 2012
What you are doing is the equivalent to saying.

“Well the KKK was right when they said government is corrupt”

The government being corrupt is not some new exclusive concept that the KKK figured out. And the only reason they are saying the gov is corrupt is because they aren’t killing enough blacks/Jews/gays/etc.

Same for “journalistic integrity” we all know gaming journalism is trash. We don’t need gamergate to understand that reality.

So if you jump on the KKK/gamergate. bandwagon cause they said the government/games journalism is corrupt, it is not up to me and the rest of the world to decipher if you are a KKK/gamergate member or not. You willingly chose that crew.

Be a nasty cac brehs :scust:

Have you ever heard the expression "poisoning the well"?

Poisoning the well (or attempting to poison the well) is a type of informal logical fallacy where irrelevant adverse information about a target is preemptively presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing something that the target person is about to say.

You're making a purely emotional appeal that is completely irrelevant to everything I've said. Just because a claim is made by a "bad" person doesn't automatically mean that claim is untrue. And just because you agree with the "bad" person on ONE claim doesn't mean you agree with ALL their claims (or beliefs).

You, undoubtedly, share some views with every KKK member. I'm sure there are KKK members that absolutely love X-Box and Microsoft products. It doesn't mean YOU'RE a klan member just because you happen to agree on which console is superior. Agreeing that X-Box is superior to Playstation doesn't mean you also agree that white people are superior to non-whites. Those two claims aren't at all relevant to the other.

I can't believe I have to explain basic logic and reasoning to a grown ass adult. You have the mental capacity of a child.
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May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Have you ever heard the expression "poisoning the well"?

You're making a purely emotional appeal that is completely irrelevant to everything I've said. Just because a claim is made by a "bad" person doesn't automatically mean that claim is untrue. And just because you agree with the "bad" person on ONE claim doesn't mean you agree with ALL their claims (or beliefs).

You, undoubtedly, share some views with every KKK member. I'm sure there are KKK members that absolutely love X-Box and Microsoft products. It doesn't mean YOU'RE a klan member just because you happen to agree on which console is superior.

I can't believe I have to explain basic logic and reasoning to a grown ass adult. You have the mental capacity of a child.
Rejecting people who side with the KKK for saying the sky is blue is “poisoning the well”??????:martin:

I obviously agree the sky is blue, but not in a million years will I argue the KKK movement is needed/has merit cause they say the sky is blue.

Only nasty cacs do that’s that :scust:


All Star
May 28, 2012
Rejecting people who side with the KKK for saying the sky is blue is “poisoning the well”??????:martin:

I obviously agree the sky is blue, but not in a million years will I argue the KKK movement is needed/has merit cause they say the sky is blue.

Only nasty cacs do that’s that :scust:

Because the sky being blue was never the primary focus or motivator behind the KKK.

Gamergate had at least some basis in driving reform in the industry.

An analogous example is how some people disregard the Black Lives Matter movement, due to a perception that the movement promotes violence. You sound like an "All Lives Matter" person, ignoring all the valid points made by BLM because you view it as anti-white or anti-cop or whatever. While there might be some people in the movement who want harm done to police, that's not the primary focus of the group. Again, yes, you're poisoning the well in this way.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Because the sky being blue was never the primary focus or motivator behind the KKK.

Gamergate had at least some basis in driving reform in the industry.

An analogous example is how some people disregard the Black Lives Matter movement, due to a perception that the movement promotes violence. You sound like an "All Lives Matter" person, ignoring all the valid points made by BLM because you view it as anti-white or anti-cop or whatever. While there might be some people in the movement who want harm done to police, that's not the primary focus of the group. Again, yes, you're poisoning the well in this way.
The primary focus of gamergate is nasty cac shyt. :stopitslime:

Not only are you endorsing nasty cac shyt, now you are equating that to BLM.

Be a nasty cac brehs:scust:


All Star
May 28, 2012
The primary focus of gamergate is nasty cac shyt. :stopitslime:

Not only are you endorsing nasty cac shyt, now you are equating that to BLM.

Be a nasty cac brehs:scust:

Lmao. This is your argument:

- Premise: Gamergate is a movement of racist, sexist cacs.
- Mayo says gamergate makes valid points or is needed
- Mayo is a racist, sexist cac

Here's the argument of All Lives Matter folks:

- Premise: Black Lives Matter is a movement of anti-white, anti-cop terrorists
- Mayo says black lives matter makes valid points or is needed
- Mayo is an anti-white, anti-cop terrorist

You're making the same fallacy as the All Lives ppl, but you're too stupid to realize it.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Lmao. This is your argument:

- Premise: Gamergate is a movement of racist, sexist cacs.
- Mayo says gamergate makes valid points or is needed
- Mayo is a racist, sexist cac

Here's the argument of All Lives Matter folks:

- Premise: Black Lives Matter is a movement of anti-white, anti-cop terrorists
- Mayo says black lives matter makes valid points or is needed
- Mayo is an anti-white, anti-cop terrorist

You're making the same fallacy as the All Lives ppl, but you're too stupid to realize it.


May 2, 2012
Lol I didn't defend a single racist thing. The majority of our back and forth in that thread was over what exactly started gamergate in the first place. But I'll let you tell it since in your dumbass mind I was actually saying racism is completely justified and needed. Yeah okay breh. You sound so stupid right now
Your cac ass tried to spin the creation of the gamergate movement into something other than what the shyt really was, a racist and sexist attack on a woman dating a game journalist (who again, never reviewed her games) the only thing that's changed since the creation of that alt right movement is the fact that game developers are no longer allowed to create games that aren't exclusively starring white protagonist without a large push back from the racist ass gaming community.

Your unwillingness to acknowledge that fact and your defense of the movement as anything but racist getting bold just shows how you really feel about that movement.

Alot of people tried to explain to you what that movement was and what it represents but your dumb ass doubled down on your belief that the shyt was anything but racist, sexist, alt right bullshyt, and for that, you deserve a nomination for worst poster of the year along with that other fakkit I mentioned.

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All Star
May 28, 2012
Your cac ass tried to spin the creation of the gamergate movement into something other than what the shyt really was, a racist and sexist attack on a woman dating a game journalist (who again, never reviewed her games) the only thing that's changed since the creation of that alt right movement is the fact that game developers are no longer allowed to create games that aren't starring a white protagonist without a large push back from the racist ass gaming community.

Your unwillingness to acknowledge that fact and your defense of the movement as anything but racist getting bold just shows how you really feel about that movement.

Alot of people tried to explain to you what that movement was and what it represents but your dumb ass doubled down on your belief that the shyt was anything but racist, sexist, alt right bullshyt, and for that, you deserve a nomination for worst poster of the year along with that other fakkit I mentioned.


Not true. I've said from the beginning it was about the Quinn/Grayson relationship, while you said it was started by game journalists calling gamers racist/sexist. I don't think there's ever not been push back about non-white male protagonists, at least going back to San Andreas. I have always acknowledged the racist elements in the movement, and gaming in general, and said it was wrong. It's your contention that the movement was only about being racist and sexist. You simply need to misrepresent my views to make my position sound worse than it is. Again, you and Meach are lazy thinkers and it shows in your repeated attempts to strawman me.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I've said from the beginning it was about the Quinn/Grayson relationship,
fukk, you stupid ass, it’s not even hard, it’s right in Wikipedia Gamergate controversy - Wikipedia

The event that would come to be known as Gamergate began in 2014 as a personal attack on Quinn, incited by a blog post by Quinn's former boyfriend Eron Gjoni.[14][3][15] Called the "Zoe Post",[a] it was a lengthy, detailed account of their relationship and breakup[17] that included copies of personal chat logs, emails, and text messages.[10] The blog falsely implied that Quinn had gotten a favorable review of Depression Quest because of her sexual relationship with Nathan Grayson, a video-game reviewer for the website Kotaku.[13][18][19][20] Grayson never actually reviewed Quinn's games, and Grayson's only article mentioning her was published before their relationship began.

Be stupid/racist/c00n brehs :snoop:


May 2, 2012
To this day I have no fukking clue wtf a gamergate is lol

I always hear that shyt but never bothered to research it
If you've been paying attention to gaming then I'm sure you've noticed the weird obsession with gamers lashing out at games including non white people in games.

For example, the outrage over battlefield 1 having a black man on the cover, battlefield 5 giving the option to create a woman, mortal kombat having a rap song in the trailer, the original belief that farcry would star two black women as the protagonist, farcry 5 being set in southern U.S. and having racist white people as antagonists, etc.

All this outrage started with the gamergate movement.

The original movement started with a unjustified attack on a female game developer dating a game reviewer. Gaming journalist started making articles talking about the extreme racism and sexism that's been prevalent in the gaming community and the fact that no one speaks on it. Gamers started lashing out at those game journalist for speaking on something that was true about the community and the journalists backed down like a bunch of bytches so now the racist feel vindicated in their racism.

The shyt has turned into full blown alt right trump supporters getting outraged at everything that's not marketed exclusively to white men.