where you from?
where you from?
How long does it normally take to get your tribe results back from GEDMatch?
My results from 23&me.....What I really found interesting is how low my Native American ancestry is but my maternal haplogroup is Amerindian...that lets u know your parental/maternal lineages don't really matter (my paternal is Euro) or maybe this whole DNA thing has a long way to go...what if my haplogroup found in the Americas really isn't "Amerindian" ...this one black lady hit me up on there with some Hebrew Israelite info like "this will tell u more about your mother's haplogroup" ......what if she's right
Aren't your parents AfricanI wonder if Im the only one on here who was 100% African
My results from 23&me.....What I really found interesting is how low my Native American ancestry is but my maternal haplogroup is Amerindian...that lets u know your paternal/maternal lineages don't really matter (my paternal is Euro) or maybe this whole DNA thing has a long way to go...what if my haplogroup found in the Americas really isn't "Amerindian" ...this one black lady hit me up on there with some Hebrew Israelite info like "this will tell u more about your mother's haplogroup" ......what if she's right
The thing that is the most surprising and amazing to me about the DNA testing is how many African ethnic groups genes that we carry. The Gedmatch stuff blew me away, because when you do stuff like the PuntDNAL calculator you will see that the slaves brought into the Western Hemisphere are actually descended from a lot of different African ethnic groups including the Ethiopians, Hausa, Kaba, Fulani, Somalians, Zulus, Berbers, Egyptians, on and on and on. For whatever reason we always think about the slaves being only from West Africa, which is where they were captured; but DNA testing is showing that the slaves ancestors were from the East and North in Africa.
Just got my results back
My Parents are from the Island of Dominica. On my mother's side is where I'm guessing the 1% European (Greece/Italy) seeing that I carry an Italian Surname but my pops told me his pops was Mulatto? My family has been in Dominica, at least since the 1700s, with Scottish ancestry in Trinidad, Jamaica and Dominica(Father's linage).
Benin and Togo?
Africa Southeastern Bantu
Gedmatch was confusing as hell to me, but pretty much I shared DNA with a lot of Malian tribes (not surprised since thats where my ancestors come from before moving into present day Liberia/Ivory Coast). So Dogon in my match on Gedmatch and was like
During the time a lot of Italians migrated away from italy a lot of em went to DR and PR too... ik a few ricans with italian surnames.
Anyways im def interested in this...will check it out one day.