I'll keep saying it...
and if you're a true weedhead (smoke it all the time) there's no such thing as "a month break" or "I'll just cut down" or "I'll just smoke every now and then" because as soon as you "just smoke one" you'll go right back to smoking it all the time. This is a guarantee.
I quit everything a few years ago and I can make a 10 paragraph post about how much better life is but I won't. (Already made a thread about it)
The levels of success you'll achieve is unimaginable, relationships, sex, self esteem, self respect, more money, people telling you how great you look and on and on...
Even if you have to seek help do it. Some things we can't do alone and men have issues with pride. Pride will kill you if you let it.
The first few weeks will be rough but once the dust settles and you start learning how to live life on life's terms trust me...