I didn't say it was crappy, but the PS4 specs are flat out better. There's nothing to spin there.
MS goal was always to be the center of the living room. My father had one of those garbage ass web tv shyts and it was indeed trash.
like the PS3 was used to get bluray into homes (same as the PS2 did with DVDs), MS is using the Xbox to be the center of the living room. I think a standalone kinect type roku/appletv box would be great by itself, but I don't even think you would disagree that the way the conference was presented showed games as being secondary with the XB1.
And to basically not shoot down any of the horrible rumors (which ended up being true I might add ) has pissed off their fanbase.
Getting rid of Peter Moore was one of the dumbest things they did. MS is trying to fight a battle with not just Sony and Nintendo, but HTPCs, Roku, Apple and Google with their streaming devices. To spit in the face of the Xbox fanbase with this shyt was dumb.
E3 will prove they haven't spat in anyone's face. When they announce Ryse, Forza, and whatever the "historic" rare project is as launch titles, gamers will be thoroughly satisfied.
Games being "secondary" is just a media buzzword for clicks. We all know multiplats will be on Xbox for sure, and so far the two new IPs we know about for Xbox look far better than the two we know about for ps4
Xbox One will revolutionize the way we interact with games and entertainment. You are being a total hater if you say that stuff they showed on stage didn't look cool. Even if you don't watch TV or football, that's the type of interaction that we have always thought of as "futuristic".
All the "always online" "no used games" stuff is a little disconcerting but the benefits of that are amazing. The fact that I can sit down in front of my friends xbox and say "Xbox play halo 6" and my profile and saved games come up instantly and ready to go.

My entire library of games on my home system ready to go without changing discs or waiting for load times, updates, etc.
I'll take innovative functionality like that over the ability to trade games with my friends anyday.