How much money are you guys spending on apps?
Hate all you want at the end of the day
iOS gets the apps first
iOS apps more more polished
iOS apps are more supported
iOS apps are updated faster
So you develop apps? I'm a responsive web designer/developer/programmer and I can tell you I spend 2x the time fixing bugs or browser sniffing/writing conditionals for iOS mobile webkit(possibly the worst browser rendering engine since trident in ie6-8). Parllaxing and other jquery need a lot of tweaking in iOS webkit. And although i dislike webkit in general, Android hasn't messed with the core of it as much as iOS had.
Name 1 iPhone that has a better screen for gaming than most high end android phones released since 2010Name 1 strictly android game that has graphics like i.e. infinity blade 2 on ios. Matter of fact name 1 strictly for android game that is worth playing
Name 1 iPhone that has a better screen for gaming than most high end android phones released since 2010
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Tell you one thing, since switching to android I hardly ever download apps
but whats the point of having a great screen if there are no games to play on it?
its like buying the latest LED TV and hooking a ps1 up to it
so data hawk is just gonna ignore this?
Temple Run developer compares iOS and Android | The Appside“In my mind, the App Store is a more civilised place and Google Play is a bit more like the wild-west,” says co-founder Keith Shepherd, who goes on to cite customer support as a key difference. “We see about 100 times the customer support issues on Android than on iOS . I think this really speaks to the challenges of developing in such a fragmented ecosystem. We’re constantly hearing about bugs on some random phone I’ve never heard of with some custom ROM version of Android that I’ve never heard of.”
Zombieville developer pulls out of Android | Martin Tripp AssociatesWe spent about 20% of our total man-hours last year dealing with Android in one way or another – porting, platform specific bug fixes, customer service, etc. I would have preferred spending that time on more content for you, but instead I was thanklessly modifying shaders and texture formats to work on different GPUs, or pushing out patches to support new devices without crashing, or walking someone through how to fix an installation that wouldn’t go through. We spent thousands on various test hardware. These are the unsung necessities of offering our apps on Android. Meanwhile, Android sales amounted to around 5% of our revenue for the year, and continues to shrink. Needless to say, this ratio is unsustainable.”
Part of that has been because iPhone users have shown themselves willing to pay for apps in a way that Android users so far have not