Ana Kasparian says blacks should toughen up and become bilingual so they can compete on the job market.


Aug 17, 2014
Im black and watching you nikkas bytch and moan about immigrants taking peasant class jobs is infuriating.

Normally when you have to announce you’re Black, you more than likely may not be (But you could be the exception). But, yeah I agree with this statement. fukk them jobs and focus on being highly skilled. I will never understand fighting for low wage positions.
Did you fukk ni66as miss the part that the question was framed specifically around black people's children? You know, jobs that typically teenagers go for?? Ol' pull yourself up by the bootstrap bootlickers.

AyBrehHam Linkin

First Black Brehsident
Feb 14, 2015
NYC and Chicago are already like that. latinos passed the black population last year and on top of that Chicago is where the Mexican carte;s drug operations were headquarted. Imagine that, Mexicans literally just walked into Chiraq and took over in 20 years. made money off Chicago black folks, while blaming us for the violence that they brought. How black folks get most of the blame regarding crime in Chicago confuses me, it's the HQ of the mexican cartel,

Mexican\Latino gangs and the cartel been deep in Chicago since the 50s atleast


Dec 2, 2012
Fukk you Marxist books and you are not deep at all.

TYT were huge Bernie Sanders supporter from 2015 and beyond. But will say that is not Left enough.
So reading books is marxist now? What a fukking loser.


Jul 25, 2018
You are a Black man in America talking about the left being soft on crime when Black males have an astronomical incarceration rates.

My goodness we are doomed as a people with Negros like you falling for the White Supremacist bullshyt.

Oh @saturn7 is one of the OG all stars of phony militant white power sympathizing black c00nservative coli nikkas. This dude defended Yvette Carnell like the second coming of Malcolm X when it was revealed she was a front for a far right wing anti-immigrant white supremacist group, and called Ann fukking Coulter a great ally of black Americans.

There's a whole clique of nikkas on this forum who are obvious cornball Republicans even though they claim to resent both sides since being a lieing disingenuous partisan hack scumbag is just part of being conservative. This clique dedicates themselves 10 times more to stoking up hatred towards "Democrats" "liberals" and especially liberal coalitions like lgbt Americans and immigrants, than actually fighting white supremacists, who they try their best to distract from (but what about Democrats!!!) and roll over like little puppy dogs for.

It's sad the dishonest hackery you have to do in order to be a conservative, let alone a black one.

And lol at Ana Kasparin of all people being some poster child of liberalism and the Democrat Party lmao. Shes basically the PAWG version of a smart-dumb fake revolutionary coli nicca. This pearl clutching bytch would spit on you for even implying she has some committed allegiance to Democrats. She literally hates just about every Democrat alive and is constantly looking for excuses to not vote for them. She holds Democrats to the same ridiculous, pompous, one sided standards while pretending Republicans are entitled to play politics and be horrible to humanity, just like you hear from so-called both siders. This chick been one election away to switching to "Independent" and im assuming she aint there already, or wont go full fukking Republican. At this point id rather watch Fox News than the Young fukkin Turks with all their bullshyt disingenuous concern trolling over Democrats winning election, as if we ain't been kicking Republican ass in every general and special election since 2020.

Her fukking employer and her boss is currently making a bid to run against Biden, in the hopes that his disruption will show Democrat voters how awful Joe Biden is compared to Trump and force Biden to step down. I'm surprised the nikka ain't a fan. Saturn7 should be celebrating her as someone "telling the truth about the Dem party."

Thread is hilarious.


Jul 25, 2018
Both sides want to ban shyt. Both sides want violence. One side wants to be allowed to carry guns for violence. I’m sticking to the gun side while y’all fight over letting trannies stand up and pee in the stall next to ya daughter :mjlol:

What violence does the left want.

Also one side wants to make sure you and people like you have no rights or social, political, and financial mobility. But oh they got guns and are bigots towards gays too so you'll run to conservative zaddy like your savior. Funny how all that goal post setting about "laws specifically for black Americans" goes out the windows when its time to suck Republicans. Typical black c00nservative cornball. Yall actually believe these simple minded right wing tropes about "rugged conservative men" as opposed to "soyboy liberals." shyt type gay. It's like yall niccas looking out for a date rather than your fuking political interest.


Jul 25, 2018
What the fukk does does affordable housing and not being oppressive to lgbtq people have to do with whatever the fukk you’re talking about in this post?

Could you like attempt to read a book or educate yourself and not be a lm reactionary loser? :heh:

You’re completely out of your depth, all that right wing propaganda has turned ur brain to mush sir

You’re fighting like hell to put someone in a leftist category that they themselves don’t even believe they belong in based on their own beliefs. It’s absurd, because you don't even remotely understand basic political ideology in the first place. You've done zero reading or research on the subject.

This nikka talks like hes some stalwart activist for reparations--a far far FAR leftist idea that the Republicans he wants to root for so badly are working very hard to make unlawful. But If someone were to call him a "woke" socialist leftist for what he's supposedlu fighting for he would work his ASS off to impress white folks and reassure them that he is no true theeat. He hates both sides. He doesn't identify as liberal or Democrat at all. Other than black people he is pretty much diametrically opposed to civil rights, especially for immigrants and lgbt people. He believes in nationalism and patriotism above inclusion, and critical thought.

But somehow this nikka can't imagine how someone who stands for certain liberal ideals when it's convenient to them can otherwise be a whole entire right wing douchebag.

You're right. The guy has your milquetoast conservative-fed view of what liberals and liberalism is. A rabid mob of pompous, delusional, amoral people "forcing" beliefs on him and society, as opposed to the noble Republican Christian Conservative he clearly identifies as more. shyt has rotted his mind so much he really believes there is no diversity or nuance in politics outside of his fukking hashtag.


Politics is an EXCHANGE!!!
May 25, 2012
DMV Freedman
This nikka talks like hes some stalwart activist for reparations--a far far FAR leftist idea that the Republicans he wants to root for so badly are working very hard to make unlawful. But If someone were to call him a "woke" socialist leftist for what he's supposedlu fighting for he would work his ASS off to impress white folks and reassure them that he is no true theeat. He hates both sides. He doesn't identify as liberal or Democrat at all. Other than black people he is pretty much diametrically opposed to civil rights, especially for immigrants and lgbt people. He believes in nationalism and patriotism above inclusion, and critical thought.

But somehow this nikka can't imagine how someone who stands for certain liberal ideals when it's convenient to them can otherwise be a whole entire right wing douchebag.

You're right. The guy has your milquetoast conservative-fed view of what liberals and liberalism is. A rabid mob of pompous, delusional, amoral people "forcing" beliefs on him and society, as opposed to the noble Republican Christian Conservative he clearly identifies as more. shyt has rotted his mind so much he really believes there is no diversity or nuance in politics outside of his fukking hashtag.





I'm busy now but I'll be back to dismantle your weak bullshyt.
I've been consistent on here. Fukk you little bytch I have never posted or done anything to impress no white folks and reassure them that I am no true theeat.

How the fukk am I doing that when I am consistently promoting NAAGA?
A Black organization focusing on increasing Black gun ownership and self-Defense skills.

I'm still a registered Democrat who has voted for the Green Party in the last two Presidential Elections. I've posted the picture of my Ballot from 2020 on here.

I've probably done more for the marginalized groups you claim I hate than your punk ass has.

You nikkas are so far up the Virtue Signaling Left's ass crack your brains melt when confronted with views that don't 200% line up with yours.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012




I'm busy now but I'll be back to dismantle your weak bullshyt.
I've been consistent on here. Fukk you little bytch I have never posted or done anything to impress no white folks and reassure them that I am no true theeat.

How the fukk am I doing that when I am consistently promoting NAAGA?
A Black organization focusing on increasing Black gun ownership and self-Defense skills.

I'm still a registered Democrat who has voted for the Green Party in the last two Presidential Elections. I've posted the picture of my Ballot from 2020 on here.

I've probably done more for the marginalized groups you claim I hate than your punk ass has.

You nikkas are so far up the Virtue Signaling Left's ass crack your brains melt when confronted with views that don't 200% line up with yours.

Dont waste your time,he will just post the same identical script calling you an undercover republican. Its literally his go to move for everyone,which gives it zero credibility now if it ever had any. Sad part is he works at a Democrat headquarters/news station. Yet fails to actually ever post any news,dynamic point of views,mic drop worthy rebuttals,or irrefutable facts.:mjlol:
We simply use him as a cautionary tale of what life on the democratic plantation does to the mind:respect:
Dec 19, 2017
See this is what I find hilarious about this site.

A thread like this will get made after PASSPORT BROS threads get bombarded month after month.

Being bilingual is a skill you can learn if you really wanted to. But it’s Not a competitive advantage because most jobs don’t require it.

Does she mean bilingual = any language or just learning Spanish?

How does it help you in any higher level job. You think they really care about speaking Spanish at Google?
Dec 19, 2017
If I'm not mistaken, her husband is hispanic (mexican I think). I've noticed that women, especially white women, who marry into hispanic households turn into some of the most racist fukks the world has ever seen. She was probably racist before but that whole set-up really makes them turn that shyt to 11.
Chicken or egg.

Most white women will date white men by default but will swirl with either Latinos or Black men. Rare for a white woman to like both kinds.

The classy redneck types love Latino men. It's like Diet Negro for them.