I have no strings on me.
Like ive said before. Im sure nobody on here is that serious about the phone wars. Its all in fun, and im glad we All have choice. Tech is always going to be this way. But IMHO the beef will die down because i really dont see anything @BIG@ happening in the mobile space for sometime. I think you'll see alot of refinement( phones going for 3 days with no charge) etc. they'll up the specs, but most apps dont need much more than we have now. Outside of racing - most 3D games suck on mobile.
Now the day somebody comes on here n says " I stop messing with this girl because she had an android phone". Then we problems. Other than that its jusy talk.
Now the day somebody comes on here n says " I stop messing with this girl because she had an android phone". Then we problems. Other than that its jusy talk.