Bro. I remember the Bush years. I was an adult for all but 2 of them.
This Trump era is a lot closer to fascism than that era...
Kids locked up in cages? Checks
Forced sterilizations? Check
Concentration/Internment Camps? Check
Ethnic Travel Bans? Check
Deportations? Check
Needless Mass Death? Check
Obsession with "Law & Order"? Check
Disdain towards the arts, humanities,and sciences? Check.
Racist gaslighting? Check.
Secret police forces disappearing protestors amd shooting moms in the head with rubber bullets? Check.
We're not at torture stage yet. Nor are we at the jailing of critics or political adversaries. You don't want to be. You don't want fascism.
You don't want you critical comment of Donald Trump to lead to a situation where you could be jailed and/or tortured.
You don't want to have to "show your papers" to some military goon with no badge and no identifying elements.
You don't want to have your President/leader side with secret military/police.
This is what I am talking about with Americans not understanding fascism. If you think that we are not more dangerously close to it now than in are underestimating what it really is.
There was quite a bit of this:
The monitoring of every mosque in America, the kidnapping of activists, the reintroduction of travel restrictions, mass death, racist gaslighting disguised as religious conservatism, secret police, the defunding of education and arts programs, deportations and internment camps all existed at that time - not to mention the US was actively flouting every international treaty preventing asymmetrical warfare - killing literally hundreds of thousands of people, and reintroducing military imperialism in Africa and the Middle East.
We were already torturing - and the literal legal structure used to justify all of it came from Carl Schmitt the Nazi legal academic - who John Yoo was a fan of.
The media suppression of national jail and prison strikes, the continued killings of Black men and women in poverty, the corruption that undermined the Black community's wealth, the mass graves that were found in Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico - this all happened in the Bush years.
It was 15-20 years ago so a lot of people have forgotten - but it was a horrible, horrible time.