I won't lie, I have an Android and I
at buying apps... though I know 'when' I get an iPhone I'll definitely be buying some apps. The only app I bought on Android is PDANet, and that's because I work overnight, tether, and need a https connection while I tether. Didn't want to root this phone.
It's kind of crazy how every time I step into an Android or iPhone thread people are always going hard for either one. There's so few partial opinions, which is hard for someone like me who has an allegiance to neither and just want a solid point of view.
These companies know how to really drive people apart
shiiieett, its like that in every genre though
phones?? iPhone vs android
gaming?? PS3 vs Xbox
cars/trucks?? chevy vs ford
pepsi vs coke..
Mac vs PC
shyt even in music I know dudes that will only roll with roland or only with korg or software vs hardware
people are SOO divisive. I just laugh at them
cuz I have NO allegiances to anyone.
I like what I like and go with that or just buy both
I have an MPC AND a maschine
I have a PS3 AND an Xbox
I have tech 12's AND traktor
I own a PC and a macbook
and honestly, if the phones weren't so expensive, or had these contracts handcuffing you to one or the other I'd probably own one iphone and one android
Shyt, I bought the HP touchbook just so I could put android on it. and I did like it. Just didn't really have any apps back then that I liked (over a year ago now)