Anyone Who Agrees With Erykah Badu Is An Idiot

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
This is a straw man argument because this isn't just about predators and rapists tho. This mainly about what's appropriate and not appropriate to wear in a school environment. Short skirts and other provocative wear made to accentuate the body doesn't have a place in a school environment. You people are clouding the issue in order to dodge the point.
THIS is a strawman, because the article that prompted Erykah to make the tweets centered around the premise that provocative clothing distracts male teachers. It had nothing to do with what was appropriate or inappopriate for schools, and all about making teenage girls responsible for managing their male teacher's sexual urges. Big difference


May 1, 2012
THIS is a strawman, because the article that prompted Erykah to make the tweets centered around the premise that provocative clothing distracts male teachers. It had nothing to do with what was appropriate or inappopriate for schools, and all about making teenage girls responsible for managing their male teacher's sexual urges. Big difference
Well if the students are dressed in a way that distracts their teachers male or female then it's inappropriate genius. This idea that dheres something wrong with a man being distracted by a teen age girl dressed in a sexy provocative way is just silly. You don't have to be a predator to notice a girl who's dressed to get attention.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Well if the students are dressed in a way that distracts their teachers male or female then it's inappropriate genius. This idea that dheres something wrong with a man being distracted by a teen age girl dressed in a sexy provocative way is just silly. You don't have to be a predator to notice a girl who's dressed to get attention.
There is a difference between noticing and being "distracted" by, with the implication of "distracted" in this context referring to something sexual. Ultimately the responsibility isn't on the girl... it's on her parents to not buy or allow her to dress a certain way, and more importantly on the male teacher to control his urges and focus on his job. Short of burqas the possibility of "distractions" is always there... the onus is on the teachers to control themselves and do their jobs


Aug 25, 2015
THIS is a strawman, because the article that prompted Erykah to make the tweets centered around the premise that provocative clothing distracts male teachers. It had nothing to do with what was appropriate or inappopriate for schools, and all about making teenage girls responsible for managing their male teacher's sexual urges. Big difference

Just to play devil's advocate...

In the real world, in this society, what does a young lady who desires no sexual advances from men, gain from dressing in a provocative fashion?:jbhmm:

We keep talking about men and predators and creeps.

But what does she gain from it? Independence? Freedom of choice? :jbhmm:


May 1, 2012
There is a difference between noticing and being "distracted" by, with the implication of "distracted" in this context referring to something sexual. Ultimately the responsibility isn't on the girl... it's on her parents to not buy or allow her to dress a certain way, and more importantly on the male teacher to control his urges and focus on his job. Short of burqas the possibility of "distractions" is always there... the onus is on the teachers to control themselves and do their jobs
Obviously the teachers are expected to control themselves and they're hands off of the students but the point that people are debating is what is and isn't appropriate attire for students to wear to school.

Do you think that outfit is appropriate for 16-17 year old girls to be wearing to school?

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Of course clothing sends a message. But that doesn't give anyone the right to disrespect or assault anybody. Should CACs be able to call us thugs for dressing a certain way? Are you OK with cops violating black mens' rights for "fitting a description"? What's the difference?
But no one is suggesting that we should no longer (severly) punish molesters or people who commit rape or sexual assault. The reality of the matter is that we live in an imperfect world, and because we cannot 100% stop those crimes from taking place, there should be an onus on us to do what we can to mitigate them. I don't see how giving safety tips is tantamount to condoning crime. The real question is whether or not the tips are actually effective or not. As many people have said, women still get assaulted wearing non-provocative clothing, so there's an argument to be made there. But I don't think it's reasonable to suggest that clothing has no bearing on how we are perceived or treated, and I don't think anyone would be ok with pubescent girls wearing booty shorts to school. So obviously Erykah's point about clothing having an effect is valid. The point isn't to let these criminals who rape or molest off the hook, it's about regulating a social environment. She was talking about mitigating distraction, not crime.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Just to play devil's advocate...

In the real world, in this society, what does a young lady who desires no sexual advances from men, gain from dressing in a provocative fashion?:jbhmm:

We keep talking about men and predators and creeps.

But what does she gain from it? Independence? Freedom of choice? :jbhmm:
Same thing a man gets out of walking on the beach with his shirt off if he's in shape, stunting in a nice car, or in a breakdancing competition for nothing but a trophy or whatever.

Humans are social animals that like attention, and do things to get it. Humans also like to feel good about themselves, and getting positive feedback from the outside world for something like one's physical appearance is a normal thing :yeshrug: These are not complicated concepts.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
But no one is suggesting that we should no longer (severly) punish molesters or people who commit rape or sexual assault.
I am not so sure about that. I have heard brehs on here sympathize with dudes who assaulted women for not accepting their advances, or "disrespectfully" rejecting them. Quite a few brehs on here joke about rape as well.

The reality of the matter is that we live in an imperfect world, and because we cannot 100% stop those crimes from taking place, there should be an onus on us to do what we can to mitigate them. I don't see how giving safety tips is tantamount to condoning crime. The real question is whether or not the tips are actually effective or not. As many people have said, women still get assaulted wearing non-provocative clothing, so there's an argument to be made there. But I don't think it's reasonable to suggest that clothing has no bearing on how we are perceived or treated, and I don't think anyone would be ok with pubescent girls wearing booty shorts to school. So obviously Erykah's point about clothing having an effect is valid. The point isn't to let these criminals who rape or molest off the hook, it's about regulating a social environment. She was talking about mitigating distraction, not crime.
The tips aren't effective.

Google Answers: Statistics: Rape cases & how the clothes of the victim is blamed?

Sexual Violence Myths: Provocative Clothing Is A Risk Factor - ConsentEd

The talk of provocative clothing prompting sexual assault is just a distraction and a way to blame women for getting raped/assaulted, as well as avoid the elephant in the room, which is the discussion about what causes men to commit these crimes in the first place. All these people claim to be concerned about the women but never want to discuss what causes rapists to rape... they just accept it as a given that isn't to be discussed or examined.


Aug 29, 2013
Of course clothing sends a message. But that doesn't give anyone the right to disrespect or assault anybody. Should CACs be able to call us thugs for dressing a certain way? Are you OK with cops violating black mens' rights for "fitting a description"? What's the difference?
No. But I wasn't arguing that.

Knuckles Red

Jun 22, 2015
OP makes some good points. It seems as though, on this website, women are always held up to standards that men aren't in terms of taking responsibility for their actions. Just like Treyvon Martin shouldn't have been targeted and shot for the way he was dressed, a woman shouldn't be harassed or raped for the way she's dressed. There's something about this culture that has some men feeling entitled to women's bodies, and that's really the bigger issue here. Some guys walk around with their whole ass out. I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate some gay dude running up and grabbing their ass. A woman shouldn't have to bend over backwards to accommodate some mans inability to control himself.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
OP makes some good points. It seems as though, on this website, women are always held up to standards that men aren't in terms of taking responsibility for their actions. Just like Treyvon Martin shouldn't have been targeted and shot for the way he was dressed, a woman shouldn't be harassed or raped for the way she's dressed. There's something about this culture that has some men feeling entitled to women's bodies, and that's really the bigger issue here. Some guys walk around with their whole ass out. I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate some gay dude running up and grabbing their ass. A woman shouldn't have to bend over backwards to accommodate some mans inability to control himself.

What is right and what is reailty is not the same thing.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Wasn't gonna respond to everyone in this thread:

So I decided to create a separate one just to air my grievances about this flawed ass logic that girls/women should dress a certain way in order to avoid being violated/attacked.

It doesn't matter what a woman/girl wears. They can and are often subjected to objectification, harassment, etc. by men just for being of the opposite sex. I know first-hand since I've experienced these things from the beginning stages of puberty to now. And I was ALWAYS fully clothed; usually wore hoodies, jeans, and t-shirts.

Even women in the Middle East whom wear hijabs (a clothing item that covers everything but their eyes) are sexually assaulted and raped.

Why isn't the onus being put on predators to stop being fukking predators? Or for creeps to stop being fukking creeps? Why is Erykah talking about men as if y'all are barbaric creatures that are controlled by their dikks and incapable of acting like civilized human beings? :dahell:

What about boys who get targeted and abused? Should they watch what they wear as well to prevent the same fate? Don't y'all see how fukking stupid this sounds? The focus should be punishing the people who target the victims, not dictating what the victims wear as if that's somehow correlated to a pervert's attraction to them.

She has a point.

The debate shouldn't be that Women can be and are subjected to sexual harassment, no matter what they wear..

The debate is when women like Amber Rose and Kim Kardashian are out here half naked, making sexually suggestive posts on Instagram, while objectifying THEMSELVES as good for nothing more than to serve as cum-buckets, have the GALL to act upset that they are being treated like whores. Even some of these ratchet women who want to reverse shame someone like Ayesha Curry for speaking common fukking sense about female decency simply don't get the point.

Does ANY woman deserve to be sexually harassed/assaulted? fukk NO and the fool who commits such atrocities should be held to the full extent of the law.

Do women who objectify THEMSELVES as sexual objects need to FULLY recognize and accept that the world will treat them as they so have chosen to be portrayed? fukk YES