King Kreole
natural blondie like goku
True true, the Coli is a pretty fukked up place and I wouldn't be surprised at that going on here at all. I should have spoken for myself.I am not so sure about that. I have heard brehs on here sympathize with dudes who assaulted women for not accepting their advances, or "disrespectfully" rejecting them. Quite a few brehs on here joke about rape as well.
Yeah I'm familiar with these stats, which is why the whole "what was she wearing" or "she was asking for it" line of reasoning is inherently flawed. But I do think the "covering up to mitigate sexual assault" argument is an honest assumption people make, even if it is wrong, because it intuitively makes sense to most people. Not many people are criminal psychologists. Most people consider rape/sexual assault as being an extreme extension of natural arousal, so cutting down the signs that engage natural arousal should reduce the risk of a rapist/assaulter going after you. I think that's the internal logic at play here. But it is flawed, because a lot of the dynamic between the rapist and his victim is based on power, not conventional arousal.The tips aren't effective.
Google Answers: Statistics: Rape cases & how the clothes of the victim is blamed?
Sexual Violence Myths: Provocative Clothing Is A Risk Factor - ConsentEd
The talk of provocative clothing prompting sexual assault is just a distraction and a way to blame women for getting raped/assaulted, as well as avoid the elephant in the room, which is the discussion about what causes men to commit these crimes in the first place. All these people claim to be concerned about the women but never want to discuss what causes rapists to rape... they just accept it as a given that isn't to be discussed or examined.
Obviously we live in a patriarchal society, so that informs a lot of our ugly preconceived notions w/r/t women and their sexuality, but even parents are saying this, so I don't think this whole topic can all be reduced to misogyny or hatred of the female victim. I do think there needs to be more social programming done with boys so as to alter whatever latent and systemic beliefs that can lead to rape/sexual assault. Even if that wouldn't erase the problem and create a society with no rapes or sexual assaults, it would hopefully reduce them. I honestly don't know what causes men to rape or go past socially prescribed bounds to harass women.
All that being said, I still think there is room for modesty in this discussion. What Erykah was discussing wasn't criminal assaults/rapes, it was general inter-gender relations and social decorum. We have to reckon with our biological imperatives. At the risk of sounding like a gross creep, a fully developed 16 or 17 year old is not really much different physically from a fully developed 19 year old. In fact, for the entirety of human history up until last century, they were deemed fair game. We're on the extreme end of life span, with the oldest children in human history. Biology isn't in lockstep with social rules. Does this mean a teacher should be allowed to pursue his 16 year old student? Of course not, for a host of reasons. But pretending like only a pervert would be attracted to a fully developed 16 year old is silly. Pretending like a 16 year old boy wouldn't be attracted to a 16 year old girl is even more ludicrous. That attraction is often enhanced by our presentation and clothing. Saying girls and boys should be able to wear whatever they want without being sexualized is ignorant to me. Assaulted, yes. Sexualized, . Sexualization is more benign and controllable than assault. This shouldn't just be an issue for the girls to deal with either. Social rules should be enforcing these boundaries.