Look my grandparents were beaten and shot at, for the right to vote, so I'm not going to be so apathetic and casually throw away a right that we have fought for. If voting doesn't mean anything then why are Republicans so adamant on reforming voter laws and forcing people to require government ID, that many impoverished people just simply cannot afford. Why do they send false letters to the ghetto misleading people and telling them to vote somewhere that has no polls. Why are they trying to disallow absentee ballots, if voting doesn't mean anything? Because it's clearly extremely important. Far more important than being an armchair activist that talks about Obama burning babies alive and how we're all brainwashed, yet you have no input in the political process. Do you think not voting makes you any less a pawn in the game, do you find yourself so more enlightened by not being involved in the process. I'm sure there is some candidate who represents your beliefs, it does not have to be Obama or Romney, it doesn't have to be A or B, but if you don't vote for C, C will never be on the ballot and people won't realize they have other choices.