notice Yangs agenda for everything is UBI is the answer. Now we all know one thing is never the answer to everything. thats with anything in life. but it is one of the answers, i will agree with him on that. and more time that passes it will become a much larger part of the answer.
i'm posting the same thing in here i posted in the other two threads. this aint spam. this is something every voting age person should Have to watch/listen to before they place a vote. you dont have to have his stance but you sure as hell need to know your history and be able to see how it repeats itself. and why things are the way they are including our ideas and thoughts when it comes to democracy, politics, economics, education.
All bernie stans,warren stans,yang gangers, and basically anyone that isnt ultra rich needs to take time out of their day to watch this below video from 2015. This is our america. the real thing. all the bs aside. this isnt based on opinion, its based on historical and current day evidence. this is why Bernie out of all choices is by far the only choice.
and its not even close.
I dare anyone who actually cares about their country and not just themselves to actually take the time to watch the ENTIRE video and dont make a single comment before you're done. There is no way you can choose any other candidate after watching that're cool with most people starving while you eat aka You're a selfish. end of story.
***Please Please, keep the volumn low, there are 2 or 3 loud moments where it could blow out your ears. something happened with the audio***
and I can't give you the cliff notes to this because this in a nutshell is the cliffnotes to basic american capitalist/democracy/the people/voting/power/economic history. he shortened it and gave us this as the cliff notes. i cant cliff note the cliff notes otherwise you will miss something of importance. shoot the man even dives into the education system in america towards the end. he covered it all.